similar to: gnumeric/goffice: defective RPM from rpmforge ???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "gnumeric/goffice: defective RPM from rpmforge ???"

2008 Jul 26
Re: Gnumeric rpm
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:13 AM, Iain Lee <menelaus at> wrote: > Paul, > > Thanks your contribution, I too miss gnumeric. However, I get these errors > and the installed gnumeric crashes on opening a gnumeric file: > > ============================================================================= > Package Arch Version
2008 Jun 08
R and Gnumeric
Hi, I just read the "Embedding R in Gnumeric" idea at On my side, I intend to add as many statistics related plot types to the current gnumeric charting engine as possible. We already have boxplots and partial support for histograms. My immediate plans are to finish the histogram code and add probability plots
2008 Jul 24
You didn't give me some packages, so now I'm giving you some! R, TexLive, LyX, Gnumeric, etc.
I want up-to-dateish versions of TexLive, R, gnumeric, emacs, but on a more-or-less stable base of Centos-5.2. I asked for packages in this, but got no answers. So now I've built them and will let you try them if you want. I used the source packages from Fedora 8 and 9. I wanted TexLive because many of us have jumped ship to Ubuntu Linux 8.04 and it does offer TexLive, and the compatability
2004 Dec 20
R and Gnumeric?
Hi all, A hopefully quick query. I was reading a posting over at on the latest release of Gnumeric 1.4: There is a mention there: Improved accuracy: While Gnumeric 1.2 was already the best available source for accuracy in statistical calculations, Gnumeric 1.4 is even better. We are cooperating with The R Project to
2004 Feb 26
Gnumeric - 1 Excel - ?
Hi all, As happens from time to time, discussions on this list appear regarding the use of popular spreadsheets for statistical analysis. One such thread (post of mine) is here: While not advocating such use, these discussions have referenced articles that provide independent reviews of these applications and issues of accuracy, etc.
2007 Oct 23
gnumeric on CentOS 5
I'm trying to install Gnumeric using the kbsingh RPMs. Has anyone been able to use these with CentOS 5? Loading "installonlyn" plugin Setting up Install Process Setting up repositories kbs-Extras-i386 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 kbs-Misc-i386 100% |=========================| 951 B 00:00 updates 100%
2011 Sep 10
Where do I find a gnumeric rpm? I must not have enough repos listed. (I recently had to rebuild my system pretty much from scratch. :( )
2007 Apr 29
Hi, I am looking for gnumeric rpms for CentOS5. Any suggestion? -- Thanks
2009 Jun 01
stock openjdk vs. epel
If you have the epel repo installed and enabled during a yum update, you get java-1.6.0-openjdk- instead of the stock .b09 version. Is this intentional and desirable? I thought epel generally did not replace stock components with newer versions. -- Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
2005 May 19
Hi, I am trying to install Gnumeric in CentOS 4 and I can't. It complains about quite a few dependencies failing. It suggested installing some postgresql librairies, openldap librairies... I did that, now I still get: dependencies failed: libmdb/libmdbsq/libsqlite/libxbase/libtds. Is there a yum repository that has them or a yum repository for gnumeric? I have tried Dag, he does not, he
2010 Mar 15
Packages gnumeric and xlsReadWrite
Both packages are listed on the website, but neither installs here: gnumeric: ... Cannot find xml2-config ERROR: configuration failed for package ?XML? * Removing ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/XML? * Installing *source* package ?gnumeric? ... ** R ** preparing package for lazy loading Warning in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc = lib.loc) : there is no package
2005 Mar 31
Where is gnumeric in CentOS 4
The release notes state that gnumeric has been included in this distribution. Was it forgotten? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: joe-harb.vcf Type: text/x-vcard Size: 298 bytes Desc: not available URL: <>
2007 Dec 19
speed and connection problems after samba upgrade - RH 5 -> RH 5.1, samba 3.0.23c -> 3.0.25b
Hi, recently we upgraded a central RHEL 5 fileserver to the latest RH EL 5.1 rpms, including samba. (samba-3.0.23c-2.el5.2 update to samba-3.0.25b-1.el5_1.4) Now some users have the problem, that opening a word or excel file saved on a samba share takes up to 30 seconds. Today I could verify this on the users desktop XP PC. This problem occures only from time to time, so it may be also a
2011 Oct 18
Wine no works in lubuntu
i install wine 1.3 from synaptic and later i tried from terminal, but no works. i need help. :/
2008 Jan 13
Missing autofs update for C5?
Hi, the last released autofs update for Centos 5 is version autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.55.el5.1. On 2007-12-20 upstream released version autofs-5.0.1-0.rc2.55.el5.2. As several other updates were released in the meantime maybe the autofs update has been overlooked? Best regards, Bernd.
2012 Jul 11
PCI-Passthrough suddenly stopped working
Hi everybody! On a Centos 5.8 with libvirt qemu-0.10.5-1.el5.2, libvirt-0.8.2-22.el5 and 2.6.18-308.11.1.el5 I have a Windows machine that used to have pci-passthrough for a device enabled and working. After an update (kernel, libvirt afaik) and a reboot, pci-passthrough stopped working. Intel IOMMU is enabled (can see that from the dmesg output). All i get on the console when i try to start
1999 Jul 24
[RHSA-1999:023-01] Potential security problem in gnumeric 0.23
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hat, Inc. Security Advisory Synopsis: Potential security problem in gnumeric 0.23 Advisory ID: RHSA-1999:023-01 Issue date: 1999-07-23 Keywords: gnumeric security --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Topic: A potential security problem has been fixed in the gnumeric spreadsheet
2008 Jan 14
CentOS-announce Digest, Vol 35, Issue 6
Send CentOS-announce mailing list submissions to centos-announce at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to centos-announce-request at You can reach the person managing the list at centos-announce-owner at When
2008 Jun 03
ycl repository NOT FOUND (needed for gnumeric install)
When yum tries to acces yjl repository, it gets back Not Found The requested URL /yum/yjl/el5/i386/yjl-misc/repodata/repomd.xml was not found on this server. Few days ago everything was OK. This repository is needed for the gnumeric install on CentoOS 5.1. Is there an alternate repo available for the
2013 Apr 15
gnumeric spreadsheets for US taxes
For years I've been doing my (US) taxes, along with the state and local taxes, using gnumeric. I decided I should share what I've done with others. So grab the package if you want... from: <>