similar to: Creating Better Table in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80 matches similar to: "Creating Better Table in R"

2012 Apr 09
Summary Statistics Help
Hi, I would really appreciate all the help I can get. Unfortunately, I am really new to statistics! I hope you guys don't mind this. I am trying to find significance levels, beta, R, R squared, adjusted R squared, standard error and t test. FILE datpat.csv Variables (written exactly as in the Excel file) I am trying to examine are :
2012 Mar 19
Loading Dataset into R continual issue
Hi, this is related to academic research I am trying to conduct. Please pardon my lack of socialization for this forum. For my project, I had to combine two different datasets, Democracy dataset from Pippa Norris and World Bank Patents dataset. My issue arrises from just loading the file into R. My colleagues proficient in R have been stumped as well. Often times the file would seem to load
2003 Apr 30
Bug in arima?
I'm using the fixed argument in arima. Shouldn't ar4, ar5, and ar6 display as zero in the output? Call: arima(x = window(log(hhprice), start = c(1990, 1), end = c(2003, 3)), order = c(7, 1, 0), xreg = window(ts.union(exa1 = lag(exa, -1), exa12 = lag(exa, -12), exb1 = lag(exb, -1), exc1 = lag(exc, -1), exc12 = lag(exc, -12)), start = c(1990, 1), end = c(2003, 3)),
2006 Mar 16
DIfference between weights options in lm GLm and gls.
Dear R-List users, Can anyone explain exactly the difference between Weights options in lm glm and gls? I try the following codes, but the results are different. > lm1 Call: lm(formula = y ~ x) Coefficients: (Intercept) x 0.1183 7.3075 > lm2 Call: lm(formula = y ~ x, weights = W) Coefficients: (Intercept) x 0.04193 7.30660 > lm3 Call:
2009 Aug 02
Inaccurate complex arithmetic of R (Matlab is accurate)
Dear All, Hans Borchers and I have been trying to compute "exact" derivatives in R using the idea of complex-step derivatives that Hans has proposed. This is a really, really cool idea. It gives "exact" derivatives with only a minimal effort (same as that involved in computing first-order forward-difference derivative). Unfortunately, we cannot implement this in R as the
2013 Jul 23
[LLVMdev] Enabling the SLP vectorizer by default for -O3
Hi, Sorry for the delay in response. I measured the code size change and noticed small changes in both directions for individual programs. I found a 30k binary size growth for the entire testsuite + SPEC. I attached an updated performance report that includes both compile time and performance measurements. Thanks, Nadav On Jul 14, 2013, at 10:55 PM, Nadav Rotem <nrotem at>
2002 Aug 20
About lm()
Dear Mr. and Mrs. I'm very grateful for these software and this list. My question is: when a use linear multiple regression (lm()) for my data, abundance ichthyoplankton ~ salinity + temperature + month of the year(f1 is a factor: 1 for january, 2 for february, ..., 12 for december), the summary() of results is ... Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
2006 Sep 21
Exponentiate a matrix
Suppose I have a square matrix P P <- matrix(c(.3,.7, .7, .3), ncol=2) I know that > P * P Returns the element by element product, whereas > P%*%P Returns the matrix product. Now, P^2 also returns the element by element product. But, is there a slick way to write P %*% P %*% P Obviously, P^3 does not return the result I expect. Thanks, Harold [[alternative HTML version
2008 Dec 17
Greetings, I'd be grateful if a good Samaritan helps me to approach this problem.... with my data, I've created the following model lm(formula = OUTCOME ~ VAR1 + VAR2) summary(model) Call: lm(formula = OUTCOME ~ VAR1 + VAR2) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.4341 -0.3621 0.1879 0.4994 0.7696 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1.89020
2012 Apr 26
How does .Fortran "dqrls" work?
Hi, all. I want to write some functions like glm() so i studied it. In, it calls a fortran subroutine named "dqrfit" to compute least squares solutions to the system x * b = y To learn how "dqrfit" works, I just follow how glm() calls "dqrfit" by my own example, my codes are given below: > qr <- >
2004 Jan 19
qda problem
Hi, the following strange error appears when I use qda: > qda1 <- qda([cvtrain,]),as.factor(traingroups)) Error: function is not a closure That's also strange: > qda1 <- qda(mfilters[cvtrain,],as.factor(traingroups)) Error in qda.default(mfilters[cvtrain, ], as.factor(traingroups)) : length of dimnames must match that of dims Some backgroud: >
2004 Jun 17
Using predict.lm()
Greetings, Following the example in help(predict.lm): x <- rnorm(15) y <- x + rnorm(15) new <- data.frame(x = seq(-3, 3, 0.5)) predict(lm(y ~ x), new) predicts the response elements corresponding to new$x as can be viewed by: plot(x,y) lines(new$x,predict(lm(y ~ x), new)) I am trying to extend this fitting and prediction over a variety of factors as
2004 Oct 04
Using model operator in stepwise function's upper scope formula
Hello: I am doing forward stepwise analysis on the glm model. I am trying to use model operator in the "upper" scope formula, for example, scope=list(lower=~1,upper=~ .^2) but the upper bound of the scope seems to be ignored and add1 is not performed at all, while if the terms are explicitly listed in the formula, the step function seems to work
2010 Aug 12
Regression Error: Otherwise good variable causes singularity. Why?
This command cdmoutcome<- glm(log(value)~factor(year) > +log(gdppcpppconst)+log(gdppcpppconstAII) > +log(co2eemisspc)+log(co2eemisspcAII) > +log(dist) > +fdiboth > +odapartnertohost > +corrupt > +log(infraindex) > +litrate > +africa >
2013 Jul 15
[LLVMdev] Enabling the SLP vectorizer by default for -O3
On Jul 14, 2013, at 9:52 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner at> wrote: > > On Jul 13, 2013, at 11:30 PM, Nadav Rotem <nrotem at> wrote: > >> Hi, >> >> LLVM’s SLP-vectorizer is a new pass that combines similar independent instructions in a straight-line code. It is currently not enabled by default, and people who want to experiment with it
2008 Nov 19
GAMM and anove.lme question
Greetings all The help file for GAMM in mgcv indicates that the log likelihood for a GAMM reported using summary(my.gamm$lme) (as an example) is not correct. However, in a past R-help post (included below), there is some indication that the likelihood ratio test in anova.lme(mygamm$lme, mygamm1$lme) is valid. How can I tell if anova.lme results are meaningful (are AIC, BIC, and logLik
2007 May 06
A function for raising a matrix to a power?
Hi, Is there a function for raising a matrix to a power? For example if you like to compute A%*%A%*%A, is there an abbreviation similar to A^3? Atte Tenkanen > A=rbind(c(1,1),c(-1,-2)) > A [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 1 [2,] -1 -2 > A^3 [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 1 [2,] -1 -8 But: > A%*%A%*%A [,1] [,2] [1,] 1 2 [2,] -2 -5
2017 Dec 05
PLS in R
Hello, I need help with a partial least square regression in R. I have read both the vignette and the post on R bloggers but it is hard to figure out how to do it. Here is the script I wrote: library(pls) plsrcue<- plsr(cue~fb+cn+n+ph+fung+bact+resp, data = cue, ncomp=7, na.action = NULL, method = "kernelpls", scale=FALSE, validation = "LOO", model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y =
2009 Sep 20
missing level of a nested factor results in an NA in lm output
Hello All, I have posted to this list before regarding the same issue so I apologize for the multiple e-mails. I am still struggling with this issue so I thought I'd give it another try. This time I have included reproducible code and a subset of the data I am analyzing. I am running an ANOVA with three factors: GROUP (5 levels), FEATURE (2 levels), and PATIENT (2 levels), where
2007 Oct 31
quantreg log and polinomial functions
I have two variables which show a typical quantile relation I would like to fit quantile regression models based on both logarithm and polynomial of second order functions within quantreg. Any help appreciated... Cheers Duccio Herewith the values: ------ var1 var2 0.96429 0.00138 1 0.02316 1.03145 0.09323 1.24088 0.77128 1.39869 0.86732 1.33728 0.63674 1.48299 0.96194