Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Normalizing linear regression slope to intercept"
2011 Dec 04
Polishing my geom_bar for publication
Dear list,
I am new with ggplot2 and I have spend quiet some time putting together the following code to create the attached plot. However there's still a few things that I'm having trouble with!
I would be grateful if someone can tell me how to fix (1) the colour of my bars into grey scales (2) removing the y-axis (species name) on the right figure to avoid duplication, and (3) fix the
2011 Nov 01
Removal/selecting specific rows in a dataframe conditional on 2 columns
Dear list,
After reading different mails, blogs, and tried a few different codes without any success, I am asking your help!
I have the following data frame where each row represent a survey unit with the following variables:
> names(RV09)
[1] "record.t" "trip" "set" "month" "stratum" "NAFO"
2004 Mar 19
Fwd: osx/fink: cannot do "R INSTALL" (library mixup)
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Dan Kelley <Dan.Kelley at Dal.Ca>
> Date: March 19, 2004 12:00:01 PM AST
> To: Don MacQueen <macq at llnl.gov>
> Subject: Re: [R] osx/fink: cannot do "R INSTALL" (library mixup)
> That works perfectly! THanks. I did
> 524 export PKG_LIBS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/sw/lib"
> 525 R INSTALL pspline
> and
2011 Nov 06
Deleting rows dataframe in R conditional to “if any of (a specific variable) is equal to”
Dear list,
I have been struggling for some time now with this code... I have this vector of unique ID "EID" of length 821 extracted from one of my dataframe (skate). It looks like this:
> head(skate$EID)
[1] "896-19" "895-8" "899-1" "899-5" "899-8" "895-7"
I would like to remove the complete rows in another dataframe
2012 Mar 14
Export a plot/figure to excel or word?
Hi all,
I have created forest plots using the package "meta" that I submitted as pdf for publication. I just received an email from the editor asking me if I could send these files in an Excel or MS Word format such that they can treat them as tables with box plots.
I am not sure if I can do this... Is this possible? I've tried the capture.output command, but I get a blank MS Word
2013 Apr 16
Understanding why a GAM can't have an intercept
Dear List,
I've just tried to specify a GAM without an intercept -- I've got one of
the (rare) cases where it is appropriate for E(y) -> 0 as X ->0.
Naively running a GAM with the "-1" appended to the formula and the
calling "predict.gam", I see that the model isn't behaving as expected.
I don't understand why this would be. Google turns up this old
2004 Apr 19
SE for combined data
Dear all
I have just had the question from a colleague. I know that it is not directly related to R (I will probably use R to do the analysis), but I hope someone can give us some insight:
AJ Smit
I sampled populations of a seaweed in the intertidal in order to estimate
the standing biomass of that seaweed at that site.
Due to clumped distribution patterns, I chose a stratified
2005 Nov 10
I am trying to write a for loop with if else statements to calculate
biomass density estimates for different types of sampling gear.
My code is:
bmd=for (i in 1:length(Gear)){
if (Gear==20) {bioden=Biomass/141}
else {if (Gear==23) {bioden=Biomass/68}}
else {if (Gear==160) {bioden=Biomass/4120}}
else {if (Gear==170) {bioden=Biomass/2210}}
else {if (Gear==300)
2011 Feb 06
anova() interpretation and error message
Hi there,
I have a data frame as listed below:
> Ca.P.Biomass.A
P Biomass
1 334.5567 0.2870000
2 737.5400 0.5713333
3 894.5300 0.6393333
4 782.3800 0.5836667
5 857.5900 0.6003333
6 829.2700 0.5883333
I have fit the data using logistic, Michaelis?Menten, and linear model,
they all give significance.
> fm1 <- nls(Biomass~SSlogis(P, phi1, phi2, phi3), data=Ca.P.Biomass.A)
2008 Dec 19
can a function alter the "..." argument and passed the result to another function?
Is there a way a function ('parent', say) can manipulate the ...
argument, and then pass the manipulated value into another function
('child', say) that it calls?
What I'm trying to do is to use some plotting defaults within 'parent'
that are not part of parent's argument list, but to let the use over-
ride these defaults if they choose. A sketch is below.
2008 Apr 23
ccf and covariance
It's my understanding that a cross-correlation function of vectors x
and y at lag zero is equivalent to their correlation (or covariance,
depending on how the ccf is defined).
If this is true, could somebody please explain why I get an
inconsistent result between cov() and ccf(type = "covariance"), but a
consistent result between cor() and ccf(type = "correlation")?
2010 Mar 08
strange su behavior
Hash: SHA1
I have a strange su hehavior on a CentOS 5.4 32Bit installation in a
VMware ESXi virtualizied environment:
If I am root and want to change the user to a non-root user, the system
prompts me for a password:
[root at halifax ~]# useradd test00
[root at halifax ~]# su - test00
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
2010 Mar 18
recommendations on use of -> operator
I have never used -> but I noticed at
that some people do. In fact, the above-named code has a sort of elegance about it (except for the use of "=" for assignment...). To my eye, -> calls to mind a type of assignment that is meant to stand out. For example, perhaps it would make sense to use -> to assign
2012 Feb 03
ordering of factor levels in regression changes result
I was surprised to find that just changing the base level of a factor variable changed the number of significant coefficients in the solution.
I was surprised at this and want to know how I should choose the order of the factors, if the order affects the result.
Here is the small example. It is taken from 'The R Book', Crawley p. 365.
The data is at
2005 May 06
R on Macintosh OSX Tiger
Hi. I'm not having any luck installing the binary for the new
Macintosh OS called "Tiger".
I get error messages as below.
Can anyone offer me some advice? (PS: I checked the bug list first
but a search on "Tiger" turned up nothing so I hope it's OK to post
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared
2017 Jul 06
Bayes Factor
Hello R Community,
Subject: Bayes Factor
A Bayesian ANOVA of the form:
competitionBayesOut <- anovaBF(biomass ~ clipping, data = competition)
Returns the following Error message:
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ?compare? for
signature ?"BFlinearModel", "missing", "tbl_df"?
My guess the problem is in
2012 Sep 14
linear mixed-effects models with two random variables?
Dear R users,
Does anyone knows how to run a glmm with one fixed factor and 2 random
numeric variables (indices)? Is there any way to force in the model a
separate interaction of those random variables with the fixed one?
I hope you can help me.
Reserve <- rep(c("In","Out"), 100)
fReserve <- factor(Reserve)
DivBoulders <- rep
2013 Nov 07
problem with interaction in lmer even after creating an "interaction variable"
Dear all,
I have a problem with interactions in lmer. I have 2 factors (garden and
gebiet) which interact, plus one other variable (home), dataframe arr. When
I put:
lmer (biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + ( 1|Block), data = arr)/
it writes:
/Error in lme4::lFormula(formula = biomass ~ home + garden:gebiet + (1 | :
rank of X = 28 < ncol(X) = 30/
In the lmer help I found out that if not
2011 Apr 13
print to .jpeg
Evening folks,
I'm trying to print a series of graphs to .jpeg using a variable as the
title, but run into the difficultly that I can't find a way to append the
file extension to the .jpeg (in this case extensionless!) files.
biomass = -21.4863 + 0.5797 * (dia ^ 2)
plot (biomass,
2009 Mar 24
update yum
Am trying to update my wine i get the following ..
[] download]# yum update wine*
Loading "priorities" plugin
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* epel: ftp.nluug.nl
* rpmforge: fr2.rpmfind.net
* base: ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
* updates: ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
* addons: ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de
* extras: