Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Sweave xtable"
2011 Jun 01
xtable with conditional formatting using \textcolor
Hello list,
I'm doing a table with scores and I want include colors to represent status
of an individual. I'm using sweave <<results=tex>>= and xtable but I can't
get a result I want. My attemps are
# code R
da <- data.frame(id=letters[1:5], score=1:5*2)
col <- function(x){
2009 Feb 04
Sweave and \Sexpr{}
I am trying to create a dynamic latex table using \Sexpr{} but it's not evaluating it. I also tried the example below without Sweave and also fails. I have also copied the Sweave.sty to my working directory but nothing seems to work. Do I need to have certain package in order to run \Sexpr{}?
2008 Jan 07
xtable (PR#10553)
Full_Name: Soren Feodor Nielsen
Version: 2.5.0
OS: linux-gnu
Submission from: (NULL) (
The print-out of xtable in the following example is wrong; instead of yielding
the correct ci's for the second model it repeats the ci's from the first model.
2013 Feb 28
Hidden information in an object
Hello, The dataset "cats" contain information about the heart weight ("Hwt"), body weight ("Bwt") and gender ("Sex") of a group of 144 cats. I write the following piece of code: library(MASS)attach(cats)ratio <- Hwt/Bwtmale <- ratio[Sex == "M"]female <- ratio[Sex == "F"] My question is, when I look at the object
2013 Feb 15
Making the plot window wider and using the predict function
I am new to R and have a couple of questions. My data set contains the variables "Bwt" and "Hwt", which are bodyweight and heartweight, respectively, of a group of cats.
With the following code, I am making two plots, both to be viewed in the same plot window in R:
maleData <- subset(cats, Sex == "M")
linreg0 <- lm(maleData$Hwt ~
2012 Jul 08
Grouped regression
I am a very occasional user of R, and will be grateful for some help in
constructing a regression across groups.
Here is an example:
Sex[120:144]<-factor(TG) #Renaming some males to transgender, to create 3
groups, male, female and transgender
out<-lm(Bwt~Sex/Hwt) #Gives me 3 separate linear regressions for groups M,
F and TG
What I now want to do
2013 Jun 02
Conversión de objeto temporal (TS) a matriz (o data.frame)
Si no te entiendo mal, necesitas la conversión a matriz como paso
intermedio para agregar por meses (o cualquier unidad temporal). Si es
así, te aconsejo que uses el paquete zoo y el método aggregate para la
clase zoo.
Por ejemplo:
dats <- data.frame(date=seq(as.Date('2012-01-01'), by='day', length=3*365),
2009 Aug 04
Problems with lqs()
Dear List-Members,
I have a problem with the function lqs() from package MASS. In some cases it produces different results for the same settings and needs a random seed to be set, in other cases not.
I really cannot understand, why this happens. As well I do not understand what exactly you need the random seed for. Is it a starting point for iterations? Or do different results occur because of
2013 Feb 25
Achicar matriz de datos juntando varias variables en una
Estimados usuarios de R:
Tengo una matriz de datos que la quiero achicar. Por ejemplo las primeras
cuatro preguntas pueden tomar el valor "Sí" o "No". Entonces quiero crear
una nueva variable que toma el valor 1 si se respondió si a la primera
pregunta, 2, si fue Si a la segunda y así sucesivamente. Esto sucede con
varias variables.
¿Cuál seria la forma mas eficiente de
2012 Feb 07
xtable "beta" testing wanted
Dear R-users,
I've enhanced the "xtable" package, adding numerous features that have been requested by users. The changes are listed below.
The objective throughout has been to avoid any breaking changes. However, as "xtable" is widely used and is a dependency of many packages I'd like to have others try it out before I post it to CRAN. Both bug reports and design
2011 Feb 04
vegan and sweave using xtable
Dear all,
mod <- radfit(BCI[1,])
RAD models, family poisson
No. of species 93, total abundance 448
par1 par2 par3 Deviance AIC BIC
Null 39.5261 315.4362 315.4362
Preemption 0.042797 21.8939 299.8041 302.3367
Lognormal 1.0687 1.0186 25.1528 305.0629 310.1281
2002 Mar 20
tex/latex output?
Is it possible to write the output/results (redirect) to a latex file?
Jeff D. Hamann
Hamann, Donald & Associates, Inc.
PO Box 1421
Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
Bus. 541-753-7333
Cell. 541-740-5988
jeff_hamann at hamanndonald.com
r-help mailing list -- Read
2005 May 12
SVM linear kernel and SV
Dear all,
I'm a trainee statistician in a company and we'd like to understand svm
mechanism, at first with simple examples.
I use e1071 package and I have several questions. I'm working with data
extracted from cats data (from R). My dataset corresponds to a completely
separable case with a binary response variable ( Sex with 2 levels: F and
M), two explanatory variables (Bwt
1998 Jun 17
extra arguments to generic functions & bug in model.frame
R developers,
2 things: a bug in model.frame and a question about setup of generic
I don't understand the following behavior for generic functions:
Suppose I'm working with the cats data in the MASS library and I want to
create a formula object to model Hwt on Sex:
# This works:
> formula(Hwt ~ Sex)
Hwt ~ Sex
# But the following does not:
> formula(Hwt ~ Sex,
2007 Nov 12
3 commits - libswfdec/swfdec_player.c test/trace
libswfdec/swfdec_player.c | 18 +--
test/trace/loadvars-decode-5.swf |binary
test/trace/loadvars-decode-5.swf.trace | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test/trace/loadvars-decode-6.swf |binary
test/trace/loadvars-decode-6.swf.trace | 182 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
test/trace/loadvars-decode-7.swf |binary
test/trace/loadvars-decode-7.swf.trace |
2008 Jun 06
Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format="g") doesn't always give 2 sig figs?
Hi all
I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to
get consistent printing of reals to a given number of significant
Can someone please explain this to me? These first three give what
I expect on reading ?formatC:
> formatC(0.0059999, digits=2,format="fg",flag="#")
[1] "0.0060"
> formatC(0.59999,
2007 Oct 17
6 commits - libswfdec/swfdec_as_strings.c libswfdec/swfdec_initialize.as libswfdec/swfdec_initialize.h libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie_as.c libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie.c libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie.h test/trace
libswfdec/swfdec_as_strings.c | 2
libswfdec/swfdec_initialize.as | 3
libswfdec/swfdec_initialize.h | 306 ++--
libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie.c | 4
libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie.h | 3
libswfdec/swfdec_text_field_movie_as.c | 83 +
test/trace/Makefile.am | 20
2001 Oct 26
Bug or new concept in formatC?
As a sequel to my previous mail on cut, formatC does not produce
what I have been taught is significant digits:
> x <- c(1.0793,1.0796, 11.0954, 11.0736 )
> formatC(x,digits=3,format="g")
[1] "1.08" "1.08" "11.1" "11.1"
(3,3,3,3) significant digits OK
> formatC(x,digits=3,format="f")
[1] "1.079"
2012 Feb 23
I'm sure I'm missing something with formatC() or sprintf()
I have a four-digit string I want to convert to five digits. Take the
following frame:
I need row 1 to read '02108'. This forum directed me to formatC previously
(thanks!) That usually works but, for some reason, it's not in this
instance. Neither of the syntaxes below change '2108' to '02108.' The values
in cand_receipts[,1] are of
2008 Jun 09
Bug/Error in formatC? (Was: Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format= "g")...)
Hi all
After posting what follows, Duncan Murdoch suggested perhaps a bug
in formatC, or an error on documentation. Any comments?
In particular, bug, error or not, any ideas about how I can
consistently get two significant figures to print?
---------- Original Message ----------
Hi all
I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to
get consistent printing of