Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Recommendations regarding textbooks"
2006 Sep 20
Statitics Textbook - any recommendation?
I would like to buy a basic statistics book (experimental design,
sampling, ANOVA, regression, etc.) with examples in R. Or download it
in PDF or html format.
I went to the CRAN contributed documentation, but there were only R
textbooks, that is, textbooks where R is the focus, not the
statistics. And I would like to find the opposite.
Other text I am trying to find is multivariate data
2009 Jan 23
Stat textbook recommendations?
I'm looking for a textbook that can explain some of the math behind
the intro-to-intermediate stuff like ANOVA, multiple regression, non-
parametric tests, etc.
A little background: I took an intro stats course last year and
would like to further my education. Being as that was the highest
(and only) stats class the local community college offers, it looks
like I'm on
2010 Feb 02
Recommendations on nonparametric statistical inference textbooks
Could somebody recommend some good nonparametric statistical inference
textbooks for a beginner? And what are pros and cons of each book?
Nonparametric statistical methods by Hollander seems to be more
difficult for a beginner, but is great as a reference, right? Are
there any books that are easier to learn than Hollander's?
Also, I see some books in the wiki page. I don't find the
2005 Apr 23
Bootstrap / permutation textbooks
Dear R experts,
I would like to explore if and to what extent bootstrapping and
permutation statistics can help me for my research (functional brain
imaging). I am looking for an introductory textbook, rather legible. I
have statistical knowledge, but I am definitely no statistical or
mathematical guru.
Do you have suggestions for a useful textbook?
Thanks a lot,
2007 Nov 05
OT: Best applied MCMC textbooks?
Hi All,
I'm preparing to co-teach a class on applied MCMC using R as the
computational engine in the spring. As a consequence, I'm starting
to look at MCMC textbooks. Please send along your recommendations!
I will collate the responses and post a summary, so please reply to
me directly.
2007 May 08
ordered logistic regression with random effects. Howto?
I'd like to estimate an ordinal logistic regression with a random
effect for a grouping variable. I do not find a pre-packaged
algorithm for this. I've found methods glmmML (package: glmmML) and
lmer (package: lme4) both work fine with dichotomous dependent
variables. I'd like a model similar to polr (package: MASS) or lrm
(package: Design) that allows random effects.
I was
2012 Oct 23
Best R textbook for undergraduates
I'm sure this question has been asked and answered through the ages, but
given there are some new textbooks out there, I wanted to re-pose it. For
a course that will cover the application of R for general computing and
spatial modeling, what textbook would be best to introduce computing with R
to *undergrads*? I understand Bivand and Pebesma's book is fine for
spatial work,
2007 Nov 28
Recommended textbooks for R?
Hi everyone!
I've recently begun to learn R for my job as the IT department suffers
from lack of funding for new software. I was talking to the guy in
charge of Requisitions and have found out the budget for books is in
great shape.
So, I'm curious what books people know of that have R examples and are
good for:
1.) Uni and Multivariate Time Series Analysis/Forecasting
2.) GLMs (at
2006 Apr 24
Handling large dataset & dataframe [Broadcast]
Here's a skeletal example. Embellish as needed:
p <- 5
n <- 300
dat <- cbind(rnorm(n), matrix(runif(n * p), n, p))
write.table(dat, file="c:/temp/big.txt", row=FALSE, col=FALSE)
xtx <- matrix(0, p + 1, p + 1)
xty <- numeric(p + 1)
f <- file("c:/temp/big.txt", open="r")
for (i in 1:3) {
x <- matrix(scan(f, nlines=100), 100,
2006 Nov 05
solution to a regression with multiple independent variable
Please forgive a statistics question.
I know that a simple bivariate linear regression, y=f(x) or in R
parlance lm(y~x) can be solved using the variance-covariance matrix:
beta(x)=covariance(x,y)/variance(x). I also know that a linear
regression with multiple independent variables, for example y=f(x,z)
can also be solved using the variance-covariance matrix, but I don't
know how to do this.
2017 Jun 22
Hunting a histogram variant
I'm looking for a histogram variant in which data points are plotted as labelled rectangles 'piled up' to form a histogram. I've posted an example at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozi8bhdn5kqaufm/labelled_histogram.png?dl=0
It seems to have a long pedigree, as I see it (as in this example) in documents going back beyond the '80s. But I've not seen it in recent textbooks. So it
2018 Mar 13
Learning advanced R
Could you please suggest the best way to become an "advanced" R programmer.
I went through "R for dummies" by de Vries and Meys and I can see two ways
to proceed:
1) Get a more advanced textbook. E.g. could you recommend Gentleman,
"R for Bioinformatics"?
2) Because textbooks are limited and become obsolete fast, I can focus on learning state-of-the-art
2017 Aug 17
How to convert .Rdata file into .csv or something else?
Dear mailing list members,
I am a beginner of this community.
I would like to analyze data in a .rdata file.
I ran the following code, but the object "d" remained empty.
d <- load("~/docdis/input/ch2/WV6_Data_R_v_2016_01_01.rdata")
I would like to know how to convert this file format into .csv or .txt.
I suppose this question is very basic, but I could not find solutions
2003 Sep 26
Std. errors of intercept and slope
Dear all,
I have the following output generated by linear regression. Since there is
only one regression intercept and one slope for one set of data, what is the
meaning of std. error for intercept and that of slope? Thanks in advance.
> data(thuesen)
> attach(thuesen)
> lm(short.velocity~blood.glucose)
lm(formula = short.velocity ~ blood.glucose)
2008 Nov 02
R Textbook for SAS and SPSS Users
Dear Lists,
I got the chance to review Bob Muenchen's book - R for SAS and SPSS users.
While my detailed review is online at www.decisionstats.com, the book is a
welcome addition in R Textbooks for beginners and an especially nice one for
people who have experience in SAS and /or SPSS languages.
AT 50 USD, it's reasonably priced for all geographies (;) , and quite handy
as a refernce book
2024 Aug 07
Manually calculating values from aov() result
Thanks for this information. Is there any way to force R to use Type-1
SS? I think most textbooks use this only.
Thanks and regards,
On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 at 17:00, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2024-08-07 6:06 a.m., Brian Smith wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have performed ANOVA as below
> >
> > dat = data.frame(
> >
2015 Apr 26
The easiest way to restore timestamps of files?
Please, is possible (with rsync) re-create files timestamps?
I mean something like choosing a "-T" in the program mirror- from
it's man page e.g. there:
"Do not do any file transfers just force the time-stamps of any local
files to be reset to be the same as the remote files. Normally only
used when initialising a
2003 Oct 30
Change in 'solve' for r-patched
The solve function in r-patched has been changed so that it applies a
tolerance when using Lapack routines to calculate the inverse of a
matrix or to solve a system of linear equations. A tolerance has
always been used with the Linpack routines but not with the Lapack
routines in versions 1.7.x and 1.8.0. (You can use the optional
argument tol = 0 to override this check for computational
2004 Dec 12
Re: [R] Is k equivalent to k:k ?
I asked:
> In this discussion of seq(), can anyone explain to
> me _why_ seq(to=n) and seq(length=3) have different
> types?
Martin Maechler <maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch> replied:
well, the explantion isn't hard: look at seq.default :-)
That's the "efficient cause", I was after the "final cause".
That is, I wasn't asking "what is it
2008 Jan 02
Multivariate response methods question
Hi Everyone,
I have some data that predicts both a nominal and ordinal response
variable. I was wondering what packages in R would help me analyze the
I was also curious if anyone could recomend me some textbooks that
would help with the analysis of such data? I have the 5th edition of
"Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis" by Richard A. Johnson and
Dean W. Wichern