similar to: Not colour but symbols

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Not colour but symbols"

2011 Aug 16
exponential model with decreasing
Hi everybody, I try to do an exponential model with decreasing. In my data, there is no data missing but there negative values. I adapted this following code whose the origin code comes from in this forum: Regress<-read.table("C:\\Users\\Regression.csv",sep=";",dec=",",header=TRUE) Regress f <- function(x,a,b) {a * exp(b * x)} x<-Regress$EWT
2011 Dec 02
Problem with loop
Hi, I try to build a loop difficultly. I have in a folder called Matrices several files (.csv) called Mat2002273, Mat2002274 to Mat2002361. I want to calculate for each file the mean of the column called Pixelvalues. I try this code but as result, I have this message: Mat2002273 not found
2011 Sep 20
Problem with legend
HI, This code is part of a code I used to do a linear regression: >points(var1~var2,data=Regress,pch=21,bg="grey") >reg11<-lm(var1~var2,data=Regress) >abline(lm(var1~var2,data=Regress),lty=2,lwd=2,col="grey") >legend("topleft",legend= >c("NDII from composite", >"y= 0.0007x - 0.1156",expression(paste(r^2 ==
2011 Dec 12
Hi everybody, I have a matrix with 3 columns (Date, MeanArea and SdArea). I want to draw a figure showing the variable MeanArea in terms of the Date. But instead to use the variable SdArea as bar error, I want to use ?polygon error?. I use this code but the output does not seem good.
2011 Aug 26
Save figure in pdf
Hi, I created a figure with R and I want to save it in .pdf. I used this code: > pdf("res.pca.pdf",width=10,height=8) > library(FactoMineR) > res.pca<-PCA(acp) > res.pca > When I go in my folder, I find an empty file ( 0 Ko). Do you know where is the problem. Thank you in advance -- View this message in context:
2011 Dec 13
Re : Polygon
HI, Sorry Carl, I received your message in my spam folder. Sarah proposed me a good example of code. Thank you Momadou  ________________________________ De : Carl Witthoft [via R] <> Envoyé le : Mardi 13 Décembre 2011 3h34 Objet : Re: Polygon Please read the posting guide and provide a (small) reproducible example of your data. The statement
2012 Mar 21
To overlay my raster and its boundary
Hi I want to overlay my raster and its boundary which is a shapefile. When I used thise code separately, all is ok: # Open raster >Image<-read.table("C:\\Users\\Documents\\Nouveau\\Frequence.txt",sep="",dec=",",header=TRUE) >testo<-rasterFromXYZ(Image) >plot(testo) >testo2 <- aggregate(testo,fact=10, fun=mean) >plot(testo2) # open
2011 May 05
Draw a nomogram after glm
Hi all R users I did a logistic regression with my binary variable Y (0/1) and 2 explanatory variables. Now I try to draw my nomogram with predictive value. I visited the help of R but I have problem to understand well the example. When I use glm fonction, I have a problem, thus I use lrm. My code is: modele<-lrm(Y~L+P,data=donnee) fun<- function(x) plogis(x-modele$coef[1]+modele$coef[2])
2011 Jun 13
plotting on an image
Hello all, has someone please a few hints about how to draw an image (preferrably a jpg) and then 2nd: plot() on that image I am using a mac - and after searching and trying different ways (I have installed EBImage) I now would like to ask for help... Thanks! Johann
2012 Apr 19
User defined panel functions in lattice
Hi I have a problem with passing line and symbol parameters to user defined panel functions I had a look at the archives and created a panel function on what was shown and on panel.loess. I could not to get panel.locfit to work for what I intend it for. There is another layer to work with before success as lp() is called from locfit. xx <- structure(list(Farm = c("A",
2003 Aug 18
3D pie
Hello, is there a function for 3D pie representation in R ? Thanks Klaus-P. -- Dr. Klaus-Peter Pleissner Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology Campus Charit? Mitte Schumannstr. 21/22 D-10117 Berlin Germany phone: +49-30-28460-119 fax: +49-30-28460-507 email: pleissner at
2009 Dec 19
Lattice boxplots
Hi All, I'm familiar with bwplot() in lattice package. Is it possible to get such a boxplot using lattice package: instead of the following default: My aim is to get a compact boxplot for publication. Having legend can help because otherwise x-axis labels are repeated for
2010 Jun 04
Shapes in barplots
Hi, I am making barplots . I am using the default shape of barplots with a pipe but I wants to build bars in various 3d shapes. I have install rgl using install.packages('rgl') for this purpose, but when I am doing library(rgl), it shows Error in library(rgl) : there is no package called 'rgl' What are the other ways to build such plots of variuos shapes. Is that *TeachingDemos
2010 Sep 01
diamond/triangle "plot"
Hi, does anyone have any idea how I might make a plot in R similar to this: Specifically looking to plot 3 numbers in a triangle like that. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Aug 23
Different Estimated values between R and Excel
Hi, I used simple linear regression with the R software and EXCEL on the same data. Although , I find the same R2=0.84, I find different estimated values (intercept and slope). For the R software (slope =0.0009, Intercept = -0.1478), for EXCEL (slope =927.7, Intercept = 154,41). When I use the estimated values from the R software, the results seem bad, however the results of Exel seem correct.
2007 Jun 29
shading bar charts
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi alls, i have to code a family of bar charts. After reading the doc, i cannot understand if it is possible to shade the bar colors and how. With shading i don't mean `density`. I mean something like that: Thanks and br - -- Federico -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6
2008 Mar 19
plot with diffrent colour and plotting symbols
Dear mailing list members, I am a new R user, I would like to plot the follewing data var1 <- c(1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2) var2 <- round(rgamma(10,2,1)/0.1)*0.1 var3 <- c(0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0) var4 <- c(1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,1) Var <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3,var4) Var <- Var[sort(Var$var1),] tt <- Var$var1+((runif(length(Var$var1))/6)-(0.5/6)) labelname <- c("time 1",
2012 Jun 06
how to add a vertical line for each panel in a lattice dotplot with log scale?
by considering this example from barley dataset #code start dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, scales=list(x=list(log=TRUE)), layout = c(1,6), panel = function(...) { panel.dotplot(...) #median.values <- tapply(x, y, median) # medians for each variety #panel.abline(v=median.values, col.line="red") # but this
2012 Apr 19
Fwd: User defined panel functions in lattice
Hi ilai Thank you for your suggestions. I do not know what happened yesterday I must have omitted a few changes out in going from R to email and apologies for the double posting - I had troubles sending it as my ISP gave a message of not being connected for email but was for the web I was trying to get panel.Locfit to work in a number of situations. 1. Conditioned by Farm (3 panels) with 2
2012 Aug 20
Colour gradients and colour fill between points
Hello, Can somebody help me on a colour question? I have a levelplot made with the following syntax: library(lattice) inp <- read.csv("hoenne1", header = TRUE) levelplot(z~x*y, data = inp, region = TRUE, pretty = TRUE, col.regions = terrain.colours) The file "hoenne1" contains the data. I'll give a short example: x,y,z 0,0,1 0,1,1 0,2,1 1,0,2 1,2,2 0,2,2 1,2,3 2,2,2