Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Help with dlply, loop and column names"
2012 Mar 13
Manipulate strings reordering some elements
Hi R-Users,
I want to manipulate some strings in the following way. I have the
following vector with spanish municipalities:
municipios<-c("Allande", "Aller", "Amieva", "Avil?s", "Belmonte de
"Dega?a", "Franco (El)", "Gij?n", "Goz?n", "Grado", "Grandas de Salime",
2009 Jul 21
strange dlply behavior
I'm running R 2.9.1 on winXP, using the library plyr.
Can anyone explain to me what is going wrong in this code? (in particular
see lines marked with ******************) Trying to modify objects in a list
created using dlply seems to corrupt the objects in the list.
> library(plyr)
> d=as.data.frame(cbind(c(1,1,1,2,2,2),c(1,2,3,4,5,6)))
> d
V1 V2
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 4
2011 Mar 11
Generation of random numbers in a function - (Return command)
Dear R helpers
I have following data.frame and for each product_name, I have associated mean and standard deviation. I need to generate 1000 random no.s for each of these products and find the respective mean and standard deviation.
My R code is as follows.
filtered_new <- data.frame(product_name = c("P1", "P2", "P3",
2013 Jan 08
plot residuals per factor
Dear R-users,
I want to plot residuals vs fitted for multiple groups with ggplot2.
I try this code, but unsuccessful.
ggplot(models,aes(.fitted,.resid), color=factor(d))+
Catalin-Constantin ROIBU
2011 Oct 25
regression using GMM for mulltiple groups
Inthe code below I was trying to to obtain the GMM estimates for CAPM
(REGRESSION) for 36 stocks each have 180 observations,however it only gives
me one output rather than 36.
In SAS i would just put in a *By statement*. I have a variable TICKER that
categorize them into 36 groups.
*How can I obtain all 36 output instead of just one.*
2010 Nov 25
Help on running regression by grouping firms
Hi there,
I have a huge data set with multiple firms years and other firm characteristics. I want to run a regression on the dependent variable and other explanatory variables and calculate the residual terms by grouping the firms in same year and same industry.
What I want to do is to divide my obseravtion into sub sample that contains the observation with same fiscal year(FYEAR=1990) and same
2012 Sep 12
How to append the random no.s for different variables in the same data.frame
Dear R helpers,
(At the outset I sincerely apologize if I have not put forward my following query properly, though I have tried to do so.)
Following is a curtailed part of my R - code where I am trying to generate say 100 random no.s for each of the products under consideration.
n = 100
my_code = function(product, output_avg, output_stdev)
BUR_mc = rnorm(n, output_avg,
2013 Aug 27
[plyr] Moving average filter with plyr
Dear all,
I'm stuck with a problem using plyr to process a rather large junk of data. What I'm trying to do is applying a moving average to all the subparts of the dataframe (the example data can be found here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2414056/testData.Rdata).
return(filter(x,rep(1/5, times=5)))
2010 Aug 09
coef(summary) and plyr
Dear all,
I?m having trouble getting a list of regression variables back into a dataframe.
mydf <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(100), x2=rnorm(100), x3=rnorm(100))
mydf$y<- mydf$x1+0.01+mydf$x2*3-mydf$x3*19+rnorm(100)
dlply(mydf,.(fac),function(df) lm(y~x1+x2+x3,data=df))->dl
here I?d like to use
ldply(dl,coef(summary)) or something
2011 Jun 03
ragged data.frame? using plyr
I have a dataset that looks like:
I want to "normalise" it using the following function (unless you have
a better idea...):
2012 Apr 03
help in ddply
I've records like this
x panel
4 1
93 2
21 3
83 4
75 1
87 2
87 3
78 4
50 1
76 2
86 3
65 4
84 1
40 2
39 3
26 4
i want to create histogram out of it . i want all the mid and count values
for panel wise
my code is
histoutput = ddply(df,.(df[2]),hist)
i'm not able to get the required result.
please help me
using for loop takes a lot of time if there are more records
2012 Aug 28
don't print object attributes
Dear all
Suppose the object below:
> require(Hmisc)
> require(plyr)
> x <- dlply(iris, .(Species), describe)
How can I print the object without displaying the attributes? I
inspected ?print and ?print.default with no luck.
> x
x[, "Sepal.Length"]
n missing unique Mean .05 .10 .25 .50 .75
50 0 15 5.006 4.40 4.59
2011 Feb 08
Grouping by factors in R
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to group results by certain
factors in R. I have data with the following headings:
[1] "Time" "Plot" "LatCat" "Elevation" "ElevCat"
"Aspect" "AspCat" "Slope"
[9] "SlopeCat" "Species" "SizeClass" "Stems"
2009 Mar 04
Bug in by() with dates as levels?
Trying to use dates in their R-native form (e.g., POSIXct) rather than
turning them into character strings, I've encountered the following problem.
I create a data frame where one column is dates. Then I use "by()" to do a
calculation on grouped subsets of the data. When I try to extract values
from the result, I get "subscript out of bounds". The example below shows
2011 Sep 29
For loop for subset - repeating same over and over?
Hello, I am using the following script to run an anova for numerous species
in a table that I have:
SiteSpp <-
2011 Nov 03
Take variables in data.frame and create list of matrices
I have this sample data below and would like to create a list of matricies.
id <- c(1,1,1,1 ,2,2,2)
o <- as.factor(c(1:4, 1, 3, 4))
r <- rep(.5, 7)
v <- rnorm(7)
s <- rnorm(7)
dat <-data.frame(id, o, r, v, s)
#> dat
# id o r v s
# 1 1 0.5 0.7024631 2.0813672
# 1 2 0.5 -0.5541955 0.1095156
# 1 3 0.5 -1.0418167 0.4164930
# 1
2012 Mar 30
Adding text for written comments to bottom of graphs
Hello All,
Recently developed the code below for graphing patterns of chemotherapy administration. As someone just starting to use R in their work, I managed to figure out some parts of the code but needed help with others.
setwd("N:/Regimen Coding/0906/Plots Test")
TestData <- structure(list(profile_key = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3), line = c(1, 1,
2012 Sep 26
Change in order of names after applying "plyr" package
Dear R helpers
I have following two data.frames viz. equity_data and param.
equity_data = data.frame(security_id = c("Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "Air", "AB", "AB", "AB", "AB",
2011 Aug 29
splitting into multiple dataframes and then create a loop to work
Dear All
Sorry for this simple question, I could not solve it by spending days.
My data looks like this:
# data
clvar <- c( rep(1, 10), rep(2, 10), rep(3, 10), rep(4, 10)) # I have 100
level for this factor var;
yvar <- rnorm(40, 10,6);
var1 <- rnorm(40, 10,4); var2 <- rnorm(40, 10,4); var3 <- rnorm(40, 5, 2);
var4 <- rnorm(40, 10, 3); var5 <- rnorm(40, 15,
2009 Sep 28
Running an ANOVA with a BY
I have a simple 1 way anova coded like
summary(ANOVA1way <- aov(Value ~ WellID, data = welldata))
How can I use the BY function to do this ANOVA for each group using another
variable in the dataset?? I tried coding it like this, but it doesn't seem
to work.
summary(ANOVA1way <- by(welldata, Analyte, function(x) aov(Value ~ WellID,
data = welldata)))
In SAS I would code it like this: