Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Replicating Stata's xtreg clustered SEs in R"
2012 Feb 07
fixed effects with clustered standard errors
Dear R-helpers,
I have a very simple question and I really hope that someone could help me
I would like to estimate a simple fixed effect regression model with clustered standard errors by individuals.
For those using Stata, the counterpart would be xtreg with the "fe" option, or areg with the "absorb" option and in both case the clustering is achieved with "vce(cluster
2012 Feb 07
fixed effects linear model in R
Dear R-helpers,
First of all, sorry for those who have (eventually) already received that request.
The mail has been bumped several times, so I am not sure the list has received it... and I need help (if you have time)! ;-)
I have a very simple question and I really hope that someone could help me
I would like to estimate a simple fixed effect regression model with clustered standard errors by
2008 May 08
poisson regression with robust error variance ('eyestudy
Ted Harding said:
> I can get the estimated RRs from
> RRs <- exp(summary(GLM)$coef[,1])
> but do not see how to implement confidence intervals based
> on "robust error variances" using the output in GLM.
Thanks for the link to the data. Here's my best guess. If you use
the following approach, with the HC0 type of robust standard errors in
2012 Jul 09
linearHypothesis and factors
Hi everyone,
I'm sure this is pretty basic but I couldn't find a clear example of how to
do this. I'm running a regression, say:
reg <- lm(Y ~ x1 + year)
where x1 is a continuous variable and year is a factor with various year
levels. Individually, each year factor variable is not significant, but I
have a suspicion they are jointly significant. I can't figure out how to run
2005 Jun 04
can R do Fixed-effects (within) regression (panel data)?
i want to ask 2 questions.
1) can R do Random-effects GLS regression which i can get from Stata?
the following result is frome Stata.can I get the alike result from R?
xtreg lwage educ black hisp exper expersq married union, re
Random-effects GLS regression Number of obs = 4360
Group variable (i) : nr Number of groups = 545
2013 Oct 15
cluster option in stata for random intercept model in the R language?
Dear R-list,
I am currently working on a dataset with a colleague who uses stata.
We fit a random intercept model to the data (decisions clustered in participants) and get closely the same results in stata (using xtreg re) and R (using the lme4 or multilevel package).
Now in stata, there is an additional option for the regression to control for clustering; the vce(cluster clustvar) option,
2002 Sep 16
how to fit just a fixed effects model?
Dear all,
How can one fit just a fixed effects model in R? lme() seems to require a random component, whereas I am just looking for something like STATA's "xtreg, fe" function.
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2013 Mar 30
vcovHC and arima() output
Dear all,
how can I use vcovHC() to get robust/corrected standard errors from an
arima() output?
I ran an arima model with AR(1) and got the estimate, se, zvalue and
p-value using coeftest(arima.output).
However, I cannot use vcovHC(arima.output) to get corrected standard
errors. It seems vcovHC works only with lm and plm objects?
Is there another way I can get robust/corrected
2010 Jun 09
equivalent of stata command in R
From: saint-filth@hotmail.com
To: saint-filth@hotmail.com
Subject: RE:
Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 09:53:20 +0000
OK! sorry thats my fault,
here the translations of the stata commands
1st step is to get the mean values of the variables, well that doesnt need explanation i guess,
2nd step is to estimate the model on panel data estimation method
which is:
2011 Apr 07
Panel data - replicating Stata's xtpcse in R
Dear list,
I am trying to replicate an econometrics study that was orginally done in Stata. (Blanton and Blanton. 2009. A Sectoral Analysis of Human Rights and FDI: Does Industry Type Matter? International Studies Quarterley 53 (2):469 - 493.) The model I try to replicate is in Stata given as
xtpcse total_FDI lag_total ciri human_cap worker_rts polity_4 market income econ_growth log_trade
2009 Mar 26
pgmm (Blundell-Bond) sample needed
Dear R Experts---
Sorry for all the questions yesterday and today. I am trying to use Yves
Croissant's pgmm function in the plm package with Blundell-Bond moments. I
have read the Blundell-Bond paper, and want to run the simplest model
first, d[i,t] = a*d[i,t-1] + fixed[i] + u[i,t] . no third conditioning
variables yet. the full set of moment conditions recommended for
2016 Mar 31
Ask if an object will respond to a function or method
In the rockchalk package, I want to provide functions for regression
objects that are "well behaved." If an object responds to the methods
that lm or glm objects can handle, like coef(), nobs(), and summary(),
I want to be able to handle the same thing.
It is more difficult than expected to ask a given fitted model object
"do you respond to these functions: coef(), nobs(),
2010 Oct 13
robust standard errors for panel data
I would like to estimate a panel model (small N large T, fixed effects),
but would need "robust" standard errors for that. In particular, I am
worried about potential serial correlation for a given individual (not so
much about correlation in the cross section).
>From the documentation, it looks as if the vcovHC that comes with plm
does not seem to do autocorrelation, and the
2010 Jun 09
equivalent of stata command in R
Thanx for your response,
yeah, i know i didnst specified the indexes
when i wrote the 2nd mail, in fact in the 1st mail i wrote already that
i dont have problem with the estimation of the model... thats the
reason why i didnt write in fact since the issue is not to estimate the
model but to get the marginal effect,
anyway, i figured out that predict(), doesnt work for panel data...
well, my
2010 May 24
Fixed Effects Estimations (in Panel Data)
dear readers---I struggled with how to do nice fixed-effects
regressions in large economic samples for a while. Eventually, I
realized that nlme is not really what I needed (too complex), and all
I really wanted is the plm package. so, I thought I would share a
quick example.
################ sample code to show fixed-effects models? in R
# create a sample panel data set with firms and years
2005 Jun 02
glm with variance = mu+theta*mu^2?
How might you fit a generalized linear model (glm) with variance =
mu+theta*mu^2 (where mu = mean of the exponential family random variable
and theta is a parameter to be estimated)?
This appears in Table 2.7 of Fahrmeir and Tutz (2001) Multivariate
Statisticial Modeling Based on Generalized Linear Models, 2nd ed.
(Springer, p. 60), where they compare "log-linear model fits to
2013 Apr 05
white heteroskedasticity standard errors NLS
Is there any function to calculate White's standard errors in R in an NLS
The sandwich and car package do it but they need an lm object to calculate
the error's.
Does anyone have idea how to do it for an NLS object ?
The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles before I go to sleep
And miles before I go to sleep
2010 Jun 09
equivalent of stata command in R
Dear all,
I need to use R for one estimation, and i have readily available stata command, but i need also the R version of the same command.
the estimation in stata is as following:
1. Compute mean values of relevant variables
. sum inno lnE lnM
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
2008 Dec 19
svyglm and sandwich estimator of variance
I would like to estimate coefficients using poisson regression and then get
standard errors that are adjusted for heteroskedasticity, using a complex
sample survey data. Then I will calculate prevalence ratio and confidence
Can sandwich estimator of variance be used when observations aren?t
independent? In my case, observations are independent across groups
(clusters), but
2011 Sep 19
"could not find function" after import
I am trying to build a package (GWASTools, submitted to Bioconductor)
that uses the "sandwich" package. I have references to "sandwich" in
Imports: methods, DBI, RSQLite, sandwich, survival, DNAcopy
In the code itself is a call to vcovHC:
Vhat <- vcovHC(mod, type="HC0")
I have sandwich version 2.2-7 installed.