similar to: Help on subgraphs in xyplot of lattice library

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2011 Nov 06
Request for Help: y-axis label overlapped by x-axis in subplots in big plot
Dear All, I would like to seek for help on this issue: 1. I set par(mfrow=c(2,2)), hoping to plot 4 subgraphs in a whole graph 2. Each subgraph has its own x,y axes and each has x-axis label and y-axis label 3. moreover, subgraphs in the left column of the whole graph are all 3D, and have z axes and labels for z axes 4. subgraphs in the right column of the whole graph are all 2D 5. In each
2011 Oct 05
subplot strange behavoir
Hello, Below is some example code that should reproduce an error I'm encountering while trying to create a tiff plot with two subplots. If I run just the following bit of code through the R GUI the result is what I'd like to have appear in the saved tiff image: x<-seq(0:20) y<-c(1,1,2,2,3,4,5,4,3,6,7,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,4,3,6) plot(x,y,type="l",las=1,ylim=c(0,12))
2008 Apr 08
Change the position of panel strips in a lattice plot.
Hi all, In lattice plots, is there any option to position the panel strips with text below each subgraph, instead of above? i.e. in: Depth <- equal.count(quakes$depth, number=8, overlap=.1) xyplot(lat ~ long | Depth, data = quakes) ,is there any way to make "Depth" appear below the subgraphs, instead of above? I've been looking through the lattice documentation and the list
2008 Mar 20
little subplot in corner
I want to draw a little subplot ("overview") into my detailed plot. It should be placed in say the top right corner and have the size of some legend (like legend(x="topright", inset=0.03, ...) #main plot plot(rnorm(100)) #give little density in corner plot(seq(-2,2,length=300),dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=300)),type="l") I don't want something like par(mfrow=c(1,2)) as
2009 Apr 14
Lattice xyplot: Line and Rectangle in legend.
Hello fellow R users, I have a problem. I have created a barchart overlayed by an xyplot line, both of which read off the same Y axis. The problem comes when I try to generate a key. It seems that I can only create either two lines, or two rectangles. I would much prefer to have the barchat series depicted by a rectangle, and the xyplot series by a line. Is there a way to do this? Your help
2009 Aug 20
nested, repeated measure lme
Dear all, Suppose I have a nested, repeated measure lme model. Which of the following formulae is correct? (assuming data are sampled from several plots in an agricultural experiment) (1) y~explanatory.variables,random=~time|block/plot/subplot/individual (2) y~explanatory.variables,random=~time|unique.ID.of.every.individual I have read that (2) is the only approach that works. But how could I
2011 Mar 02
how to delete empty levels from lattice xyplot
Hello All, I try to use the attached code to produce a cross over plot. There are 13 subjects, 7 of them in for/sal group, and 6 of them in sal/for group. But in xyplot, all the subjects are listed in both subgraphs. Could anyone help me figure out how to get rid of the empty levels? Thanks library(lattice) pef1 <- c(310,310,370,410,250,380,330,370,310,380,290,260,90) pef2 <-
2013 Jan 06
nested, unbalanced anova
Hello, For an experiment, I selected plots of land within a forest either with honeysuckle or without honeysuckle. Thus, my main factor is fixed, with 2 levels: "honeysuckle present"(n=11) and "honeysuckle absent"(n=8). Within each plot of land, I have a "trenched" subplot and an "untrenched" subplot. Within each subplot of every plot, I measured soil
2007 Mar 16
Fast lookup in ragged array
Hello, I'm running an algorithm for graph structural cohesion that requires a depth-first search of subgraphs of a rather large network. The algorithm will necessarily be redundant in the subgraphs it recurses to, so to speed up the process I implemented a check at each subgraph to see if it's been searched already. This algorithm is very slow, and takes days to complete on a
2008 Nov 17
ggplot2: can one have separate ylim for each facet?
In lattice #toy data library(ggplot2) library(lattice) x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) k <- sample(c("Weak","Strong"),100,replace=T) j <- sample(c("Tall","Short"),100,replace=T) w <- data.frame(x,y,j,k) xyplot(y~x|j+k,scales=list(y=list(relation="free"))) will give you a scale in each subplot with a range equal to the range of y
2012 Jul 11
igraph function "graph.bfs" unavailable
Hi, I've installed the igraph package and have been otherwise using it successfully, but when I try to use graph.bfs I get the error: could not find function "graph.bfs" Moreover, I don't seem to have the documentation installed either. (per ?graph.bfs and ??graph.bfs). I'm using RStudio v0.95.262 on windows 7. Below is the info for my R build: R version 2.14.0
2011 Mar 13
How to draw different series for different groups in xyplot
Hi guys, I got a problem when I was trying to use lattice to do some plot. Below is one working example which can generate one curve for A and one curve for B in each subplot. However, I would like to just show the points for B, not connecting the dots. As for A, I still want a curve (dots are connected). Is there any people having any suggestions. Data are attached. Thanks a lot, --Jerry
2010 Jul 02
Combining several plots besides a dendrogram?
Hello all, I would like to recreate the plot shown here (from a useR 2009 presentation): I downloaded the code for that image, and discovered that it relies on external web services, and also having PERL installed on the computer. I believe this could be done "locally" using the "seqLogo"
2003 Oct 13
Rotate a plot, and subplot
Hi all, Is there a way to rotate a plot, e.g. a histogram, by a certain angle (90/180/270 degress)? I spent hours trying to figure out how this is done, but without success. Also, I'm looking for an equivalent to the S-Plus "subplot" command to insert a kind of "thumbnail" graphic into a bigger one. How is this best done in R? Thanks for your help Pascal
2013 Feb 16
subplot (Hmisc) and radial.plot (plotrix) problem
Folks, I am having problems with a plot I want to create to give an impression of changes in an ordinal scale measure (1-5) at three time points (0, 14 and 21 days). I can produce a radial plot of bare vectors but getting this to appear on the base plot is not possible as it always seems to end up below the plot area and even outside the plot window. It seems I have not understood
2010 May 25
Lattice: relation = 'free' in scales
Hello list, I am making graphics for an article which I want to publish. The article is about several methods (to calculate breeding values of individuals) applied in several genetic scenarios (scen1 in the example) and using data from two sources (scen 2 in my example). I want to specify the ylim of my plot and have relation = 'free' for the yaxis but I would to avoid plotting the axis
2011 Jul 28
not working yet: Re: lattice overlay
Hi Dieter and R community: I tried both of these three versions with ylim as suggested, none work: I am getting only single (pch = 16) not overlayed (pch =3) everytime. *vs 1* require(lattice) xyplot(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width | Species , data= iris, panel= function(x, y, subscripts) { panel.xyplot(x, y, pch=16, col = "green4", ylim = c(0, 10)) panel.lmline(x, y, lty=4, col =
2009 Dec 04
R igraph clusters component
Hi R-users, I'm using igraph for an undirected graph. i used clusters() igraph function to know the component size(subgraphs) as shown bellow: c <-clusters(g)    # component sizes size <- sort(c$csize, decreasing=TRUE) cat("Top 20 cluster of the graph","\n") for (i in 1:20) {   cat(i,"  size:",size[i] ,"\n") } Can anyone help how to extract the
2012 Jul 31
Subgraph isomorphism using vertex labels
Hi all, I want to find all the mappings of one graph in another graph, based on their vertex labels Is there any way to do this in igraph based on vertex labels. (as far as i know Igraph allows the subgraph isomorphism based only on vertex and edge colors) Eg: graph 1: x(1) x(2) x(2) y(3) y(4) x(1) z(5) x(2) graph 2: x(1) y(2) # the brackets contain the corresponding vertex ids i would like my
2016 Sep 06
igraph V a partir de E y subgrafos
Estimado Javier, Me alegra que hayas avanzado con tu error. Te respondo a esto último. La función induced.subgraph() espera como segundo parámetro una lista de los IDs de los vértices, mientras que tú le estás pasando una lista de 'edges'. Prueba lo siguiente: c <- induced.subgraph(, which(V($name == 'Casa')) Si entendí bien todo, debería