similar to: sort dates

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "sort dates"

2011 May 13
Excel to R
Hello R-help   I am trying to copy and paste large column of data from windows Excel into R base speed sheet using:   Data1<-edit(data.frame())   But I can only copy and paste one cell at a time which is time consuming.   Also how can assign each column to a variable. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 May 09
Creating Observation ID
If I have a data frame something like: Value=rnorm(30) Group = sample(c('A','B','C'), 30, replace=TRUE) df = data.frame(Value, Group) It seems like it should be simple to create an 'ObsID' column which indicates the observation order of each Value within each of the 3 groups. Somehow, I can't quite see how to do it without manually sub-setting the parent data
2012 Jan 25
help to slip a file name using "strsplit" function
Dear Researchers, I have several files as this example: Myfile_MyArea1_sample1.txt i wish to split in "Myfile", "MyArea1", "sample1", and "txt", becasue i need to use "sample1" label. I try to use "strsplit" but I am able just to split as "Myfile_MyArea1_sample1" and "txt" OR "Myfile", "MyArea1",
2011 May 19
recursive function
Hi, I created a function for obtaining the normal cumulative distribution (I know all this already exists in R, I just wanted to verify my understanding of it). below is the code I came up with. cdf<-function(x) { erf<-function(x) { # approximation to the error function (erf) of the # normal cumulative distribution function # from Winitzki
2011 May 20
regression coefficient for different factors
Dear R-helpers, In my dataset I have two continuous variable (A and B) and one factor. I'm investigating the regression between the two variables usign the command lm(A ~ B, ...) but now I want to know the regression coefficient (r2) of A vs. B for every factors. I know that I can obtain this information with excel, but the factor have 68 levels...maybe [r] have a useful command. Thanks,
2012 Mar 06
Windows - **Paste commands only** issue
In following a thread on this mailing list, I encounter an apparent issue with **Edit | Paste commands only** in the Windows R-GUI. Reproducible steps: Go to (using IE?): Find the section entitled 'Duplicate row names' Copy the following lines from the web page < a = matrix(1:18, nrow=6, ncol=3) < rownames(a) <-
2018 Jul 16
persp command
Dear R-devel mailing list, I am wondering whether the "theta" and "phi" parameters of the "persp" function in the graphics commands are named in error (the names seem to have been swapped). Also, in the documentation to "persp", reference is made to "colatitude" when the effect in the image is actually that of "latitude". Thank you,
2011 Mar 25
library(foreign) read.spss warning
I got the following: > library(foreign) > swal = read.spss("swallowing.sav", =TRUE) Warning message: In read.spss("swallowing.sav", = TRUE) : swallowing.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 21 encountered in system file > The bulk of the data seems to read in a usable form, but I'm curious about what might be getting lost
2011 May 21
Group close numbers in a vector
Hi everyone, i am trying to group close numbers in a vector. For example i have a vector x = [1 2 4 7 9 10 15]. I want the code to pick 1 2 4 (max difference between successive numbers is 2) and assign them to variable a, then pick 7 9 10 and assign them to b and 15 to c. But since i do not know how many groups there will be the code should create a,b,c etc as it goes along. So if x = [1 2 4 7 9
2011 May 27
Normality test
Dear Sir, I am writing to inquire about normality test given in nortest package. I have a random data set consisting of 300 samples. I am curious about which normality test in R would give me precise measurement, whether data sample is following normal distribution. As p value in each test is different in each test, if you could help me identifying a suitable test in R for this medium size of
2011 Oct 11
How to run Rcmdr with OS 10.4?
I've installed Rcmdr package and it doesn't run Here is the error message: R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24) [ GUI 1.29 (5464) powerpc-apple-darwin8.11.1] [Workspace restored from /Users/jfc/Documents/TravauxFR/.RData] Le chargement a n?cessit? le package : tcltk Chargement de Tcl/Tk... termin? Le chargement a n?cessit? le package : car Error in
2011 Oct 08
[R ]Plot a colored rectangle under the points of a graph
Hello everyone, if I have: x=1:10 y=1:10 plot(x,y) and I plot a rectangle rect(4,0,6,11, col=5) it covers the points of the graph. Is there a way to draw the rectangle under the points? I was thinking the a solution could be draw an empty plot then draw the rectangle and after the points, but it did not work. Any idea? thanks for your help H. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Mar 30
Problem loading package 'JGR' using R-2.15.0 (Win32).
Hi all. Upon attempting to load the 'JGR' package, on a Win32 machine (SP3), a pop-up message appeared stating that R had encountered a problem and needs to close. Has anyone else encountered this? Thanks. ~Caitlin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 May 18
How to create axis y axis for horizontal bar plot?
Hi, i am working on bar plot but i need to generate y axis for horizontal bar plot. In the attached diagram x-axis is there with scale 0 to 12 but i need y axis. How can i implement it? Thanks -- View this message in context: Sent from the
2011 Jun 07
Line Graphs
Hello, I want to plot 6 line graphs. I have 10 points 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and 1.0. At each point say 0.1, I have 6 variables A, B, C, D, E and F. The variables all have values between 0 and 1 (and including 0 and 1). I also want to label the x axis from 0.1 to 1.0 and the y axis from 0.1 to 1.0. My goal is to plot a line graph representing the mean of the variables at each
2012 May 15
how to find outliers from the list of values
Hi, I am new to R and I would like to get your help in finding 'outliers'. I have mvoutlier package installed in my system and added the package . But I not able find a function from 'mvoutlier' package which will identify 'outliers'. This is the sample list of data I have got which has one out-lier. 11489 11008 11873 80000000 9558 8645 8024 8371 It will
2012 Apr 03
Histogram from a table in R
Hi all, I am new in R. I am trying to make an histogram but I can't figure it out. I have .cvs table with a lot of data that look like this: I already have the frequency of each interval (Counts). Interval Counts 00:19 0 10:19 3117 20:29 4500 30:39 2330....... I want to make the histogram with that. At the y axis I want to have the Counts and at x axis I
2011 Dec 08
read.table question
Hello All, This works, results <- read.table("plink.txt",T) while this doesn't. results <- read.table("plink.txt") Make sure your data frame contains columns CHR, BP, and P What does adding the "T" in read.table do? Which argument does this correspond to? I tried searching for it but didn't find the answer in: read.table(file, header = FALSE,
2012 Feb 29
ggplot2 dot chart-start at zero
I am trying to create a simple dot-plot in ggplot2 with a solid line from the y-axis to the dot, something I first saw in Cleveland's 1984 book What I would like is to have the graph start at zero on the x-axis but leave some space on the right side of the plot area. I assumed that I should be able to do this with expand() in scale_x_continuous() but either I'm wrong or just don't
2011 Feb 10
Hmisc errbar color
Is there an easy way to make the error bars the same color as the points and lines they are plotted with. My example # fake data x=sample(1:10, 100, replace =T) y = rnorm(100) + runif(100) df=data.frame(x,y) # summarize data m = aggregate(df,list(x),mean) se = aggregate(df,list(x),sd)/sqrt(10) library(Hmisc) plot(x,y) errbar(m$x, m$y, m$y+1.96*se$y,