similar to: Extended Survival Plot Lines

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Extended Survival Plot Lines"

2004 Nov 23
Weibull survival regression
Dear R users, Please can you help me with a relatively straightforward problem that I am struggling with? I am simply trying to plot a baseline survivor and hazard function for a simple data set of lung cancer survival where `futime' is follow up time in months and status is 1=dead and 0=alive. Using the survival package: lung.wbs <- survreg( Surv(futime, status)~ 1, data=lung,
2012 Dec 03
Confidence bands with function survplot
Dear all, I am trying to plot KM curves with confidence bands with function survplot under package rms. However, the following codes do not seem to work. The KM curves are produced, but the confidence bands are not there. Any insights? Thanks in advance. library(rms) ########data generation############ n <- 1000 set.seed(731) age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n) label(age) <- "Age"
2012 Nov 06
Survplot, Y-axis in percent
Hi I am a new fan of R after getting mad with the graphical functional in SPSS. I have been able to create a nice looking Kaplan Meyer graph using Survplot function. However I have difficulties in turning the y axis to percent instead of the default 0-1 scale. Further I have tried the function yaxt="n" without any results. Any help in this matter will be appreciated. The code is
2012 Sep 05
showing ticks for censored data in survfit() in the rms package
The answer to this may be obvious, but I was wondering in the rms package and the survfit(), how you can plot the censored time points as ticks. Take for example, library(survival) library(rms) foo <- data.frame(Time=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,10), Status=c(1,1,0,0,1,1,1)) answer <- survfit(Surv(foo$Time, foo$Status==1) ~1) # this shows the censored time points as ticks at Time = 3 and 4 plot(answer)
2009 Feb 02
survfit using quantiles to group age
I am using the package Design for survival analysis. I want to plot a simple Kaplan-Meier fit of survival vs. age, with age grouped as quantiles. I can do this: survplot(survfit(Surv(time,status) ~ cut(age,3), data=veteran) but I would like to do something like this: survplot(survfit(Surv(time,status) ~ quantile(age,3), data=veteran) #will not work ideally I would like to superimpose
2006 May 30
position of number at risk in survplot() graphs
Dear R-help How can one get survplot() to place the number at risk just below the survival curve as opposed to the default which is just above the x-axis? I tried the code bellow but the result is not satisfactory as some numbers are repeated several times at different y coordinates and the position of the n.risk numbers corresponds to the x-axis tick marks not the survival curve time of
2005 Dec 20
x axis
Hello, I write to know how can I modify the x axis : when I plot a survival object, R plots a graph with x values = 0, 10, 20, 30 while I want a graph with values 0, 6, 12, 18, 24 in the x axis. How can I do this? In R 2.1.1 version there was "" in survplot, but in version R 2.2.0 there isn't it! I am sorry for my english and I hope that you understand my problem. Thank you
2007 Jun 17
error bars on survival curve
I am using plot(survfit(Surv(time,status) ~...) and would like to add error bars rather than the confidence intervals. Am I able to do this at specified times? e.g. when time = 20 & 40. leukemia.surv <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ x, data = aml) plot(leukemia.surv, lty = 2:3,xlim = c(0,50)) #can i add error bars at times 20 & 40? legend(100, .9, c("Maintenance", "No
2008 Dec 16
"Dotted lines at the end of the KM-curve"
R-ers! Referees demand that the line in the KM-curve should be changed to dotted at the point where standarerror is <= 10 %. I don't think it's a good habit but I urgently need to implement such a thing in R with survfit, survplot or another program. They also want numbers at risk below the curve Some help, please.... Fredrik ######################## Fredrik Lundgren
2012 Mar 27
survplot function
Dear R-helpers I am wondering if there is an option to the survplot function in the design package that allows for drawing Kaplan-Meier plots starting from 0 instead of 1, similar like fun = 'event' in the standard plotting function used on a survfit object. I apologize in advance for having missed any obvious informational sources but I really didn't find anything in the
2011 Jan 16
Help in Coxme
I am a relative newbie to survival analysis and R in general, but would like to use the coxme package to analyse some data I currently have. The data is relative to survival times of drosophila melanogaster populations to infection with pathogens, and has the variables: Time, Status, Treatment (4 treatments + 2 controls) Population Replicate ?and I'm currently using the following call
2014 Jul 02
survplot invert number at risk labels
deaR user, I found an unexpected behaviour of the rms::survplot.survfit function, that is giving me inverted labels for the patient-at-risk rows. The problem is that, for some reason, the survival::summary.survfit function changes the order of two of the suvfit object's strata when called (on my dataset) with the times= option (is this another unexpected behaviour?). survplot takes the
2009 Mar 14
obtaining the values for the hazard function in a cox regression
Hello , I am hoping for some advice regarding obtaining the values for the hazard function in a cox regression that I have undertaken. I have a model in the following form, analysed with the package survival (v. 2.34-1) and a log-log plot obtained using Design (v. 2.1-2). For two variables, the lines in the survival curves crossed. The statistician I been obtaining advice from (who does not
2011 Oct 01
Is the output of survfit.coxph survival or baseline survival?
Dear all, I am confused with the output of survfit.coxph. Someone said that the survival given by summary(survfit.coxph) is the baseline survival S_0, but some said that is the survival S=S_0^exp{beta*x}. Which one is correct? By the way, if I use "newdata=" in the survfit, does that mean the survival is estimated by the value of covariates in the new data frame? Thank you very much!
2011 Mar 18
median survival time from survfit
Hello, I am trying to compute the mdeian of the survival time from the function survfit: > fit <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ 1) > fit Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time, status) ~ 1) records n.max n.start events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL 111 111 111 20 NA NA NA The results is NA? the fit$surv gives values between 1 and 0.749! Am I doing this correct?
2016 Nov 04
Major Update to rms package: 5.0-0
A major new version of the rms package is now on CRAN. The most user-visible changes are: - interactive plotly graphic methods for model fits. The best example of this is survplot for npsurv (Kaplan-Meier) estimates where the number of risk pop up as you hover over the curves, and you can click to bring up confidence bands for differences in survival curves - html methods for model fit
2016 Nov 04
Major Update to rms package: 5.0-0
A major new version of the rms package is now on CRAN. The most user-visible changes are: - interactive plotly graphic methods for model fits. The best example of this is survplot for npsurv (Kaplan-Meier) estimates where the number of risk pop up as you hover over the curves, and you can click to bring up confidence bands for differences in survival curves - html methods for model fit
2005 Sep 19
Problem with tick marks in lines.survfit (package survival)
I have attempted to follow posting guidelines but I have failed to find out what I am doing wrong here. I am trying to use lines.survfit to plot a second curve onto a survival curve produced by plot.survfit. In my case this is to be a progression free survival curve superimposed upon an overall survival curve, but I will illustrate my problem using the example given in the help for
2010 Aug 31
Speeding up prediction of survival estimates when using `survifit'
Hi, I fit a Cox PH model to estimate the cause-specific hazards (in a competing risks setting). Then , I compute the survival estimates for all the individuals in my data set using the `survfit' function. I am currently playing with a data set that has about 6000 observations and 12 covariates. I am finding that the survfit function is very slow. Here is a simple simulation example
2009 Feb 17
Survival-Analysis: How to get numerical values from survfit (and not just a plot)?
Hi! I came across R just a few days ago since I was looking for a toolbox for cox-regression. I?ve read "Cox Proportional-Hazards Regression for Survival Data Appendix to An R and S-PLUS Companion to Applied Regression" from John Fox. As described therein plotting survival-functions works well (plot(survfit(model))). But I?d like to do some manipulation with the survival-functions