similar to: Nagelkerke R2

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Nagelkerke R2"

2009 Aug 16
How to deal with multicollinearity in mixed models (with lmer)?
Dear R users, I have a problem with multicollinearity in mixed models and I am using lmer in package lme4. From previous mailing list, I learn of a reply " at" which states that if not for interpretation but just for prediction, multicollinearity does not matter much. However, I am using mixed model to interpret something,
2012 Jul 11
Help needed to tackle multicollinearity problem in count data with the help of R
Dear everyone, I'm student of Masters in Statistics (Actuarial) from Central University of Rajasthan, India. I am doing a major project work as a part of the degree. My major project deals with fitting a glm model for the data of car insurance. I'm facing the problem of multicollinearity for this data which is visible by the plotting of data. But I'm not able to test it. In the case
2004 Aug 16
mutlicollinearity and MM-regression
Dear R users, Usually the variance-inflation factor, which is based on R^2, is used as a measure for multicollinearity. But, in contrast to OLS regression there is no robust R^2 available for MM-regressions in R. Do you know if an equivalent or an alternative nmeasure of multicollinearity is available for MM-regression in R? With best regards, Carsten Colombier Dr. Carsten Colombier Economist
2003 Aug 27
how to calculate Rsquare
I think you've badly misinterpreted the purpose of the R listserv with this request: says "The `main' R mailing list, for announcements about the development of R and the availability of new code, questions and answers about problems and solutions using R, enhancements and patches to the source code and documentation of R,
2011 Apr 12
cross-validation complex model AUC Nagelkerke R squared code
Hi there, I really tried hard to understand and find my own solution, but now I think I have to ask for your help. I already developed some script code for my problem but I doubt that it is correct. I have the following problem: Image you develop a logistic regression model with a binary outcome Y (0/1) with possible preditors (X1,X2,X3......). The development of the final model would be
2012 Mar 07
Problems with generalized linear model (glm) coefficients.
Hello to everyone. I´m writing you because I´m feeling a bit frustrated with my work. My work consists in finding the relation between the amount of fires and the weather, so, my response variable is the amount of fires in a fire season and the explanatory variables are the temperature, the amount of precipitation and the some others…. my problem is this; I keep getting the wrong sign in the
2010 Aug 03
Collinearity in Moderated Multiple Regression
Dear all, I have one dependent variable y and two independent variables x1 and x2 which I would like to use to explain y. x1 and x2 are design factors in an experiment and are not correlated with each other. For example assume that: x1 <- rbind(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) x2 <- rbind(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) cor(x1,x2) The problem is that I do not only want to analyze the effect of x1 and x2 on y but
2004 Jun 11
Regression query
Hi I have a set of data with both quantitative and categorical predictors. After scaling of response variable, i looked for multicollinearity (VIF values) among the predictors and removed the predictors who were hinding some of the other significant predictors. I'm curious to know whether the predictors (who are not significant) while doing simple 'lm' will be involved in
2011 Dec 29
3d plotting alternatives. I like persp, but regret the lack of plotmath.
I have been making simple functions to display regressions in a new package called "rockchalk". For 3d illustrations, my functions use persp, and I've grown to like working with it. As an example of the kind of things I like to do, you might consult my lecture on multicollinearity, which is by far the most detailed illustration I've prepared.
2013 Nov 21
Regression model
Hi, I'm trying to fit regression model, but there is something wrong with it. The dataset contains 85 observations for 85 students.Those observations are counts of several actions, and dependent variable is final score. More precisely, I have 5 IV and one DV. I'm trying to build regression model to check whether those variables can predict the final score. I'm attaching output of
2009 Mar 31
Multicollinearity with brglm?
I''m running brglm with binomial loguistic regression. The perhaps multicollinearity-related feature(s) are: (1) the k IVs are all binary categorical, coded as 0 or 1; (2) each row of the IVs contains exactly C (< k) 1''s; (3) k IVs, there are n * k unique rows; (4) when brglm is run, at least 1 IV is reported as involving a singularity. I''ve tried recoding the n
2010 Dec 27
Nagelkerke R square for Prediction data
Hello I found some small postings dated to 22 Oct 2008 on the message subject. Recently, I have been working with binary logistic regressions. I didn't use the design package. Yet, I needed the "fit" indices. Therefore, I wrote a small function to output the Nagelkerke's R, and the Cox-&-Snell R from a fitted model. I am no professional programmer by far, yet, I hope, that
2004 Jun 11
Regression query : steps for model building
Hi I have a set of data with both quantitative and categorical predictors. After scaling of response variable, i looked for multicollinearity (VIF values) among the predictors and removed the predictors who were hinding some of the other significant predictors. I'm curious to know whether the predictors (who are not significant) while doing simple 'lm' will be involved in
2011 Apr 11
pseudo-R by hand
hello dear list! since we want to do a model analysis and some people would like to see pseudo-R^2 values for different types of glm of a logistic regression, i've decided to write a function that computes either nagelkerkes normed pseudo-R or cox & snells pseudo-R. however, i am not clear as in the decisive step, i need to calculate the log of (maximum likelihood estimates of model
2009 Jul 15
Nagelkerkes R2N
I am interested Andrea is whether you ever established why your R2 was 1. I have had a similar situation previously. My main issue though, which I'd be v grateful for advice on, is why I am obtaining such negative values -0.3 for Somers Dxy using validate.cph from the Design package given my value of Nagelkerke R2 is not so low 13.2%. I have this output when fitting 6 variables all with
2011 Apr 18
regression and lmer
Dear all,  I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I am reviewing a research where the analyst(s) are using a linear regression model. The dependent variable (DV) is a continuous measure. The independent variables (IVs) are a mixture of linear and categorical variables. The author investigates whether performance (DV - continuous linear) is a function of age (continuous IV1 -
2010 Jan 20
simulation of binary data
Hi, could someone help me with dilemma on the simulation of logistic regressiondata with multicollinearity effect and high leverage point.. Thank you [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Aug 04
Pseudo R^2 for logit - really naive question
I am using GLM to calculate logit models based on cross-sectional data. I am now down to the hard work of making the results intelligible to very average readers. Is there any way to calculate a psuedo analoque to the R^2 in standard linear regression for use as a purely descriptive statistic of goodness of fit? Most of the readers of my report will be vaguely familiar and more comfortable with
2005 May 13
multinom(): likelihood of model?
Hi all, I'm working on a multinomial (or "polytomous") logistic regression using R and have made great progress using multinom() from the nnet library. My response variable has three categories, and there are two different possible predictors. I'd like to use the likelihoods of certain models (ie, saturated, fitteds, and null) to calculate Nagelkerke R-squared values for
2016 Apr 15
Multicollinearity & Endogeniety : PLSPM
Hi I need a bit of guidance on tests and methods to look for multicollinearity and Endogeniety while using plspm Pl help ------------------ T&R ... Deva [[alternative HTML version deleted]]