Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Converting a function from Splus to R"
2004 Dec 09
System is computationally singular?
Hi all,
I was using the Newton-Raphson method to estimate paremeters in the model developed by my supervisor. However, when I interatively computed theta(t+1)=theta(t) - solve(H)*s (where the Hessian matrix and score vector were explicitely derived), I got the error message: Error in solve.default(H) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.70568e-032. Assume my score
2007 Apr 20
Suggestions for statistical computing course
Dear R-helpers,
I am planning a course on Statistical Computing and Computational
Statistics for the Fall semester, aimed at first year Masters students
in Statistics. Among the topics that I would like to cover are linear
algebra related to least squares calculations, optimization and
root-finding, numerical integration, Monte Carlo methods (possibly
including MCMC), bootstrap, smoothing and
2010 Apr 14
Gaussian Quadrature Numerical Integration In R
Hi All,
I am trying to use A Gaussian quadrature over the interval (-infty,infty) with weighting function W(x)=exp(-(x-mu)^2/sigma) to estimate an integral.
Is there a way to do it in R? Is there a function already implemented which uses such weighting function.
I have been searching in the statmode package and I found the function "gauss.quad(100, kind="hermite")" which uses
2009 Dec 06
optim with constraints
Hi, dear R users
I am a newbie in R and I wantto use the method of meximum likelihood
to fit a Weibull distribution to my survival data. I use "optim" as
optim(c(1, 0.25),weibull.like,mydata=mydata,method="L-BFGS-B",hessian
My question is: how do I setup the constraints so that the two
parametrs of Weibull to be pisotive? Or should I use other function
2008 Oct 01
Bivariate normal
Package mvtnorm provides dmvnorm, pmvnorm that can be used to compute
Pr(X=x,Y=y) and Pr(X<x,Y<y) for a bivariate normal.
Are there functions that would compute Pr(X<x,Y=y)?
I'm currently using "integrate" with dmvnorm but it is too slow.
2011 Nov 06
how to use quadrature to integrate some complicated functions
Hello to all,
I am having trouble with intregrating a complicated uni-dimensional function
of the following form
Here n is about 5000, Phi is the cumulative distribution function of
standard normal,
phi is the density function of standard normal, and x ranges over
My idea is to to use quadrature to handle this integral. But
2006 Oct 02
Trig.Rd typo (PR#9269)
Full_Name: Robin Hankin
Version: 2.4.0 RC
OS: MacOSX 10.4.7
Submission from: (NULL) (
The first cut line described in Trig.Rd for asin() is incorrect in the ascii
version of the manpage.
The Rd file reads:
For \code{asin()} and \code{acos()}, there are two cuts, both along
the real axis: \eqn{\left(-\infty, -1\right]}{\(-Inf, 1\]} and
Note the inconsistency between the
2010 Sep 21
bivariate vector numerical integration with infinite range
Dear list,
I'm seeking some advice regarding a particular numerical integration I
wish to perform.
The integrand f takes two real arguments x and y and returns a vector
of constant length N. The range of integration is [0, infty) for x and
[a,b] (finite) for y. Since the integrand has values in R^N I did not
find a built-in function to perform numerical quadrature, so I wrote
my own after
2012 May 23
numerical integration
Sorry, the last message was sent by mistake! Here it is again:
I encounter a strange problem computing some numerical integrals on [0,oo).
where $a=0.08$. We want to compute the $L^2([0,\infty))$-inner products
A_{ij}:=(M_i,M_j)=\int_0^\infty M_i(x)M_j(x)dx
Analytically we have
In the code below we compute the matrix
2008 Mar 12
Types of quadrature
Dear R-users
I would like to integrate something like \int_k^\infty (1 - F(x)) dx, where F(.) is a cumulative distribution function. As mentioned in the "integrate" help-page: integrate(dnorm,0,20000) ## fails on many systems. This does not happen for an adaptive Simpson or Lobatto quadrature (cf. Matlab). Even though I am hardly familiar with numerical integration the implementation
2006 Nov 18
Questions regarding "integrate" function
Hi there. Thanks for your time in advance.
I am using R 2.2.0 and OS: Windows XP.
My final goal is to calculate 1/2*integral of
(f1(x)^1/2-f2(x)^(1/2))^2dx (Latex codes:
(\sqrt{f_1(x)}-\sqrt{f_2(x)})^2dx $.) where f1(x) and f2(x) are two
marginal densities.
My problem:
I have the following R codes using "adapt" package. Although "adapt"
2011 Mar 16
Re; Fitting a Beta distribution
I want to fit some p-values to a beta distribution. But the problem is some
of the values have 0s and 1's. I am getting an error if I use the MASS
function to do this. Is there anyway to get around this?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 07
chi-squared with zero df (PR#10551)
Full_Name: Jerry W. Lewis
Version: 2.6.1
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (
pchisq(0,0,ncp=lambda) returns 0 instead of exp(-lambda/2)
pchisq(x,0,ncp=lambda) returns NaN instead of exp(-lambda/2)*(1 +
SUM_{r=0}^infty ((lambda/2)^r / r!) pchisq(x, df + 2r))
qchisq(.7,0,ncp=1) returns 1.712252 instead of 0.701297103
qchisq(exp(-1/2),0,ncp=1) returns 1.238938
2008 Mar 26
choose fails a fundamental property of binomial coefficients (PR#11035)
Full_Name: Jerry W. Lewis
Version: 2.7.0 (2008-03-23 r44847)
OS: Windows XP Professional
Submission from: (NULL) (
choose(n,k) = choose(n,n-k) is not satisfied if either
1. n is a negative integer with k a positive integer (due to automatically
returning 0 for n-k<0)
2. n is not an integer with k a positive integer (due to rounding n-k to an
integer, compounded by
2005 Jan 21
[LLVMdev] making cygwin nightly builds available?
Hello, Reid.
You wrote Friday, January 21, 2005, 11:14:41 PM:
RS> FYI, work progresses on the Win32 native port which you might also find
RS> interesting. It might even get done before the cygwin stuff. Jeff Cohen
RS> is working on that. Perhaps he can indicate the status of that effort.
There is too much work to do native Win32 builds.
I've tried to get llvm compiled on mingw32
2002 Dec 01
SYSLINUX COM32 example in assembly (NASM)
Where can I get example in assembly, using COM32 API ?
I'm trying to make simple "Hello World" using COM32, but this code does not
works 8-(
org 0x101000 ; this number I get from comboot.doc
mov ecx,msge-msg
mov ebx,msg
mov ah,0x02
mov dl, byte [ebx]
inc ebx
int 0x21
loop .L
.Z: jmp .Z ; \infty loop
msg: db "Hello World !"
2003 Sep 16
calculation of the p value in ks.test()
I'm working with the ks.test() function and I have also implemented
the test using Conover as the reference. My D value matches that
produced by R. However to calculate the p value I am using the code
described in Numerical Recipes in C++ (2nd Ed.) pg 631.
The p value produced by the NRC code is generally larger than that
produced by R by a factor of 10. Currently I am not in a position
2009 Dec 10
MLE for a t distribution
Given X1,...,Xn ~ t_k(mu,sigma) student t distribution with k degrees
of freedom, mean mu and standard deviation sigma, I want to obtain the
MLEs of the three parameters (mu, sigma and k). When I try traditional
optimization techniques I don't find the MLEs. Usually I just get
k->infty. Does anybody know of any algorithms/functions in R that can
help me obtain the MLEs? I am especially
2010 May 10
I am writing to ask if R has a build- in function to calculate this
polylogarithm Li_n(z) function , also known as the Jonqui?re's function
defined as
2006 Jun 04
Absolutize URLs in a string
I wonder - do we have some helper/processor/gem to automatically
convert all URLs in a passed string to their canonical equivalent -
i.e. with the protocol, host and such prepended based on the Rails
environment. Super-duper infty for RSS feeds (I hate their
requirement for canonical URLs everywhere).
Julian ''Julik'' Tarkhanov
please send all personal mail to
me at