similar to: Help with rJava

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Help with rJava"

2013 Sep 23
Unable to execute Java MapReduce (Hadoop) code from R using rJava
Hi All, I have written a Java MapReduce code that runs on Hadoop. My intention is to create an R package which will call the Java code and execute the job. Hence, I have written a similar R function. But when I call this function from R terminal, the Hadoop job is not running. Its just printing few lines of warning messages and does nothing further. Here is the execution scenario: *>
2013 Feb 08
ClassNotFoundException when running distributed job using rJava package
Hi, I have a MapReduce Java code, which I am calling from R using rJava. I have prepared the R package and tested that successfully. But when I deployed the package in a cluster and executed it, I am getting ClassNotFoundException. If I run the same job directly without integrating with R, it runs perfectly. Here is my R code: library(rJava) muMstSpark <- function(mesosMaster = NULL, input =
2011 Apr 30
Copying to R a rectangular array from a Java class
Bare test code: My simple Java test class source and R test code follow: public class RJavTest { public static void main(String[]args) { RJavTest rJavTest=new RJavTest(); } public final static String conStg="testString"; public final static double con0dbl=10000001; public final static double[]con1Arr=new double[] { 10001,10002,10003,10004,10005,10006 }; public final static
2014 Sep 26
[rJava] RJavaClassLoader and system classloader
Hi everyone, I want to call a Java application from R and have encountered some problems with the way rJava deals with the system class loader. To run my application, I use the following R script: > library(rJava) > .jinit() > .jaddClassPath("myApp.jar") > rWrapper <- .jnew("org/test/RWrapper") > .jcall(rWrapper,"V","start") My Java
2009 Feb 11
More help with Binary Files
Does anyone else have any insights to this issue: Henrick, thank you for your very quick response. I've examined the readBin help file with respect to endian and I'm still not sure I'm getting this correct. Here is what I'm coding: con <- file(file.choose(), open="rb") Year66 <- readBin(con, what=integer(), signed = TRUE, size = 2, endian="little", n
2010 May 10
Fw: [R] Installing randomForest on Ubuntu Errors
I encountered difficulties installing randomForest on a Ubuntu Linux OS. Dirk was very helpful and provided the solution below. Many thanks. Steve Steve Friedman Ph. D. Spatial Statistical Analyst Everglades and Dry Tortugas National Park 950 N Krome Ave (3rd Floor) Homestead, Florida 33034 Steve_Friedman at Office (305) 224 - 4282 Fax (305) 224 - 4147 ----- Forwarded by Steve
2007 Sep 27
rJava and RJDBC
I am desperate for help. I am trying to get the RJDBC and rJava .5to work on both my windows xp and linux Redhat EL5 Server. On both I get a ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException when calling JDBC(). My example is require(RJDBC) classPath='C:\\libraries\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc\\mysql-connector-java-5.1.3-rc-bin.jar' driverClass=c("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver") drv <-
2008 Feb 19
rJava and matrices
Hi list, I'm wanting to use a matrix as input to some java code, but I seem to be unable to do this (See code below). When searching online for a solution I found that rJava 0.5-2 (the version under development not yet in CRAN) is adding "direct support for raw vectors as method parameters". Is this related? I also tried to use .jarray / .jcast in various combinations to no avail.
2013 Jan 16
How to call Java main method using rJava package?
Hi, I am trying to integrate my Java program with R using rJava package. I want to execute the whole Java program from R. The main() method in my Java code calls all the other defined methods. So, I guess I have to call the main() method in .jcall. An example Java code: *class A { public static int mySum(int x, int y) { return x+y; } public static void
2008 Jul 02
Usage of rJava (.jcall) with Weka functions, any example?
Dear All, I'd like to use Weka functions that are not implemented (do not have interface) in RWeka, like the Remove function and others in the future! The .java() functionality is for that purpose but I haven't seen any example with Weka functions. Could anyone give me hand in how to do it? For instace if I want to use the weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove? 1. in the R console,
2010 Aug 18
rJava: System.exit(1) in Java causes R crash
I'm writing a package that successfully calls Java from R using rJava. When R sends my Java function bad data (through .jcall()), I get the error message details (when I run it on a console) and then: Java requested System.exit(1), closing R. Is there a way to call .jcall so that when Java receives bad data, the Java function will exit, but won't take down R with it? Thanks, Sigal
2010 Dec 28
rJava question
After some trial and error I figured out how to pass matrices from R to java and back using rJava, but this method is not documented and I wonder if there is a better way? Anyway, here is what I found works: (m = matrix(as.double(1:12),3,4)) [shows m as you would expect] jtest <- .jnew("JTest") (v <- .jcall(jtest, '[[D], 'myfunc', .jarray(m), evalArray=FALSE)) [shows
2011 Jun 26
RJDBC and multiple classpaths
Corect me if this is not the right place to post this. I have a mdbdriver.jar (to access an MSAccess file) under Linux. I bought the license from guys. The driver work fine when tested with DBVisualizer or another JDBC thing. The problem is that driver needs 3 other more jar files to work. Under R I have tried this and does not work: > library(RJDBC) Loading required
2009 Mar 02
Trouble - Installing R on RedHat el5
I am lucky and am now working with a new Redhat Linux 64-bit OS But I am getting the following error can anyone provide some graciously needed assistance: [root at bluebird system-files]# rpm -i R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64.rpm warning: R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 99b62126 error: Failed dependencies: xdg-utils is needed by R-2.8.1-1.rh5.x86_64 Thanks
2009 Feb 27
Setting initial starting conditions in scripts
Hello, I'm writing a variety of R scripts and want to code the loadhistory and workspace from within the script. I found the loadhistory function but do not see a comparable function for load workspace. Is there one ? Working with R 2.8.1 (2008-12-22) on a windows platform. Thanks for any and all suggestions. Steve Steve Friedman Ph. D. Spatial Statistical Analyst Everglades and Dry
2008 Oct 14
Advice on Computer Specifications
Hello I'm running into a variety of limitations with my computer complaining that it doesn't have sufficient memory. It is a Dell Latitude D630 Duo Core CPU T7700 @ 2.40 GHz, with 3.50 GB RAM. I'm working with relatively large dataframes > dim(AllYears) returns 4071840 records with 13variables sometimes this complains that it can not allocate vectors of 16.0 Mb and will
2008 Nov 13
Plotting from a list
Hello, I am working with version 2.7.2 on a PC and have 2.8.0 available, but have not upgraded completely yet. I have 6 species for which I've run 6 unique environmental management scenarios against for comparison purposes. Each scenario is run for 36 years (1965 - 2000). Some of the species have subpopulations and other do not. For those with subpopulations (A, B, C, D, E, and F) I have
2009 Mar 24
Help with lattice
Hello. I'm working on a windows XP machine with R 2.8.1 I'm working with lattice and I don't understand how to set the size of the text for the labels. Can anyone suggest a solution? I'm establishing a melted dataframe first and then setting a key and calling the plot as follows; > key.variable <- list(space = "right", text = list(levels(wbirdm$variable)),
2009 Apr 23
Setting lattice par parameters
Hello I'm plotting a large suite of barcharts and need to modify the size of the text for both the yaxis and xaxis labels. I've tried using the following: > trellis.par.set(list(par.ylab.text = list(cex = 0.65)), trellis.par.set(list = par.xlab.text = list(cex = 0.65)))) On inspection, however after I invoke this line, > trellis.par.get("par.ylab.text") >
2009 Jul 01
help with superscripts in simple plots
Hello All, When I use the following lines of code to create a plot and add labels with R-square values the labels have a superscripted R2. library(lattice) xyplot(PropHatchedNests$Phatched + PropHatchedNests$PropNests + PropHatchedNests$meanHSI + PropHatchedNests$RelMeanEggsNest ~ PropHatchedNests$Year, type = "b", scales=list(tick.number=length(PropHatchedNests$Year)),