similar to: I'm sure I'm missing something with formatC() or sprintf()

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "I'm sure I'm missing something with formatC() or sprintf()"

2012 Feb 13
Assigning a function to the 'times' argument of rep()
Question: I'm trying to use paste() with rep() to reformat a series of values as zip codes. e.g., if column 1 looks like: 52775 83111 99240 4289 112 57701 20001 I want rows 4 and 5 to read, "04289" "00112" My thought was this: > perry_frame$zip <- ifelse(nchar(as.character(perry_frame$zip))<5,
2012 May 22
pad leading zeros in front of strings
Dear All, This question sounds very simple but I don't know where I am wrong. I just want to pad leading zeros in some string, for example, "123" becomes "00123". What is wrong if I do following? > sprintf("%05s", "123") [1] " 123" It didn't return "00123", instead it padded with 'blank'. Thank you for your help
2012 Dec 08
How to efficiently compare each row in a matrix with each row in another matrix?
Dear expeRts, I have two matrices A and B. They have the same number of columns but possibly different number of rows. I would like to compare each row of A with each row of B and check whether all entries in a row of A are less than or equal to all entries in a row of B. Here is a minimal working example: A <- rbind(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE), c(6, 2)) # (3, 2) matrix B <-
2011 Dec 04
Prediction from censReg?
Hi - First post, so excuse any errors in protocol: Wanted to ask if there's an easy way to use 'predict' with objects of class 'censReg', 'maxLik', 'maxim' or 'list'. Have a left-censored dataset, attempting to use a Tobit model and am working with the censReg package. I like how easy it is to move from glm models to predictions with
2012 Mar 20
passing xlim to coord_map in ggplot2
I'm sure this is smack-head moment, but I haven't been able to find an example of this on Nabble or SO, so thought I'd ask. This works: michigan <- map_data('county', 'michigan') mich_points <- data.frame(x = rnorm(n = 200, median(michigan[,1]), 0.75), y = rnorm(n = 200, median(michigan[,2]), 0.75)) ggplot() + geom_path(aes(long, lat, group = group), data =
2012 Mar 27
Unique instances of a string in a vector -- there must be a better way to do this
I'm sure there's a better way to do this using plyr. I just can't nail the right series of commands. I've got a vector of strings. I want to remove all where the string's count within the vector is > 1. Right now I'm using: Where x2 is the original data.frame and my character strings live in x2[,3]. Based on my results, that looks like it works, though if someone
2012 Mar 28
Why does this work? plyr within-subset normalization
Working code that normalize each row's value against the subset's maximum. Does the invocation of max() somehow instruct R to 'step back' and evaluate the subset? Thanks, Zack -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Mar 12
Installing RMySQL -- 64-bit Windows 7
Trying to install RMySQL on 64-bit Windows 7. Using R-2.14.2 with Rtools214 and MySQL Server 5.5. Read through several step-by-steps of RMySQL source installation. Troubleshooting: - Copied libmysql.dll to R-2.14.2/bin AND R-2.14.2/bin/i386. - Copied libmysql.dll and libmysql.lib to MySQL Server 5.5\lib\opt. - Entered MYSQL_HOME=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5 into,
2012 Apr 04
Subscript Error
json_dir is a list of JSON lists mapping lat/long route points between locations using CloudMade's API. post_url is the URL of the HTTP request for (n in json_dir) { i = i + 1 if (typeof(json_dir[[i]]) != "NULL") { if (i == 1) { dat_add <- ldply(json_dir[[i]], function(x) t(data.frame(x)), .progress = "text")
2008 Jun 09
Bug/Error in formatC? (Was: Why doesn't formatC( x, digits=2, format= "g")...)
Hi all After posting what follows, Duncan Murdoch suggested perhaps a bug in formatC, or an error on documentation. Any comments? In particular, bug, error or not, any ideas about how I can consistently get two significant figures to print? P. ---------- Original Message ---------- Hi all I am not a C programmer, but I am trying to understand formatC to get consistent printing of
2000 Jan 04
formatC (bug and fix) (PR#394)
OK: > formatC(as.double(c(1,0,NA))) [1] "1" "0" "NA" NOT OK: > formatC(as.integer(c(1,0,NA))) [1] "0" "1072693248" "NA" > formatC(as.integer(c(0,1,NA))) [1] "0" "0" "NA" BUG TRACED TO R-code of formatC() where x[!Ok] <- 0 unintendedly changes the storage.mode of x to
2000 Jan 12
inconsistencies between formatC(), format() and format.char()
Dear R-Developers, Just a note: there are some inconsistencies between formatC(), format() and format.char() and cross calling between these functions. On the one hand > cat(format('{"}'), "\n") {\"} > cat(format.char('{"}'), "\n") {\"} is by default format.char(, flag="-") and thus by default calling format() >
2002 Nov 16
formatC with format="fg" displays number in exponential notation (PR#2299)
Full_Name: Frederic Schutz Version: 1.6.1 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) ( The result of the following commands: > formatC(9.9, 1, format="fg") [1] "1e+01" > formatC(99.9, 1, format="fg") [1] "1e+02" does not seem to be coherent with what the help page says: > format: equal to `"d"' (for integers),
2007 May 25
documented/undocumented behavior of as.double(formatC(x, digits=17))
Some days ago, there was a discussion about the command formatC(exp(1),digits=100,width=-1) Converting a double value to a string, from which the double may be reconstructed exactly, may be useful. So, I did some experimentation with it in my linux installation of R-2.5.0. I generated a vector x of a large number of random doubles (random sign, random mantissa with 53 significant bits and
2009 Jan 27
small bug in base::formatC (PR#13474)
Full_Name: Bernd Bischl Version: 2.8.1 OS: Windows XP Professional Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, there seems to be a small bug in formatC: formatC("foo", format="s", mode="charcacter") Error in formatC("foo", format = "s", mode = "charcacter") : 'mode' must be "double" ("real") or
2018 Oct 25
small bug in formatC?
formatC(0.0001, digits = 3, format = "f", zero.print="< 0.01") Error in strrep(" ", nc - i1) : invalid 'times' value The problem, if it is one, is in .format.zeros: .format.zeros("0.000", "xxxxxx") Error in strrep(" ", nc - i1) : invalid 'times' value R version 3.5.1. David [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Mar 13
Commas in formatC
formatC() is great for formatting numbers! But it would be even better if it could optionally insert commas (or semicolons), e.g. R> formatC(1234567.89, digits=2, format="f", commas=T) [1] "1,234,567.89" Here's a snippet of code that does that, which could more or less just be inserted into at the end of formatC if any R-core guru were so inclined. "r"
2001 Oct 26
Bug or new concept in formatC?
As a sequel to my previous mail on cut, formatC does not produce what I have been taught is significant digits: > x <- c(1.0793,1.0796, 11.0954, 11.0736 ) > formatC(x,digits=3,format="g") [1] "1.08" "1.08" "11.1" "11.1" (3,3,3,3) significant digits OK > formatC(x,digits=3,format="f") [1] "1.079"
2006 Jan 23
formatC slow? (or how can I make this function faster?
I'm trying to convert a matrix of capture occasions to format that an external program can read. The job is to basically take a row of matrix, like > smp[1,] [1] 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 and convert it to the equivalent string "1101110000" I'm having problems doing this in a speedy way. The simplest solution (calc_history below, using apply, paste and collapse) takes about 2
2019 May 30
Possible bug in formatC
I do not know if this is a bug or a case of improper documentation. The documentation for formatC() implies that the difference between the options format="f" and format="g" is that with "g", scientific format is sometimes used. There is another difference between them that is not mentioned in the documentation. drop0trailing=FALSE is ignored when format is set to