Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Calculating Pseudo R-squared from nlme"
2010 Mar 02
sem package and growth curves
I have been working through the book "Applied longitudinal data analysis: modeling change and event occurrence" by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett. I have been working examples using SAS and also using it as an opportunity for learning to use R for statistical analysis.
I ran into some difficulties in chapter 8 which deals with using structural equation modeling. I have tried to
2004 Aug 27
FIML in lme
I was asked if lme can use FIML (Full Information Maximum Likelihood)
instead of REML or ML but I don't know the answer. Does anybody know if
this is implemented in R?
2007 Jan 24
solving a structural equation model using sem or other package
I am trying to work my way through the book "Singer, JD and Willett, JB, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis. Oxford University Press, 2003" using R. I have the SAS code and S-Plus code from the UCLA site (doesn't include chapter 8 or later problems). In chapter 8, there is a structural equation/path model which can be specified for the sem package as follows
S <- cov(al2)
2006 May 08
Repeatability and lme
Dear R-help list members
I gathered longitudinal data on fish behaviour which I try to analyse using
a multi level model for change. Mostly, I am following Singer & Willett
(2003), who provide also the S/R code for their examples in the book (e.g.
http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/Splus/examples/alda/ch4.htm). Of course I am
interested in change over time, but I am also very much interested in
2010 Mar 06
Plot interaction in multilevel model
I am trying to plot an interaction in a multilevel model. Here is some
sample data. In the following example, it is longitudinal (i.e., repeated
measures), so the outcome, score (at each of the three time points), is
nested within the individual. I am interested in the interaction between
gender and happiness predicting score.
id <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
age <-
2007 Mar 12
meta-regression, MiMa function, and R-squared
Dear Wolfgang Viechtbauer and list members:
I have discovered your "MiMa" function for fitting meta-analytic
mixed-effects models through an earlier discussion on this list. I think
it is extremely useful and fills an important gap. In particular, since
it is programmed so transparently, it is easy to adapt it for one's own
needs. (For example, I have found it easy to identify
2003 Dec 25
Problem plotting with xyplot
Hi all,
I am just learning R and I am trying to work through the book "Applied
Longitudinal Data Analysis" by Singer & Willett. I have some code for this book
that supposedly works in S-Plus (I don't have S-Plus so I can't verify that) and
I am trying to run the examples in R. Most of the examples run, but I have
one plot that gives me an error message. I have
2011 Sep 07
Reshaping data from wide to tall format for multilevel modeling
I'm trying to reshape my data set from wide to tall format for multilevel
modeling. Unfortunately, the function I typically use (make.univ from the
multilevel package) does not appear to work with unbalanced data frames,
which is what I'm dealing with.
Below is an example of the columns of a data frame similar to what I'm
working with:
ID a1 a2 a4 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6
2005 Jul 29
Binary outcome with non-absorbing outcome state
I am trying to model data in which subjects are followed through time to
determine if they fall, or do not fall. Some of the subjects fall once,
some fall several times. Follow-up time varies from subject to subject.
I know how to model time to the first fall (e.g. Cox Proportional
Hazards, Kaplan-Meir analyses, etc.) but I am not sure how I can model
the data if I include the data for those
2017 Aug 18
R Issues with packages
so I am trying to get my R setup to run this users package. Any help would
be great THANKS
devtools::install_github(repo = "dadrivr/ffanalytics")
I get this
devtools::install_github(repo = "dadrivr/ffanalytics")
Downloading GitHub repo dadrivr/ffanalytics at master
from URL https://api.github.com/repos/dadrivr/ffanalytics/zipball/master
Installing ffanalytics
2017 Aug 18
R Issues with packages
You just need to READ the error messages and use Google.
Don't try to install tcltk.
The other two packages are not available through CRAN... they are Bioconductor packages. (Not supported here... use Google.)
And learn to post plain text in the future to avoid scrambling what you thought you sent before we see it. Read the Posting Guide.
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
2017 Aug 18
R Issues with packages
Thanks Jeff
I got the Bioconductor packages installed and tried googling the 65535
tried some things and still get the same error.
On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Jeff Newmiller
<jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote:
> You just need to READ the error messages and use Google.
> Don't try to install tcltk.
> The other two packages are not available through CRAN...
2010 Dec 30
Panel Data Analysis in R
You wrote:
Ø Dear All,
Ø Can anyone provide me with reference notes(or steps) towards analysis of?? (un)balanced panel data in R.
Ø Thank you!
The "plm" package does panel data analysis in R. See the vignette at: cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plm/vignettes/plm.pdf. There are other similar articles by the same authors, Yves Croissant and
Giovanni Millo, and one of these is the
2011 Sep 03
Change properties of line summary in interaction.plot
Is it possible to change the color/thickness of the summary line in an
interaction.plot without changing the other individual data lines? I would
like to make the line from the summary function (mean) the color red and
thicker than the surrounding black lines. How can I do that?
Here is a link to interaction.plot:
2010 Sep 15
Creating publication-quality plots for use in Microsoft Word
Hi everyone,
I am trying to make some publication-quality plots for use in Microsoft
Word, but I am having trouble creating high-quality plots that are supported
by Microsoft Word.
If I use the R plot function to create the figure, the lines are jagged, and
the picture is not of high quality (same with JPEG(), TIFF(), and PNG()
functions). I have tried using the Cairo package, but it distorts
2009 Dec 13
Reshape a data set
I am trying to reshape a data set. Could someone please help me with the
reshape, cast, and melt functions? I am new to R and I have tried reading
up on how to use the reshape package, but I am very confused. Here is an
example of what I am trying to do:
subject coder score time
[1,] 1 1 20 5
[2,] 1 2 30 4
[3,] 2 3 10 10
[4,] 2 2
2012 Aug 24
Pseudo R squared in gls model
Dear R users,
I'm wondering if the gls function reports pseudo R. I do not see it by
summary(). If the package does not report, can I calculate it in this way?
Adjusted pseudo R squared = 1 - [(Loglik(beta) - k ) / Loglik(null)] where
k is the number of IVs.
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2012 May 26
Plotting interactions from lme with ggplot
I'm fitting a lme growth curve model with two predictors and their
interaction as predictors. The multilevel model is nested so that level 1 is
time within the individual, and level 2 is the individual. I would like to
plot the mean group-level trajectories at plus and minus 1 SD from the mean
of the main effects composing the interaction term. Thus, the plot should
have 4 lines (mean
2012 Oct 31
pseudo R-squared for model generated with spgm (splm)
I am working with the splm package. I use the spgm function: general
estimation of a panel data model. Based on this approach, I know it is
possible to compute a R2, eg the ratio of variation explained by a given
My model is :
I know that we can calculate the R^2 as the variance of the fitted
2009 Jul 20
randomForest - what is a 'good' pseudo r-squared?
Hi all
I have been trying to use the randomForest package to model insect species abundance in different habitats and identify the key variables (landscape/climate etc) in determining abundance, which has all worked fine and I get nice variable importance plots etc. Many thanks to everyone on this help forum who has given tips/advice along the way.
But the percentage variance explained /pseudo r