Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: ""CV" for log normal data"
2013 Apr 04
Extract the accuracy of 10-CV
Hello guys!
I am working with some classifiers ( SVM,C4.5,RNA,etc) using 10-C.V.
Once I have the model of each one, I make the validation of these models in
one dataset. Then,with my model and the dataset, I extract a confusion
matrix to know the capacity of prediction from the model. And finally, I
extract the accuracy of this prediction based on the diagonal from the
confusion matrix.
2004 May 05
Segfault from knn.cv in class package (PR#6856)
The function knn.cv in the class package doesn't have error checking to
ensure that the length of the classlabel argument is equal to the number
of rows in the test set. If the classlabel is short, the result is often
a segfault.
> library(class)
> dat <- matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow=10)
> cl <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,5))
> cl2 <- c(rep(1,5), rep(2,4))
> knn.cv(dat, cl)
[1] 2
2023 Apr 02
Count matrix of GSE146049
How can I subscribe to R genomic list?
On Sun, 2 Apr 2023, 9:28 pm Peter Langfelder, <peter.langfelder at gmail.com>
> It's a microarray data set, so I don't think you would want to apply
> an RNA-seq pipeline. You'd be better off applying a normalization
> appropriate for this type of microarray data.
> HTH,
> Peter
> On Sun, Apr 2, 2023
2023 Apr 02
Count matrix of GSE146049
It's a microarray data set, so I don't think you would want to apply
an RNA-seq pipeline. You'd be better off applying a normalization
appropriate for this type of microarray data.
On Sun, Apr 2, 2023 at 11:09?PM Anas Jamshed <anasjamshed1994 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want to get the count matrix of genes from
2006 Apr 28
limma - OneWayAnova
I have a very basic question about limma.
Assume I have experiments from 3 or more RNA sources in a reference
design. It is easy to define individual contrasts but I want to specify a
contrast matrix that tests for significant differences among ALL the
different RNA sources (i.e. the analogous thing to a simple One-Way ANOVA).
How can I do that?
2023 Apr 02
Count matrix of GSE146049
I want to get the count matrix of genes from
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE146049. Is it
possible for GSE146049? After getting counts, I want to do TMM
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Apr 20
Dear all,
I have a question about limmaGUI that is usually run in R environment.
My problem is loading data into the programm. I have 6 gpr files that
apparently are not compatible with limma. Everytime I'm trying to load
the data (including a RNA targets file, an error appears:Error reading
files. that I'm not sure,but seems to have something to do with the
format of my files
2005 Aug 16
permutated p values vs. normal p values
Hi, I am performing Cox proportional hazards
regression on a microarray dataset with 15000 genes.
The p values generated from the Cox regression (based
on normal distribution of large sample theory) showed
only 2 genes have a p value less than 0.05. However,
when I did a permutation on the dataset to obtained
permutated p values, and it turned out about 750 genes
had a permutated p value less than
2012 May 23
File format for single channel analysis of Agilent microarray data in Limma?
I am following the protocol outlined here for analysis of single channel
Agilent microarray data:
I keep getting the following error message when using Limma's read.maimages
function to load my data into an RGList object:
Error in RG[[a]][, i] <- obj[, columns[[a]]] :
number of
2011 Nov 01
predict for a cv.glmnet returns an error
Hi there,
I am trying to use predict() with an object returned by cv.glmnet(), and get
the following error:
no applicable method for 'predict' applied to an object of class "cv.glmnet"
What's wrong?
my code:
Thanks so much,
View this message in context:
2004 Nov 24
LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction
Dear all, not really a R question but:
If I want to check for the classification accuracy of a LDA with
previous PCA for dimensionality reduction by means of the LOOCV method:
Is it ok to do the PCA on the WHOLE dataset ONCE and then run the LDA
with the CV option set to TRUE (runs LOOCV)
-- OR--
do I need
- to compute for each 'test-bag' (the n-1 observations) a PCA
2009 Aug 21
LASSO: glmpath and cv.glmpath
perhaps you can help me to find out, how to find the best Lambda in a
I have a feature selection problem with 150 proteins potentially
predicting Cancer or Noncancer. With a lasso model
fit.glm <- glmpath(x=as.matrix(X), y=target, family="binomial")
(target is 0, 1 <- Cancer non cancer, X the proteins, numerical in
expression), I get following path (PICTURE
2011 Jul 22
cv.glm and "longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length" error
I've done some searching where others have had trouble with this error (or
"warning" actually), but I'm unable to solve my problem. I have a data
sheet with 13 columns and 36 rows. Each column has exactly the same number
of rows. I've created glms and now want to do cross-validation on 2 of
them. Please be gentle-- I'm new to R (and statistics, too, for that
2010 Jun 09
Finding the bootstrapped coefficient of variation and the stderr on the CV(boot)
Dear R-Helpers,
I am trying to bootstrap the coefficient of variation on a suite of
vectors, here I provide an example using one of the vectors in my
study. When I ran this script with the vector x <-c(0.625,
0.071428571, 0.133333333, 0.125, 0), it returned CV(boot) [the second
one], and stderr(boot) [the second one] without problem. However, when
I ran it with the vector in the
2005 May 12
pls -- crossval vs plsr(..., CV=TRUE)
Newbie question about the pls package.
Mac OS 10.3.9
R: Aqua GUI 1.01, v 2.0.1
I want to get R^2 and Q^2 (LOO and Leave-10-Out) values for each
component for my model.
I was running into a few problems so I played with the example a little
and the results do not match up with the comments
in the help pages.
$ library(pls)
$ data(NIR)
$ testing.plsNOCV <- plsr(y ~ X, 6, data =
2007 Feb 26
PlotAffyRNAdeg on Estrogen Data
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to generate an RNA degradation plot of the Estrogen example
data plot, but seem to get an error. I've tried defining an ylim value,
ylim=c(0,30) , but it doesn't seem to work either.
My code is as follows:
> RNAdeg<-AffyRNAdeg(Data)
> png(DegLoc, width=720, height=720)
> par(ann=FALSE)
> par(mar=c(3,3,0.1,0.1))
2011 Mar 04
cv.lm syntax error
Dear all,
I've tried a multiple regression, and now I want to try a cross-validation.
I obtain this error (it must be sth related to df) that I don't understand,
any help would be appreciated.
cv.lm(df= dat, lm2.52f, m=3)
Error en `[.data.frame`(df, , ynam) : undefined columns selected
lm2.52f is my lm object, dat is a dataframe where the variables involved in
.lm are
I tried CVlm
2019 Jun 09
Strange local variable cv::VideoCapture allocated
I am using clang-6 to compile this C++ code and I see a strange temporary
variable allocated at expression address 0x7ff1131536e8.
If I change the ternary operator at line 483 to an if-else, the temporary
is not allocated.
FFMPEGVideoCapture ffmpeg_video_capture_;
cv::VideoCapture opencv_video_capture_;
2006 Feb 16
cv.glm function error message in a loop
Dear list,
I am modelling fish distributions using the glm-function followed by the
step-function, and then want to cross-validate the model via the
cv.glm-function from the {boot} package. I am working on fish
distributions on coral reefs. The code I have works for one fish
species. Since I have 227 fishes, I wrote a loop. Now the
cv.glm-function comes up with an error message: "Error in
2007 Aug 16
Possible memory leak with R v.2.5.0
I'm working with a very large matrix ( 22k rows x 2k cols) of RNA
expression data with R v.2.5.0 on a RedHat Enterprise machine, x86_64
The relevant code is below, but I call a function that takes a cluster
of this data ( a list structure that contains a $rows elt which lists
the rows (genes ) in the cluster by ID, but not the actual data itself