Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Plot Many Data to same plot"
2012 May 22
confused with indexing
Dear all,
I have a code that looks like the following (I am sorry that this is not a reproducible example)
....code Skipped that might alter indexSkipped
if (length(indexSkipped)==0)
2012 May 15
Simple parallel for loop
Dear all,
I am having a for loop that iterates a given number of measurements that I would like to split over 16 available cores. The code is in the following format
for (i in c(1:length(inputForFunction$Var1))){#
print(sprintf("Calling the plotsCreate
2008 Dec 16
Problem assigning "NA" as a level name in a list
I want to generate a list (called "dataList" below) where each of its
levels is named. These names are assigned to nameList, which contains
all possible permutations of size two taking letters from a larger
alphabet, e.g., "aa",...,"Fd",..,"Z1",... One of these permutations is
the character string "NA". It seems that when I try to name one
2007 Dec 20
auto named savings (pngs & data-frames)
Hello, i only got a small problem.
i try to create automatic new dataframes, or png?s. the main problem i
got is:
how can i create automatic a new name for a file (read out by simply
"for") -
i tried to use "(paste...) but theres an errormessage, about a wrong
declination. R told it is as.character, but need as.Real.
Should i use another method than "paste"?
i tried as
2007 Jun 13
Formatted Data File Question for Clustering -Quickie Project
I am trying to learn how to format Ascii data files for scan or read
into R.
Precisely for a quickie project, I found some code (at end of this
email) to do exactly what I need:
To cluster and graph a dendrogram from package (stats).
I am stuck on how to format a text file to run the script.
I looked at the dataset USArrests (which would be replaced by my data
and labels) using UltraEdit. That
2004 Apr 08
Why are Split and Tapply so slow with named vectors, why is a for loop faster than mapply
First, here's the problem I'm working on so you understand the context. I
have a data frame of travel activity characteristics with 70,000+ records.
These activities are identified by unique chain numbers. (Activities are
part of trip chains.) There are 17,500 chains.
I use the chain numbers as factors to split various data fields into lists
of chain characteristics with each element of
2013 Feb 03
Compare each element of a list to a vector
Hello R-helpers,
I have a vector
and a list that contains vectors
and I would like to identify those list elements that are identical to x.
I tried
> datalist %in% x
but I am obviously using %in% incorrectly. I also tried messing around with
lapply but I can't figure out how to specify
2004 Sep 14
Re: datalist
The following is a cut/paste from http://developer.r-project.org/200update.txt:
3) When a package is installed, all the data sets are loaded to see
what they produce. If this is undesirable (because they are
enormous, or depend on other packages that need to be installed
later, ...), add a `datalist' file to the data subdirectory as
described in `Writing R
2010 Apr 09
Problem with Loops
I am trying to write a script with the end goal of graphing power (y) as a
result of sample size (x) at a variety of effects sizes. I am new to loops,
and I think my problem is there. Here's the script, which is modified from
the script found at the bootom of
http://www.statmethods.net/stats/power.html. ANy help would be much
appreciated!mtesche at ualberta.ca
2017 Oct 24
draw a circle with a gradient fill
Hi all,I would like to draw a simple circle where the color gradient follows the rule color = 1/(r^2) where r is the distance from the circle. I would also like to add a color bar with values going from -40 to -110 (and associate those with the color gradient that fills the circle).
So far I experiemented with draw circle
2013 Mar 23
sysdata.rda vs. rda files in data directory
Dear developeRs,
my package FrF2.catlg128 holds large catalogues and is supposed to gain
additional ones. All the catalogues are intended for the user.
So far, the catalogues were stored in the data directory, and LazyData
was "no". I understand that this is not considered wise any more (if it
ever was), so that I want to change to LazyData "yes" with the next
2009 Jun 05
Antialiasing plots and text on different devices
I have a question about antialiasing when R generates bitmaps. (This follows
a thread on the ggplot2 mailing list.)
I mostly use R on Linux, although I sometimes use it in Mac and Windows as
well. On Linux, I've found that plotting shapes 15-18 via cairo results in
bad-looking output. The points are not antialiased, and they are jagged and
misshapen. Plots generated in Windows also aren't
2010 May 29
adding statistical output to a plot
I have written a function to emulate minitab's QQ plotting output (with SW
test and AD test results on the graph):
{ library(nortest)
X11(width=plot.wd, height=plot.ht, bg='gray96')
qqplot(x, pch=16, cex=pt.ht,
1997 May 11
R-alpha: Logarithmic scales
Here are another three problems with logarithmic scales:
1) segments() does not work with logarithmic scales. I suggest to change
lines 962-973 in "plot.c":
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (FINITE(xt(x0[i%nx0])) && FINITE(yt(y0[i%ny0]))
&& FINITE(xt(x1[i%nx1])) && FINITE(yt(y1[i%ny1]))) {
GP->col = INTEGER(col)[i % ncol];
2006 Feb 12
mean from list
hi all,
I have a simple problem that i am not able to solve. I've a list called
datalist with the following structure:
-1 0 1
-1 31 5 2
0 6 7 5
1 1 7 36
-1 0 1
-1 31 5 2
0 6 7 5
1 1 7 36
[1] 0.855
[1] 0.855
with [[1]] ... [[100]]. How can i get the mean value of datalist[[x]]$d,
where x
2017 Dec 04
Dynamic reference, right-hand side of function
The generic rule is that R is not a macro language, so looping of names of things gets awkward. It is usually easier to use compound objects like lists and iterate over them. E.g.
datanames <- paste0("aa_", 2000:2007)
datalist <- lapply(datanames, get)
names(datalist) <- datanames
col1 <- lapply(datalist, "[[", 1)
colnum <- lapply(col1, as.numeric)
(The 2nd
2006 Feb 12
R: mean from list
great!! thanks very much, mean(unlist(lapply(listdata, function(z) z$c)))
works well.
and what about getting the average table $a (displaying the average elements
across all 1000 matrix)? could you please help me? I am struggling with
thanks in advance
mean(unlist(lapply(x, function(z) z$d))) should do the trick
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 20:06:12 +0000, statistical.model at
2013 Jan 02
Need help with self-defined function to perform nonlinear regression and get prediction interval
Dear All,
I was trying to call a self-defined function that performs nonlinear
regression and gets the corresponding prediction upper limit using nls2
package. However, weird thing happened. When I called the function in the
main program, an error message "fitted(nlsmodel): object 'nlsmodel' not
found" came up. But when I directly ran the codes inside the function, no
error came
2002 Mar 25
Extreme value distributions (Long.)
This may not actually be an R/Splus problem, but it started
off that way .....
Executive summary:
Simulations involving extreme value distributions seem to ``work''
when the underlying distribution is exponential(1) or exponential(2)
== chi-squared_2, but NOT when the underlying distribution is
2009 Jul 03
fix() and edit() not working with Rcmdr and german LANG-variable
Dear Mailinglist,
I just set up an R 2.9.1 environment with Rcmdr 1.4-6 on Ubuntu Jaunty
9.04. As I'm from Germany my $LANG variable is set to "de_DE.UTF-8".
Now, when I open up Rcmdr and try to edit a new datamatrix there is no
edit window appearing:
Datenmatrix <- edit(as.data.frame(NULL))
ERROR: invalid device
In addition, there are plenty of warning messages in the