Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "Multiple line-plot"
2007 Sep 13
minimize white space around lattice plot
Dear list,
I'm trying to produce a plot via xyplot with minimal sourounding white
space. However, I cannot find the options in xyplot, ps.options or
wherever which prevents lattice from drawing quite some white space
around my plot. However, this is quite a problem for me as I want to
produce an inset plot inside another lattice-plot. I'm using the panel
function to open a viewport and
2007 Oct 18
Lattice fails to draw insets
Hello all lattice experts!
I'm currently trying to plot inset figures in my lattice graphics. The
plot is composed out of two panels and in each panel I want to show an
inset figure which is a closeup of the data in each panel. Thus in each
panel I call xyplot again to plot the inset which I place in a grid
viewport. Nevertheless, once my first inset plot is drawn, lattice
aborts with an
2005 Dec 06
figure with inset
I am trying to plot a figure within a figure (an inset that shows a closeup of
part of the data set). I have searched R-help and other sources but not found a
What I would like to do is
(1) produce a plot
(2) specify a window that will be used for the next plot (in inches or using the
coordinate system of the plot produced in (1)
(3) overlay a new plot in the window specified under (2)
2009 Feb 25
A Modest Definition List Proposal (David E. Wheeler)
Taking David's example further, here is a first try:
id | name | description | more info
6 | Inset | An inset element | just one element
8 | Stories | Another element | another element
: with 2 lines, without
: colons on the left.
9 | Other
2012 Feb 10
how to plot a nice legend?
i'd like to plot a legend in my diagram. The diagram will be included
in a TikZ LaTeX document later.
I tried the legend() function, but
- it can not find a good place it self where the legend fits
and playing around with coordinates and scaling consumes a lot time
- standard settings for the text need adjustment
(linespacing is quite large and so on)
Is there an alternative to
2006 May 10
Legend titles in log plots broken? (ver. 2.2.1)
Legend titles work in linear plots:
curve(1/x, xlim = c(0, 1))
legend(x = 'topright', inset = 0.04,
legend = '1/x', lty = 1,
title = 'Legend Title')
But when you change to a log plot on either dimension things get screwy:
curve(1/x, xlim = c(0, 1), log = 'y')
legend(x = 'topright', inset = 0.04,
legend = '1/x', lty = 1,
2013 Feb 14
lm regression query
I have a 4-column dataset: Crime, Education, Urbanization, Age. I want to
construct a multiple linear regression to find the effect of Education,
Urbanization, and Age on Crime"
lm(Crime ~ Education + Urbanization + Age)
If I use + in above statement, does it mean it will build a model to find
the relationship between Crime and Education when Urbanization and Age are
held constant?
2008 Feb 18
Plotting a legend outside the figure - units
Dear R gurus,
I am trying to plot a legend in the margins of a figure. The basic idea is to have two (or more) plots on the same figure, but then to have a common legend at the bottom of the plot. The approach that I have taken is to setup the figures, then do a "dummy" plot of the legend to determine the height of the legend box (ie from the value returned by the legend() command). I
2012 May 04
Off-Topic: Crime Statistics Don't Pay
WARNING: COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC -- Nothing to do with R.
I thought readers of this list might enjoy the following. The link to
the full article is at the bottom. I hope this is not "too"
Overconfidence in crime statistics doesn?t pay. In a new study, a team
of criminologists makes the case that reported crime rates should
acknowledge uncertainty in the data. The
2012 Apr 20
Ternaryplot as an inset graph
I am trying to add a ternary plot as a corner inset graph to a larger
main ternary plot. I have successfully used add.scatter in the past for
different kinds of plots but It doesn't seem to work for this particular
function. It overlays the old plot rather than plotting as an inset.
Here is a simple version of what I'm trying. Note that if I change the
inset plot to be an ordinary
2020 Mar 17
":::" operator doesn't work with data object Ecdat:::Crime
????? The ":::" operator doesn't work for me with "Ecdat:::Crime" on
either macOS 10.15.3 or Windows 10.
????? A different but related issue is that "plm::Crime" says "Error:
'Crime' is not an exported object from 'namespace:plm'", even though
"library(plm); data(Crime); Crime" works.? I would naively think a user
2006 Feb 09
putting text in the corner
I want to write some text in a corner of my plot.
Is it possible to get the xlim and ylim of an open window?
Or is there anything similar like
legend(x="bottomright", inset=0.01,legend=...)
text(x=1,y=2, "test")
2011 Sep 27
inset one map on top of another map
I want to overlay a small inset map on top of another map, but I can't
figure out how to do it.
For example, here are two different maps:
# map 1 - Ohio
map("state", region= "ohio")
# map 2 - US with Ohio darkened
map("state", region="ohio", fill=T, add=T)
I would like to add map 2 as a small inset in the corner of map 1.
2012 Sep 24
Some of you have heard of CRIME, probably.
from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=857051
> Adding the following line to the /etc/sysconfig/httpd file:
But there are other services but http that use ssl and are vulnerable?
What is the optimal place for setting this environment variable system wide?
I tried to set it in
2008 Aug 03
How do I get an inset graph (i.e. graph within a graph)?
Hi, all,
How do I get an inset graph (i.e. graph within a graph)? Your input
is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
University of Washington
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
2013 Jan 31
Help with multiple barplots
Hello: I need to create a six barplots from data that looks pretty close to what appears below. There are two grouping variables (age and gender) and three dependent variables for each grouping variables. I'm not really familiar with trellis graphics, perhaps there is something that can do what I need there, i don't know.
The thing is: I *need* these to appear on one row, with some way
2002 Jan 27
EPS->LaTeX problem
I have a strange problem displaying a graph from R (1.3.1, linux) in a
LaTeX document of documentclass seminar.
I'm using graphicx to include the file:
When I do this, the entire slide (including the page number) is rotated
180 degrees. Any ideas why this happens?
The graph was created
2008 Dec 05
Trouble with gridBase and inset plots
Dear All,
I ma having a trouble in generating a figure containing 3 insets with
the gridBase package.
I always get an error message of the kind:
Error in gridPLT() : Figure region too small and/or viewport too large
No matter which parameters I choose. The plots works nicely with two
insets only, but when I try adding the third one, my troubles begin.
I am probably doing something wrong in the
2009 Jan 30
run query using rexcel runrfile and rodbc sql query
I'm using R-2.8.1 for windows. I wrote a script calls the RODBC
package to run sql queries against an oracle database. It runs fine
when run from the rconsole and returns a data.frame with a summary for
a set of experiments. I want to run this script using the
rinterface.RunRFile command in an excel plugin, using the rexcel
package. When I run the code from my excel plugin I
2008 Aug 04
thematic map of USA
My goal is to prepare a thematic map of the US, with states shaded
according to their values for a variable of interest. I would like to
include an inset for Alaska in the upper left and an inset for Hawaii in
the lower left. If possible, I'd like to use Albers conic projection, or
something similar. Thus far I have tried using the maps package with
its state database (which omits