similar to: txtStart creates a NULL file

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "txtStart creates a NULL file"

2012 Dec 17
save to file
 Hi, What's the equivalent of "Save to File" from the R console File menu on an R routine? Just trying to capture the whole R console into a text file when my code fails. Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 11
ipred bagging segfault on 64 bit linux build
I wanted to report this issue here so others may not find themselves alone and as the author is apparently active on the list. I havent done an exhaustive test by any means, cause I dont have time. But here's a small example. Apparently the "ns" argument is the one that is killing it. I've gotten several different segfault messages, the only other one I remember said "out
2007 May 24
"[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect"
Hi, everyone, I try to run as follows: Z>library("RODBC") Z>cnct<-odbcConnectExcel("Forbes2000.xls") Z>cnct RODB Connection 1 Details: case=nochange DBQ=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0\Forbes2000.xls DefaultDir=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.5.0 Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)} DriverId=790 MaxBufferSize=2048 PageTimeout=5 Z>sqlQuery(cnct, "select
2012 Oct 25
How to quit R script & return to R prompt
Hi can you please tell me how to quit R script & return to R prompt. As i tried following but still cannot able to return on to R prompt.. R> barplot(Forbes2000$profits) R> barplot(xtab(`profits,data=Forbes2000)) + barplot(xtab(~profits,data=Forbes2000)) + ) + Q() + ?barplots + + + + + barplot? + ? + ?? + ???? + stop() + exit() + + + ctrl+c + q() + I'm beginner in R &
2008 Jan 20
Newbie question on subsets
Hi... I'm working through the book, A Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R by Everitt, and I'm trying to do the following (p. 19 of his book): boxplot(log(marketvalue)~country, data = subset(Forbes2000, country %in% c("United Kingdom","Germany","India","Turkey")), ylab="log(marketvalue",
2007 May 27
How to reference or sort rownames in a data frame
As I was working through elementary examples, I was using dataset "plasma" of package "HSAUR". In performing a logistic regression of the data, and making the diagnostic plots (R-2.5.0) data(plasma,package='HSAUR') plasma_1<- glm(ESR ~ fibrinogen * globulin, data=plasma, family=binomial()) layout(matrix(1:4,nrow=2)) plot(plasma_1) I find that data points
2008 Nov 16
confint.glm(...) fails for binomial count data format
##Q1. confint.glm(...) fails for an example of HSAUR data("womensrole", package = "HSAUR"); ## summary(womensrole); womensrole_glm_2 <- glm(fm2, data = womensrole,family = binomial()) ## summary(womensrole_glm_2); confint(womensrole_glm_2); ## -------Fail--------- # Waiting for profiling to be done... # Error in if (any(y < 0 | y > 1)) stop("y values must be 0
2008 Jun 26
stuck on making a line graph across time, with 4 categories
I can't seem to find just what I'm looking for in R help, Everitt and Hothorn HSAUR, Murrell's book, or the R graphics gallery at Probably not looking efficiently, but anyway, If my data look like this: > head(data) cat startyear studentid 1 other 2001 12 2 UHS 2001 17 3 Lourdes 2001 10 4
2008 Sep 24
Add "title" in sink output and possibility of plot-like output for text
Hello, I have been using sink to create text file outputs. >sink("summ_model1and2.txt") > summary(model1) > summary(model2) > sink() Q1: Is there a way I could add a line of the text above the summary to act like a title? Also, I have been using the following to save plots from the lm function: > pdf("small.bin.ENN_MN_withQ.pdf") > par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma
2007 Apr 16
My First Function: cryptic error message
Dear List, My first R function is a rip-off bagging algorithm from pg. 138 of Everitt and Hothorn's "Handbook of Statistical Analyses using R" (HSAUR). I'm using recursive partitioning to develop a set of useful variables in diagnosing ADHD. I'm running this in ESS in XEmacs 21.4.19, R 2.4.1 on Slackware Linux 11.0 with a 2.6 kernel. This is almost an entire script,
2010 Oct 24
140 packages in R Commander!!
Dear List I just downloaded and installed R 2.12.0 and then installed R Commander . First it got RCmdr and Car, and then suggested for other packages for utilizing the full functionality- I clicked yes! I got 140 packages installed!!! Cran Mirror was UCLA... Here is the list. Is this intentional- I can see some packages like snow and multicore which are desirable but quite optional.(see list
2013 Sep 12
declaring package dependencies
I received the following email note re: the vcdExtra package > A vcd update has shown that packages TIMP and vcdExtra are not > declaring their dependence on colorspace/MASS: see > > But, I can't see what to do to avoid this, nor understand what has changed in R devel. Sure enough, CRAN now reports errors in
2012 Dec 15
Cannot build custom locale with utf-8 charset
I am trying, without success, to compile a custom locale for the utf-8 character set. I have issued this command: localedef --no-archive -f UTF-8 -i /usr/share/i18n/locales/en_CA at yyyy-mmm-dd en_CA at yyyy-mmm-dd.utf8 which produces the requisite files without reporting an error but which none-the-less insists on using the iso-8859-1 charset: LC_ALL=en_CA at yyyy-mm-dd locale charmap
2010 Aug 18
'panel.smooth' error
Hi, The following call: xyplot(incidence ~ year, melanoma, panel=panel.smooth) produces a blank plot region with an error message: Error using packet 1 has not been called yet > sessionInfo() R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) x86_64-pc-linux-gnu locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_COLLATE=en_CA.UTF-8 LC_MONETARY=C
2011 Dec 09
bug in sum() on integer vector
Hi, x <- c(rep(1800000003L, 10000000), -rep(1200000002L, 15000000)) This is correct: > sum(as.double(x)) [1] 0 This is not: > sum(x) [1] 4996000 Returning NA (with a warning) would also be acceptable for the latter. That would make it consistent with cumsum(x): > cumsum(x)[length(x)] [1] NA Warning message: Integer overflow in 'cumsum'; use
2011 Dec 07
bug in rank(), order(), is.unsorted() on character vector
Hi, This looks OK: > x <- c("_1_", "1_9", "2_9") > rank(x) [1] 1 2 3 But this does not: > xa <- paste(x, "a", sep="") > xa [1] "_1_a" "1_9a" "2_9a" > rank(xa) [1] 2 1 3 Cheers, H. > sessionInfo() R version 2.14.0 (2011-10-31) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1]
2009 Sep 14
Is there an equivalent of "echo"
Sorry I'm having one of those moments where I can't find the answer but I bet its obvious... I'm outputting my results to a file using sink() Is there a command simillar to php's echo command that would allow me to add some text to that file ie: dataFr$a = 1:10 dataFr$b = 2*1:10 sink ("filepath/filename.txt", split=T) #Show number of entries in vector a table
2005 Jun 28
axTicks on a reverse ylog plot (PR#7973)
There is still issues with the reversed y-log scale plot: # Test case A: works as expected plot(10:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,11)) grid() par("yaxp") # Test case B: grid does not have horizontal lines; par("yaxp") is different plot(1:100,log="y",ylim=c(100,10)) grid() par("yaxp") In the second test case, axTicks for the horizontal lines (in
2013 Mar 22
ggplot2 will not draw a rectangle. Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class XXX"
What am I missing? When I run the code below I get the error message "Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class function" Googling suggests a message of "Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class XXX" is not uncommon but I don't see why I am getting a "function" error unless I am using some reserved word?
2007 Jun 27
error message from lmer
Hi, I've begun to use the lme4 package, rather than nlme, for more flexibility during modelling, and running the examples in lmer I receive this error message: ---<---------------cut here---------------start-------------->--- R> (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy)) Error in printMer(object) : no slot of name "status" for this object of class