similar to: plotting dates, incorrectly scaled x-axis?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "plotting dates, incorrectly scaled x-axis?"

2012 Oct 26
connect points in charts
Hi is there a automatic way that long distances between points are not connected. I have something like plot(x,y,type="o",...) atx <- seq(as.Date("2009-04-01"),as.Date("2011-04-01"),"month") axis.Date(1, at=atx,labels=format(atx, "%b\n%Y"), padj=0.5 ) but I do not want lines between points whose distance is greater than two weeks. thx
2012 Sep 17
eval(parse(...)) only once in a function
Hi I would like to have something like str <- "df$JT == 12" fun <- function(df) { b <- eval(parse(str)) return(b) } but for performance "eval(parse(a))" should not be evaluated at each function call, but should work as fun <- function(df) { b <- df$JT == 12 return(b) } Do you have an idea how I can implement this? Thx Christof
2012 Jul 02
save conditions in a list
Hi how would you save conditions like a = "day > 100"; b = "val < 50"; c = "year == 2012" in a list? I like to have variables like "day", "val", "year" and a list of conditions list(a,b,c). Then I want to check if a & b & c is true or if a | b | c is true or similar things. Greetings Christof
2005 Aug 18
axis label justified
Hi, I am trying to make my axis labels left justified, and have used adj=0 in the axis() without success. Can anyone have a suggestion? axis(2,at=1:50,labels=paste('a',1:50,sep=''),las=2,cex.axis=0.5,adj=0,tck=0,mgp=c(3,0.5,0)) Thanks
2010 Mar 24
isdst warning when rounding a range of time data: fix or suppress?
Hi, I'm working with timeseries data. The values are every 5 seconds and each series can last up to 4-5 days. To generate the x-axis labels, I'm doing the following: ========================= # Variable for displaying hours on the x-axis rtime <<- as.POSIXct(round(range(timedata), "hours")) # Variable for displaying days on the x-axis stime <<-
2012 Aug 14
self-starter functions for y = a + b * c^x
Hi there are some predefined self-start functions, like SSmicmen, SSbiexp, SSasymp, SSasympOff, SSasympOrig, SSgompertz, SSflp, SSlogis, SSweibull, Quadratic, Qubic, SSexp (nlrwr) Btw, do you know graphic examples for this functions? The SSexpDecay (exponential decay) for y = (y0 - plateau)*exp(-k*x) + plateau from
2005 May 25
Plot: Distance between tick and tick label on y-axis
Hello, I want to reduce the distance between my ticks and their labels. I managed to do it for the x-axis, but the y-axis puzzles me. Here's an example where there is no space between the x-asix ticks and labels. par(las=1) plot(runif(50), type="l",xaxt="n",yaxt="n",ylab="", bty="l") axis(2) axis(1,padj=-1.5) #However, axis(2,padj=-1.5)
2012 Oct 02
lattice xyplot, get current level
Hi xyplot(y ~ x | subject) plots a separate graph of y against x for each level of subject. But I would like to have an own function for each level. Something like xyplot(y ~ x | subject, panel = function(x,y) { panel.xyplot(x,y) panel.curve(x,y) { # something that dependents on the current subject ... } }) How I get the current
2009 Jul 29
Drawing lines in margins
Hi all, Quick question: What function can I use to draw a line in the margin of a plot? segments() and lines() both stop at the margin. In case the answer depends on exactly what I'm trying to do, see below. I'm using R v. 2.8.1 on Windows XP. Cheers, Alan I'm trying to make a horizontal barplot with a column of numbers on the right side. I'd like to put a line between the
2012 Jan 20
break an axis.POSIXct
Hi I like to use "axis.POSIXct" to plot days from 2006 till 2008. But I only have datas for the summer months. Is it possible to get two axis breaks, to have not so long distances without points? thx Christof
2012 Apr 06
Saving multiple plots using tiff function
Dear R experts, I am trying to save three plots using tiff graphics devices; however the following code only produces two files (Rplot002.tif and Rplot003.tif) showing figures 1 and 3. Here is a simplified ex code tiff(filename ="Rplot%03d.tif",width=24,height=20,units="cm",res=300, pointsize=10, compression = "lzw") plot(1) mtext("Fig
2005 Jan 31
how to move x-axis labels down
Hi, In the code below, the labels I put on the x-axis are too high (they cross the axis). Can anyone tell me how to move them down? I've tried adj=, padj=, mar=, and various other things, but cannot move them down. Thanks. -Ben labs <- paste('sample', 1:10) plot(1:10, xaxt='n', xlab='') axis(1, at=1:10, labels=labs, padj=1, las=2) # las is a par() parameter
2011 Nov 26
simplify source code
Hi I would like to shorten mod1 <- nls(ColName2 ~ ColName1, data = table, ...) mod2 <- nls(ColName3 ~ ColName1, data = table, ...) mod3 <- nls(ColName4 ~ ColName1, data = table, ...) ... is there something like cols = c(ColName2,ColName3,ColName4,...) for i in ... mod[i-1] <- nls(ColName[i] ~ ColName1, data = table, ...) I am looking forward to help Christof
2012 Jan 09
RODBC vs gdata
Hi one col in my Excel file contains many numbers. But on line 3000 and some other lines are strings like "FG 1". "RODBS" seems to omit this lines. "gdata" works, but is much slower. Is this a bug of RODBC or do I apply it wrong? Example with the same "file.xlsx" library(RODBC); excel <- odbcConnectExcel2007("file.xlsx") tab <-
2009 May 16
Question about barplot: gridlines & value labels
Hello! I promise I looked into help files before asking. Still cannot figure it out. I think it's because I am totally confused what packages use lettice, which use trellis, etc. Sections 1 and 2 below produce the data and the data to plot. My question is about barplot in Section 3. I am trying to: 1. add only horizontal gridlines and manipulate the type and color of that line. tck = 1 is not
2010 Apr 20
multiple plots problem
hello, i try to plot 3 graphs which have the same x.axis underneath each other. i'd like the plots to be aligned without margings between the boxes and draw a single x axis beneath the lowest plot. i managed to get the alignment by setting par(mar), but the middle box is stretched and i cant't figure out how to get around this. par(pin) was my guess, but this doesn't do the job
2007 Sep 02
Different behavior of mtext
Dear R Users, I am quite surprised to see that mtext gives different results when it is used with 'pairs' and with "plot'. In the two following codes, it seems that the 'at' argument in mtext doesn't consider the same unit system. I would appreciate your comments on this issue. Sebastien ##### Pairs mydata<-data.frame(x=1:10,y=1:10) par(cex.main=1,
2011 Dec 09
apply on function with vector as result
Hi, a have some code like myfunc <- function(x) { ...; return c(a,b) } ys <- sapply(0:100,myfunc) so I get something like c(c(a1,b1),c(a2,b2),...) But now I need the "as" and "bs" in one vector as <- apply(ys, function(c(a,b)) a) bs <- apply(ys, function(c(a,b)) b) Can you help me with the correct syntax, instead of my pseudo code? thx Christof
2012 Jul 21
alternative to rbind for data.table
Hi I want to add a row to a "data.table" in each round of a for loop. "rbind" seems to be a inefficient way to implement this. How would you do this? The "slow" solution: library(data.table) Rprof("test.out") dt <- data.table() for (i in (1:10000)) { # algorithm that generates a list with different values, # but same key-names, each round, for
2010 Nov 20
plotting a timeline
I was trying to recreate this kind of timeline plot: As you can see in their excel example, the events are nicely placed out on both sides of the timeline axis. AFAIK there is no function to do this nicely in R-project. Furthermore, graphics and lattice packages are unable to draw the x-axis in the middle of the plot. (datapoints