similar to: AMOVA error: 'bin' must be numeric or a factor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "AMOVA error: 'bin' must be numeric or a factor"

2008 May 22
AMOVA results from ade4 different than in the reference publication
Hello, I am trying to run some AMOVA analyses with the amova function in the package ade4. When running the example dataset provided in ade4, I noticed a difference between the published results from the same data (Excoffier et al. 1992) and what ade4 calculates. Below are the data for "within sample/population" from ade4 and from the haplotypic distance matrix in the paper:
2008 Oct 14
question about amova (ade4)
Was there ever an answer to this question about how to do amova with factorial data? t hundley [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Nov 24
Hi, I'd like to conduct an amova in R from diploid genotpyic data. The packages pegas and ade4 require a Euclidian distance matrix. Is there a simple method to generate a dist object from genotypic data at the individual level? I think the dist.genet of ade4 only generates distances at the population level. Thanks for any help, Mike. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 14
question about amova (ade4)
Hello, I am interested in using the amova function of ade4 package of R. I would like to know if there is any possibility to perform an amova with a specific anova model, as a factorial anova with some factors nested, or, if this could not be done, how could I perform an anova with my specific model but with molecular distance data? I would be very grateful if you could help me with this fact in
2011 Jan 12
adonis, amova and haplotype frequency
Dear All, I'd like to perform adonis (from the vegan package) rather than amova (in ade4) on some haplotype data, as I have crossed factors. Is there a simple way to tweak the source to allow weights (haplotype frequencies) in a similar way to amova? Best Simon
2004 Apr 22
ade4 package update
The ade4 package (v. 1.2-1) has been updated on CRAN. New features include: - functions based on Rao's axiomatization of diversity measures : Rao's diversity coefficient and dissimilarity coefficient (divc and disc) - functions based on Excoffier et al. analysis of molecular variance with tests of the difference among the factors (amova). - functions introducing double principal
2004 Apr 22
ade4 package update
The ade4 package (v. 1.2-1) has been updated on CRAN. New features include: - functions based on Rao's axiomatization of diversity measures : Rao's diversity coefficient and dissimilarity coefficient (divc and disc) - functions based on Excoffier et al. analysis of molecular variance with tests of the difference among the factors (amova). - functions introducing double principal
2002 Jul 10
Problems with DOS printing from W2K on Samba
I have setup a W2K client that uses a SuSE8.0 samba 2.2.5 server on the network. Samba is setup to use CUPS and as long as I print from W2K itself, there is no problems at all. It I try to copy a text file to a printer on the Samba server e.i. cp file \\lserver1\HP4000T nothing comes out of the printer and the following error message is written to /var/log/samba/log.smbd:
2011 Apr 07
[LLVMdev] GSoC 2011: Superoptimization for LLVM IR
Hello all, thanks for the feedback! It sounds like you are planning to follow the approach of Joshi, Nelson and > Randall ("Denali: A Goal-directed Superoptimizer") in that you don't intend > to exhaustively enumerate all possible code sequences, and see if they are > the same as the original only better; but instead start from the original > code > sequence and
2011 Apr 08
[LLVMdev] GSoC 2011: Superoptimization for LLVM IR
Hi Rafael, don't forget to submit your proposal to GSOC (via the GSOC web-page) - the deadline is today! > > It sounds like you are planning to follow the approach of Joshi, Nelson and > Randall ("Denali: A Goal-directed Superoptimizer") in that you don't intend > to exhaustively enumerate all possible code sequences, and see if they are > the same
2011 Apr 08
[LLVMdev] GSoC 2011: Superoptimization for LLVM IR
IMO super optimizer would yield less benefits on LLVM compared to other compilers. If you check the patch of the instcombine pass, you'll find out people keep dragging "correct" optimization out, not because the optimization violates the semantic of LLVM IR, but it will generate wrong code sequences when lowering to machine code. An example: %3 = fcmp %1, %2 %6 = fcmp %4, %5 %7 =
2011 Apr 06
[LLVMdev] GSoC 2011: Superoptimization for LLVM IR
Hello, I want to present my project for GSoC 2011 for LLVM below. It would be very nice to hear suggestions and your opinion, thanks! Superoptimization for LLVM IR Objective This project focuses on implementing superoptimization algorithms targeted at the LLVM IR. The project uses arbitrary LLVM bitcode as a training set to discover new peephole optimizations that can be later integrated into
2006 Mar 31
Asterisk, QSIG and Tenovis PBX?
Hi, we are still trying to properly connect a Tenovis PBX to an Asterisk server (asterisk 1.2.6, libpri 1.2.2, zaptel 1.2.5, Digium Wildcard TE110P), this time with QSIG. Calling from a Tenovis phone to a SIP phone (i.e. traditional phone -> Tenovis PBX -> QSIG -> Asterisk -> SIP phone) works with the following messages: --- Don't know what to do if second ROSE component is of
2011 Jul 22
pegas package: Problem using nuc.div and tajima d -> error with dist.dna() -> character variables must be duplicated in .C/.Fortran
Hi, For the last few days I have tried utilise your package "pegas" in order to obtain some values for indices like the nuclear diversity and tajimas d value. I have modified my dataset (a text file containing dna sequences) in order to be able to read it in with the tools provided by pegas. Here, I have oriented myself on the description provided by the help-page in read.loci().
1998 Oct 26
Pegasus Mail, Samba and Qmail - mail without POP3 in LAN!
Dear friends, I would like to announce for tests and free use a good add-on for Samba. It is a LAN-based interface for famous Pegasus Mail by David Harris, emulating his Mercury MTA. Note that this message have passed through this system. Look in headers. It is working! (7k) The file contains the patch against qmail 1.03, source of
2016 Mar 02
nueva distribución de R y problema solucionado
Hola, ¿qué tal? Sobre El 2 de marzo de 2016, 11:06, <miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en> escribió: > > Que Microsoft tenga su propia versión de R y (si es el caso) su propia > versión de los paquetes... con lo dados que han sido en el pasado a > "tirar por su cuenta".. no sé yo... > > Opiniones? creo que, en primer lugar, deberíamos felicitarnos con
2016 Apr 26
Haplotype network appearance
Hi, I'm doing haplotype networks with the package pegas and the script from Jimmy O'Donell's blog. The networks which I obtain are a little ugly and I'd like to change some aspects of their appearance, but I'm just starting with R and I don't know how to do it. I have the following problems: -Some nodes overlap. I increase the scale.ratio but then I get a tiny legend. So
2010 Nov 02
Una guía de estilo para programar en R... ¿comentarios?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Hace poco vi que Google había hecho pública su guía de estilo interna para programar en R: Me tomé la libertad de traducirla: Cuanto más pienso en ella, más carencias veo. Escribí sobre ello en mi blog (
2013 May 28
Nueva consulta
Hola buenas tardes: Vuelvo a solicitar su ayuda porque no puedo saber que pasa. Estoy usando el documento 'Regresión Logística Categor/Tema 4 Cate.pdf como guía y el ejemplo que ustedes conocen de los cangrejos (crab.txt). Cargo los datos, los guardo en un data frame llamado tabla; al pedir tabla[1:5,] obtengo: color spine width satell weight 1 3 3 28.3 8 3050 2 4
2020 May 01
Instalar paquetes no disponibles para la versión actual
He encontrado esto: Package ?forestFloor? was removed from the CRAN repository. Formerly available versions can be obtained from the archive <>. Archived on 2020-02-19 as check problems were not corrected despite reminders. Please use the canonical form