similar to: complex subscript/superscript on axis labels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "complex subscript/superscript on axis labels"

2011 Mar 07
postscript cuts off left margin
I am using the following commands: postscript(file="test.eps",paper="special",width=6,height=6,horizontal=FALSE) # fake data x <- c(12,13,14) y <- c(41,42,43) plot(x,y,type="n",xlab=expression(paste("log ",nu[peak]," [Hz]",sep="")),ylab=expression(paste("log ",L[peak]," [",ergs,"
2011 Mar 22
Accelerating the calculation of the moving average
Dear List, I have a data frame with approximately 500000 rows that looks like this: ?Date??? time??? value ? 19.07.1956????????? 12:00:00?????????????? 4.84 19.07.1956????????? 13:00:00?????????????? 4.85 19.07.1956????????? 14:00:00?????????????? 4.89 19.07.1956????????? 15:00:00?????????????? 4.94 19.07.1956????????? 16:00:00?????????????? 4.99 19.07.1956????????? 17:00:00?????????????? 5.01
2010 Dec 08
I want to get smoothed splines by using the class gam
Hi all, I try to interpolate a data set in the form: time Erg 0.000000 48.650000 1.500000 56.080000 3.000000 38.330000 4.500000 49.650000 6.000000 61.390000 7.500000 51.250000 9.000000 50.450000 10.500000 55.110000 12.000000 61.120000 18.000000 61.260000 24.000000 62.670000 36.000000 63.670000 48.000000 74.880000 I want to get smoothed splines by using the class gam The first way I tried , was
1999 Dec 13
Superscript or subscript on Left hand side of symbol
Is there a way to get subscripts and superscripts on the left hand side of a symbol? For example, oC or oF (degree Celsius or Fahrenheit) TIA Partha -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the
2008 Jun 04
Superscript/Subscript in main title
I have been trying to figure out how to get superscript/subscript in the main title for a plot. I have tried various approaches and suggestions but none of them work. I am trying to get the following as the main title of my plot: Emission of CO2 with time (but note that 2 is subscript.) I have tried plot(main="Emission of C"expression(O[2]) "with time") and I get error
2007 Mar 16
Complex superscript plot text
Hi all: I would like to create a line of plot margin text (using mtext() ) that features both a superscript and a subset of an object. However, I cannot seem to do both things at once, nor have I found a way to paste the two results together. (I pull the object subset because this is part of a for-next loop to make multiple graphs) This example doesn't give me what I want from mtext():
2011 May 05
cross-correlation table with subscript or superscript to indicate significant differences
Hi, I wonder whether the following is possible with R, and whether anyone has done that and can share his/her code with me. I have a correlation matrix, and I want to create a correlation table that I can copy to Microsoft Word with a superscript above each correlation, indicating significant differences in the same row. That is, when correlations in the same row do not share superscript, it means
2002 Jun 03
How are people managing startup/shutdown of winbindd?
Greetings, I realize many people will never use winbindd, and thus it will likely not get included in /etc/init.d/samba (on my Debian system; your file may vary) by default, so another solution seems in order. It's not as important to be able to start and stop winbindd now that it's getting more robust, but I'd still like something. How are y'all out there in Samba land
2009 Sep 23
Maximum Likelihood Est. regarding the degree of freedom of a multivariate skew-t copula
Hello, I have a bigger problem in calculating the Maximum Likelihood Estimator regarding the degree of freedom of a multivariate skew-t copula. First of all I would like to describe what this is all about, so that you can understand my problem: I have 2 time series with more than 3000 entries each. I would like to calculate a multivariate skew-t Copula that fits this time series. Notice:
2012 Mar 27
Supperscript, subscript and double lines in the main/sub title and using greek letters
Dear R-help, I am trying to express myself as best as I can here. If you also use Latex to edit math reports or other languages with similar editing method, you'll see what I'm talking about. My sincere appologies if my question is not clear enough to some extend, as also I'm not able to provide my code here because I don`t know which one I can use... When editing the title in R
2008 Mar 20
Rmpi and C Code, where to get the communicator
Hello, I try to write parts of my code in C to accelerate the for-loops. But basic operations I want to do in R (e.g. start cluster). My R code looks something like this: library(Rmpi) mpi.spawn.Rslaves() mpi.remote.exec(....) dyn.load("") erg <- .Call("test", ....) .... mpi.close.Rslaves() mpi.quit() And my C function looks something like this: #include
2005 Jun 05
Superscript text in axis labels
Hello, I am guessing this is not a difficult question. But at the same time, I haven't had much luck figuring this issue out from the R documentation and help pages. How can I create superscript text in the labels of a plot? The parameter along my y-axis is volume and my desire is for the y-axis label to read "Volume (cm^3)" except with the "3" in the superscript
2004 Nov 04
sub- and superscript in plot labels
Dear List, I need to add a subscript and a superscript to some of the ions in the labels on some plots. I have got to here but now I'm stuck: plot(1:10, xlab = expression(paste("nm SO"[4], " ", mu, "eq cm"^{-2}, " yr"^{-1}))) Which gives almost what I require. No matter what I tried, however, I could not get bot a sub script *and* a superscript
2007 Jul 19
Help Memdisk + Pxelinux hangs
Hello, I am a *nix newbie I am trying to boot a DOS boot disk using PXE (to Ghost on windows images). We have an existing PXE server which successfully serves out PXElinux and Fedora builds based on that but my floppy disk image with memdisk isn't working I have tried a few different floppy images which people have posted as ones that work for them but I doubt the disk is the problem
2013 Jul 30
Failed to parse template, wrong number of arguments (create_resources)
I''m having some issues trying to track down a problem I''m having parsing a simple template, using create_resources and Hiera. Here''s my setup (abridged): ../hieradata/settings.yaml: *global:* * variables:* * env: foo* * * *appSpecific:* * serverName: someServer* ../modules/test/manifests/init.pp: *class test {* * create_resources(test::variables,
2004 Oct 06
Foreign code problem
Hello, I wanted to test the odesolve package and tried to use compiled C-code. But when I do: erg <- lsoda(y, times, "mond", parms, rtol, atol, tcrit=NULL, jacfunc=NULL, verbose=FALSE, dllname="mond", hmin=0, hmax=Inf) I get the error message: Error in lsoda(y, times, "mond", parms, rtol, atol, tcrit = NULL, jacfunc =
2006 Jun 06
Problems using quadprog for solving quadratic programming problem
Hi, I'm using the package quadprog to solve the following quadratic programming problem. I want to minimize the function (b_1-b_2)^2+(b_3-b_4)^2 by the following constraints b_i, i=1,...,4: b_1+b_3=1 b_2+b_4=1 0.1<=b_1<=0.2 0.2<=b_2<=0.4 0.8<=b_3<=0.9 0.6<=b_4<=0.8 In my opinion the solution should be b_1=b_2=0.2 und b_3=b_4=0.8. Unfortunately R doesn't find
2009 Sep 29
connecting points on a graph
Hi, I am trying to connect points on a graph that originate from *different columns of data*. For each sample I have minimum and maximum data points and I would like to draw a line connecting these in order to visualize the spread, as well as where each sample is in relation to the x-axis. So far I can generate the points, but the only lines I have been able to make join all the minimum values
2012 Feb 04
effect function (effects package)
Dear all, How does the effect() function in the effects package calculate effects and standard errors for glm quasipoisson models? I was using effect() to calculate the impact of increasing x to e + epsilon, and then finding the expected percent change. I thought that this effect (as a percentage) should be exp(beta*epsilon), where beta is the appropriate coefficient from the model, but
2009 Mar 17
Adding labels to heatmaps from image()
Hi, I have been trying to add labels to the rows of a heatmap produced using image() function. It is simply not working. Here is what I did. A2Rplot.hclust(hcc,k=length(num),col.up="black",col.down=num,lty.up=2,lty.down=1,lwd.up=1,lwd.down=2,show.labels=FALSE) #used the above external program to create a colored dendrogram xsort <- x[1:nrow(x), hcc$labels[hcc$order]]