similar to: "shifted" bar chart / battleship curve

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: ""shifted" bar chart / battleship curve"

2012 Nov 03
Violin plot of categorical/binned data
Hi, I'm trying to create a plot showing the density distribution of some shipping data. I like the look of violin plots, but my data is not continuous but rather binned and I want to make sure its binned nature (not smooth) is apparent in the final plot. So for example, I have the number of individuals per vessel, but rather than having the actual number of individuals I have data in the
2012 Mar 22
Bubble chart
I have a matrix of p-values for for each explanatory variable. Each row is an area of the response variable and each column is an explanatory variable. e.g. PSA pval_DOY pval_PDSIconcurrent pval_PDSIantecedent_annual_average pval_TMAXanomaly pval_FM100anomaly 1 NC06 0.96747495 0.6092668 0.53353019 0.9301115 0.99801334 2 NC04 0.04699659
2005 Jan 17
Time line plot in R?
Dear R users, In order to illustrate the possible effects of events on variables plotted against time, I would like plot a time line of events along side the plot of the variables. The x-axis should be some time unit; the y-axis should be the variable of interest; the time line should be plotted below the graph along the same x-axis scale. As I have many variables and different events
2018 Feb 27
scale.default gives an incorrect error message when is.numeric() fails on a sparse row matrix (dgeMatrix)
I am attempting to use the lars package with a sparse input feature matrix, but the following fails: library(Matrix) library(lars) data(diabetes) attach(diabetes) x = as(as.matrix(, 'dgCMatrix') lars(x, y, intercept = FALSE) Error in scale.default(x, FALSE, normx) : > > length of 'scale' must equal the number of columns of 'x' > > More
2011 Mar 30
a for loop to lapply
Dear all, I am trying to learn lapply. I would like, as a test case, to try the lapply alternative for the Shadowlist<-array(data=NA,dim=c(dimx,dimy,dimmaps)) for (i in c(1:dimx)){ Shadowlist[,,i]<-i } ---so I wrote the following--- returni <-function(i,ShadowMatrix) {ShadowMatrix<-i} lapply(seq(1:dimx),Shadowlist[,,seq(1:dimx)],returni) So far I do not get same results
2007 Sep 28
plot graph with error bars trouble
Hi, I have a data set like this: Mutant Rep Time OD 02H02 1 0 0.029 02H02 2 0 0.029 02H02 3 0 0.023 02H02 1 8 0.655 02H02 2 8 0.615 02H02 3 8 0.557 02H02 1 12 1.776 02H02 2 12 1.859 02H02 3 12 1.668 02H02 1 16 3.379 02H02 2 16 3.726 02H02 3 16 3.367 306 1 0 0.033 306 2
2011 Apr 27
Assignments inside lapply
Dear all I would like to ask you if an assignment can be done inside a lapply statement. For example I would like to covert a double nested for loop for (i in c(1:dimx)){ for (j in c(1:dimy)){ Powermap[i,j] <- Pr(c(i,j),c(PRX,PRY),f) } } to something like that: ij<-expand.grid(i=seq(1:dimx),j=(1:dimy)) unlist(lapply(1:nrow(ij),function(rowId) { return
2012 Apr 27
kiteChart to show real values with scalebar
Dear R-users I hope someone could help me on this problem. I want to create a multiple kiteChart showing the real values with a scalebar on each indicating the scale . Here are some sample data to show what I want to achieve. Y <- read.table(textConnection("Sample1 Sample2 60 20 150 50 300
2012 Jan 27
Help boxplot to add mean, standard error and/or stadard deviation
Dear researchers I wish to plot a box plot without the mean line (the black line) and plot only the mean (red square). Futhermore, is it possible to add standard error and/or stadard deviation? This is an example mytest <- c(2.1,2.6,2.7,3.2,4.1,4.3,5.2,5.1,4.8,1.8,1.4,2.5,2.7,3.1,2.6,2.8) boxplot(mytest,lty = "solid") means <- mean(mytest,na.rm=TRUE) points(means, pch = 22, col
2011 Apr 14
Categorical bubble plot
Hi, I do not have much R experience just the basics, so please excuse any obvious questions. I would like to create bubble plot that have Categorical data on the x and y axis and then the diameter if the bubble the value related to x and y. Attached to the email is a pic of what I would like to do. I do hope someone can help me. -- Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Gr??en/recuerdos/meilleures
2010 May 28
Matrix interesting question!
hi, I have been trying to do this in R (have implemented it in Excel) but I have been using a very inefficent way (loops etc.). I have matrix A (columns are years and ages are rows) and matrix B (columns are birth yrs and rows are ages) I would like to first turn matrix A into matrix B And then I would like to convert matrix B back again to the original matrix A. (I have left out details of
2012 Jun 19
R and C pointers
Dear R devel, Apologies for these (most probably trivial) questions, doing my first attempt to call C from R (and actually learning C in the process). I need to pass a matrix to C, and after reading R-exts.pdf (many times), I was unable to find how to handle matrices at C-level... except for, what probably is the answer, that matrices are in fact vectors with dimensions. This is a sample code I
2011 Mar 11
Large dataset operations
Hello all, I'm new to R and trying to figure out how to perform calculations on a large dataset (300 000 datapoints). I have already made some code to do this but it is awfully slow. What I want to do is add a new column for each "rep_ " column where I have taken each value and divide it by the mean of all values where "PlateNo" is the same. My data is in the following
2011 Dec 22
Axis manipulation in Stackpoly (Plotrix)
Have made a stacked area plot, but now want to manipulate the x axis: make in even increments (50) in order to suppress the tick marks (forming solid bar under plot). However, the plot functions do not seem to work, and I cannot find documentation for use of xat in stackpoly. This is a time series of data covering 579 years, and has been successfully converted from zoo to matrix. Data plotting
2009 Apr 28
latticeExtra: useOuterStrips and axis.line$lwd
Hi, I'm working on some lattice wireframe figures that have two conditioning factors, and I want the strips labelled on the top and left of the entire plot, rather than above each individual panel. useOuterStrips() does this, but it draws internal axis lines, even after I explicitly set axis.line to 0. Is there a way to use useOuterStrips but without axis boxes? I've included a short
2011 Apr 22
Hello everyone, I am using ggplot to plot but I am getting the following error which I do not understand Error: geom_text requires the following missing aesthetics: label My code is dimx<-256 library(ggplot2) xandy<-expand.grid(seq(1:dimx),seq(1:dimy)) xx<-data.frame(xandy[[1]],xandy[[2]],Powermap=Powermap) subsetxx<-subset(xx, xx$Powermap>threshold)
2009 Sep 20
problems with Stackpoly, package Plotrix
Dear all, I am fairly new to package Plotrix and I would like to ask you, if any of you could help me with following. a) I don't know how to set up border line width in the Stackpoly function (seems that lwd from par doesn't work, or at least not in the way I have written) b) I don't know, how to rotate the x axis labels (I used srt=45, but same problem as before). c) Could anyone
2007 Jun 19
Controlling text and strip arrangement in xyplot
I've searched the archives and read the xyplot help but can't figure out the 2 lattice questions below? Consider: library(lattice) DF <- data.frame(x=rnorm(20), y=rnorm(20), g1=rep(letters[1:2], 10), g2=rep(LETTERS[1:2], each=10), g3=rep(rep(letters[3:4],each=5),2)) xyplot(y ~ x | g1 + g2, groups=g3, data=DF) 1) Is there a way to get one strip per row and column
2012 Mar 12
2 images on one plot
Dear all with image I can plot only one set of values in one plot. Do somebody have any insight how to put those 2 matrices into one picture so that in one cell in image picture are both values from mat[1,1] and mat2[1,1]. mat<-matrix(1:4, 2,2) mat2<-matrix(4:1,2,2) x <-1:2 y <-1:2 image(x, y, mat) image(x, y, mat2) The only way I found is to mix x or y for both matrices let
2005 Sep 28
Plot Data Points in boxplots
Hello, I would like to plot my data in a fashion similar to a boxplot, but plot the true data points without a box, just overlay lines of the summary generated by the boxplot. I have less than 10 observations within each group, so I think showing the actual data would be more effective than the box of the boxplot. I have been unable to find a way to do this. Here is example data: >