similar to: how to sum multiple data entries for the same sampling event?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "how to sum multiple data entries for the same sampling event?"

2003 May 13
assessing the fit of a LME model
Dear All, I would like to ask a couple of questions on a LME model. I tested 4 selection lines at 4 food concentrations against a standard competitor stock. I had 3 replicate cages per selection line. In each cage I have 10 vials. I counted the number of wild type flies and competitor stock emerging in each vial. My main question is: is there any difference between selection lines? I did fit
2010 Aug 31
weird to me interaction between time() and %%, %/%
Dear List, I'm getting weird and unexpected behaviour using time and %%, or %/%. It's likely I'm not appreciating the nuances of floating point arithmetic. Or it could be a bug. I'm running > R.version _ platform x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu kernel arch x86_64 os linux-gnu system x86_64, linux-gnu
2013 Feb 27
Separation issue in binary response models - glm, brglm, logistf
Dear all, I am encountering some issues with my data and need some help. I am trying to run glm analysis with a presence/absence variable as response variable and several explanatory variable (time, location, presence/absence data, abundance data). First I tried to use the glm() function, however I was having 2 warnings concerning () : # 1: algorithm did not converge # 2:
2011 Apr 07
By function
Hello all! I have a data frame with nine variables and 293 cases. (attached goes the csv file). I need to calculate a index using the sum of one variable (N) divided by the length of other variable (Fisherman), but for each day (Date). I tried to use that codes: by (cpue, cpue$Date, function (x) sum (cpue$N)/length(cpue$Fisherman)) tapply (cpue$Data, cpue$Data, function (x) {sum
2006 Sep 21
R data query
Dear Sir/Madam, I am encountering one of those alien computer momements one finds every so often in life. See the sequence below: > fish3.fis <-read.csv("emperor2.csv", check.names = TRUE, strip.white = TRUE) > colnames(fish3.fis) [1] "Month" "Year" "FishingArea" "SumOfTotalCatch" "CPUE" [6]
2009 Nov 10
Titles on panel graphs created in zoo
I have a plotted a stacked panel graph (single x axis and multiple y axis) using the package zoo and would like to add a title for each separate panel. I am using the script: z <- with(mydata,zoo(cbind(mydata$Water.level,mydata$Submerged.plants, mydata$Crayfish.CPUE,mydata$Carp.CPUE),Year)) plot(z,type="b",pch=16,lty=2,xlab="Year",ylab=c("Metres","Realtive
2011 Dec 04
Polishing my geom_bar for publication
Dear list, I am new with ggplot2 and I have spend quiet some time putting together the following code to create the attached plot. However there's still a few things that I'm having trouble with! I would be grateful if someone can tell me how to fix (1) the colour of my bars into grey scales (2) removing the y-axis (species name) on the right figure to avoid duplication, and (3) fix the
2012 May 19
weighted averages for two variables
Hi R users, I have a dataset with multiple variables and i'm trying to weigh average depths for fish species per year by their abundance (CPUE. I have tried the weighted.mean function but as i have two columns for the x value the lenghts differ with the w (CPUE). How do I solve this problem? So far I have tried this: data<-by(allspecies, list(allspecies$Depth, allspecies$Year),
2006 Nov 26
GLM and LM singularities
Hi- I'm wrestling with some of my data apparently not being called into a GLM or an LM. I'm looking at factors affecting fish annual catch rates (ie. CPUE) over 30 years. Two of the factors I'm using are sea surface temperature and sea surface temperature anomaly. A small sample of my data is below: CPUE Year Vessel_ID Base_Port Boat_Lgth Planing SST Anomaly 0.127
2007 Dec 07
Adding a subset to a glm messes up factors?
Hi everyone, I have a problem with running a glm using a subset of my data. Whenever I choose a subset, in the summary the factors arent shown (as if the variable was a continuous variable). If I dont use subsets then all the factors are shown. I have copied the output from summary for both cases. Thanks for the help, Muri > model<-glm(log(cpue)~year,family=gaussian) Call: glm(formula =
2008 Dec 05
Help with wavCWTPeaks
I cannot understand the following error printed out when I try to get the extrema of my time series. I would appreciate some suggestion as I really cannot interpret the error. I might not be using a proper set of parameters in calling such functions. I am learning by doing ... > aa.peak <- wavCWTPeaks (aa.tree) Error in `row.names<`(`*tmp*`, value = c("1",
2009 Nov 23
Different fonts on the same axis
Hi, I need to have both italics and standard font on the y axis. This is my script: plot(x,y,pch=16,xlab="metric",ylab="species CPUE") I want species in italics and CPUE in standard text. Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list
2011 Jan 26
2 functions with same name - what to do to get the one I want
There seems to be 2 functions call ecdf... How do I get the one ecdf {Hmisc} to run instead of the ecdf {stats} A pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Tried to instal Hmisc but got this message, so I assume I have it > utils:::menuInstallPkgs() Warning:
2012 Mar 09
Create a list object in a loop
Dear all, I'm trying to create a list of point patterns ppp.object {spatstat} in a loop. My dataset looks like this: > names(OT1);head(OT1);dim(OT1) [1] "EID" "latitude" "longitude" "month" "year" "CPUE" "TSUM" [8] "fTSUM" EID latitude longitude
2015 Jan 14
Abreviado de especies
Hola, Vaya desastre al mandar la cabecera de la base de datos. Al enviarlo, se veía bien, pero está visto que por el camino la cosa se torció. Siguiendo el consejo de Javier, he subido un pequeño fragmento al DropBox. He quitado algunas especies para no hacerlo muy largo. Espero que ésta vez no haya problemas. Un saludo y gracias Juan
2012 Aug 09
Add interpunct (dot) symbol to axis label?
I'm having problems creating an axis label for a plot. y_label = expression(paste(plain('CPUE '),plain('(fish'),plain('x'),plain('h'^{-1}),plain(')'))) I'd like to replace the "x" with an interpunct symbol (dot). Any suggestions how to do this? Thanks in advance. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Nov 14
GAM and Poisson distribution
Hi -I'm running a GAM with 7 explanatory variables with a Poisson error structure. All of the variables are continuous so I'm getting error messages in R. cod.fall.full.gam.model<-gam(Kept.CPUE~s(HOUR)+s(LAT_dec)+s(LONG_dec)+s(meantemp_C)+s(meandepth_fa)+s(change_depth)+s(seds), data=cod.fall.version2,family=poisson) In dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE) ... : non-integer x = 5.325517
2012 Dec 10
Marginal effects of ZINB models
Dear all, I am modeling the incidence of recreational anglers along a stretch of coastline, and with a vary large proportion of zeros (>80%) have chosen to use a zero inflated negative binomial (ZINB) distribution. I am using the same variables for both parts of the model, can anyone help me with R code to compute overall marginal effects of each variable? My model is specified as follows:
2007 Mar 27
gam parameter predictions --Sorry for double posting
R-help, Sorry for posting again the same question (dated 26-03-2007) but all my mails have been sent to the recycle bin without possibility of recovering and thus I don't know if anyone has answer my query. Here is the original message: I'm applying a gam model (package mgcv) to predict relative abundances of a fish species. The covariates are year, month, vessel and statistical
2009 Jun 15
books on Time series
Dear list fellows, I want to study time series and use R to analyse time series of fishing data from several species (landings and cpue) investigating the correlation between them and with environmental factors (water temperature, wind, etc.). Searching at Amazon I found three books with examples in R: Time Series Analysis: With Applications in R by Jonathan D. Cryer and Jonathan D. Cryer