similar to: handling a lot of data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "handling a lot of data"

2010 Apr 20
3D surface plot with wireframe or persp?
Hello Dear, I have a function, like z=f(x,y), and try a surface plot with this function. But, on the reference of "wireframe" requires data option, so I generated x and y, and computed z with them. But, still I have a problem to draw a surface plot. The code and errors are ################################################## mle_beta0=64.43707; mle_beta1=-24365.16; # generating for
2010 Mar 25
help with breaking loops used to fit covariates in nlme model building procedure
Dear All I'm attempting to speed up my model building procedure, but need some help with the loops I've created...please bear with me through the explanation! My basic model call is something like: m0sulf.nlme<-nlme(conc~beta0*exp(-beta1*day)+beta2*exp(-beta3*day), data=m0sulf, fixed=(beta0+beta1+beta2+beta3~1),
2012 Mar 09
unir 2 dataframe con con igual caso pero distinto valor en igual variable
Estimados usarios de R: Tengo una base de datos madre en formato .sav de SPSS y la quiero modificar usando datos de otras base de datos .sav y otra en .csv a las que llamare hijos. No tengo problema en convertirlas en data.frame. Todos los archivos tienen en común una variable que es única. En aquellos casos que les falta un valor a una variable en el archivo madre lo relleno con el valor del
2001 Oct 03
Exporting the output -windows
Hi R-users, I am a newbie to R. I worked on multivariate tools(mva package)for windows98 the output are all displayed in console.Is it possible to export the results in to HTML format and also to get report quality output in neat tabulated format. I tried for in the R imports and Exports manual but not satisfactory.There is detailed instruction importing from various formats
2002 Jul 12
Crosstabs in R
Before I reinvent the wheel, I have need for a relatively straightforward crosstabulation (2 x n) function. I know that R has table(), ftable(), xtabs(), and summary(xtabs()), but none of these produce a fully "tricked" out cross-tabulation with marginal totals, expected cell frequencies, and an array of statistics about the contingency table. Is there a more complete (something
2000 Feb 02
Factor Analysis?
Hello. I have been browsing the R- manual and not seen any direct implementation of Factor analysis. Is there anyone out there who has run Factor Analysis with R? Thanks Michael -- Michael Preminger Forsker / Research Scientist Avdeling for journalistikk, bibliotek- og informasjonsfag / Faculty of Journalism, Library and Information Science H?gskolen i Oslo / Oslo College
2003 Nov 04
read.spss Error reading system-file header
Is there any documentation on what kind of SPSS file can and cannot be read by read.spss? Alternatively, how can one modify or "clean" an SPSS file to make it readable by read.spss? What properties must a *.sav file before read.spss can read it? The file in this example is 270KB, with 5 rows and 173 columns. I have no trouble reading larger files with read.spss, so it's not
2012 Sep 08
Can I make spss.get reencode from Windows-1252?
Hi all. I have an SPSS file that I'm loading into R with the Hmisc spss.get function. The trouble is that the SPSS file uses the Windows-1252 character set (which I think is the default for SPSS on Windows) instead of plain-ol' Latin-1, and since spss.get doesn't allow me to pass the "reencode" option to read.spss, any characters in Windows-1252 that are not a part of Latin-1
2012 Mar 26
SPSS R-Menu for Ordinal Factor Analysis
Dear all, I am trying to conduct an enhanced version of factor analysis with a SPSS interface that allows to use R. This approach has been suggested in the recent article: Basto, M. and J.M. Pereira An SPSS R-Menu for Ordinal Factor Analysis. Journal of Statistical Software 46, pp. 1-29. My variables are ordinal-type and the tool of Basto allows to run polychoric correlations in the SPSS
2004 Mar 12
Hi, I would like to read a spss file in R. When i type read.spss("...") Comes the error: couldn't find function "read.spss" What shall i do? Margarida [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Feb 07
reading SPSS .sav files (PR#13509)
Full_Name: Roger Newton Version: 2.8.1 OS: windows 2000 Submission from: (NULL) ( I have an elderly version of SPSS (version 11) which I still use. R Version 2.6.1 would, and still will, read SPSS *.sav files produced by SPSS version 11. R version 2.8.1 which I installed two days ago (05/02/09) reports an error and shuts down when trying to read SPSS version 11 *.sav files using
2008 Apr 15
How can I import user-defined missings from Spss?
Hi, It works for me to import spss datasets via library(foreign) with read.spss or via library Hmisc by (spss.get). But no matter which way I do import the data, user-defined missings from Spss are always lost. (it makes no difference if there are a single value, a range, or any combination of them. They are always ignored). Is there any way in R to find out if any value was user-defined missing
2008 Jul 18
Reading SPSS .por files
Does anyone know how to read SPSS .por (ie Portable) files? The foreign package only deals with SPSS .sav files and not with those with a "por" extension. Thanks, José Mr José Luis Iparraguirre D'Elia Senior Research Economist Economic Research Institute of Northern Ireland Floral Buildings 2 - 14 East Bridge Street Belfast BT1 3NQ Northern Ireland United Kingdom
2004 Mar 12
still spss
hi again, i still cannot open the file in spss :( i type: library(foreign) read.spss("H:\\Desktop\\bd1\\experiencia1") and the error comes: Error in read.spss("H:\\Desktop\\bd1\\experiencia1") : unable to open file can you help me? margarida,portugal
2005 Nov 21
SPSS and R – do they like each other?
Hi, I wonder how well SPSS and R communicate, because I need SPSS but would like to do some data manipulations in R. However I am very afraid of never ending import-export-complications ? especially with all those labels and extra information my SPSS files contain. My data come from SPSS and have to be exported to SPSS again (because I need to produce special output tables, which would be hard to
2006 Jan 11
SPSS and R ? do they like each other?
... and is there also such a nice tool (like spss.get) for exporting data frames to SPSS? write.table does not keep the data frame labels - neither did the other exporting tools that I found. Thanks! Michael [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Jul 26
Read SPSS data (*.sav) in R 1.8.0 (ok) and R1.9.1(error)
Hallo! I read SPSS data in the following way: library(Hmisc) library(foreign) dat<-spss.get("surv_abb.sav") In R1.9.1 I got the message: "Error in all(arg == choices) : Object "typeDate" not found" In R1.8.0 the same script works fine. Does anybody know a possibilty to read a SPSS file under R1.9.1? Thanks! Karl
2008 Nov 24
how to read .sps (SPSS file extension)?
Hi everyone, I'm trying to import .sps (SPSS portable file) file. the read.spss function (library foreign) doesn't allow to import such files. should I import in spss and then save as sav file? there is not other solutions available? what I mostly like from spss file is that they have variable labels. want is really wish to keep are the variable.labels from the spss file; so, if there is a
2009 Mar 03
SPSS data import: problems & work arounds for GSS surveys
I'm using R 2.8.1 on Ubuntu 8.10. I'm writing partly to ask what's wrong, partly to tell other users who search that there is a work around. The General Social Survey is a long standing series of surveys provided by NORC (National Opinion Research Center). I have downloaded some years of the survey data in SPSS format (here's the site:
2003 Aug 10
read.spss doesn't work anymore
A couple of months ago, probably using an older version of R, R used to run the following code just fine: library("foreign") data.exp1 <-"dataDef.sav")) Issuing the same commands now (after starting R using --vanilla), gives me the following behavior: > library("foreign") > x <- read.spss("dataDef.sav") Error