similar to: Finding suspicious data points?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Finding suspicious data points?"

2012 Jan 09
runif with condition
Hi I want to generate 4 random number which sum up to 100 always Please help ----- Thanks in Advance Arun -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Dec 13
axis tick colors: only one value allowed?
Hi, So far as I can tell, the 'col.ticks' parameter for axis() only uses the first value provided. E.g.: plot(0:1,0:1, col.ticks=c('blue','red','green')) #all ticks are blue Just wondering if there's a different option in the basic plot commands that can handle multiple colors, and also whether ggplot and/or lattice allow for multiple tick colors.
2011 Oct 21
plotting with a symbol on every nth point
Hi, I would like to produce a plot with a symbol on every nth point in a time series data, like the one in the following: x <- seq(-100,1000,25) plot(x,type="l") Could someone help me out with the above example? Thanks.... [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Nov 03
How much data can R process?
Would like to know how much data can R process - number of rows and columns? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Dec 12
Hi everybody, I have a matrix with 3 columns (Date, MeanArea and SdArea). I want to draw a figure showing the variable MeanArea in terms of the Date. But instead to use the variable SdArea as bar error, I want to use ?polygon error?. I use this code but the output does not seem good.
2011 Dec 19
fractal image analysis
Dear all I tried to find some packages (or programs) for image analysis and especially fractal dimension image analysis but so far I had not success. It shall be used for particle surface layer analysis from TEM images. Any suggestions? Best regards Petr
2012 Jan 08
R package equivalent to Excel SOLVER - Paquete R equivalente a SOLVER de Excel
Esteemed colleagues I wonder if there is a package in R that performs the functions of the Excel SOLVER. Thanks in advance for the reply. Best regards, ------------------------- Estimados colegas Me pregunto si hay un paquete en R que funcione como el SOLVER de Excel. De antemano gracias por la respuesta. Saludos, -- Ricardo Bandin Llanos [c] Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías
2011 Nov 06
Deleting rows dataframe in R conditional to “if any of (a specific variable) is equal to”
Dear list, I have been struggling for some time now with this code... I have this vector of unique ID "EID" of length 821 extracted from one of my dataframe (skate). It looks like this: > head(skate$EID) [1] "896-19" "895-8" "899-1" "899-5" "899-8" "895-7" I would like to remove the complete rows in another dataframe
2012 Jan 06
How to fit my data with a distribution?
Dear All, I have a bunch of data points as follows: x  100 y  200 z  300 ... where 100, 200, 300 are the values. I would like to know the distribution of my data? how can I fit my data into a distribution? Thanks a lot, Andra [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 30
Venn Diagram help!!!!
Hi there ! I've got 7 Samples that may contain 29 differents kinds of material.... every line below corresponds to a differente kind of material, example: Sample 1, 2,3,5 and 6 has material 1 .... So I want to know how can I do a Venn Diagram with the data below .... ps ( it was generated by a csv, where every line is sep with (";")) Can someone helps me ? thanks csv file :
2011 Nov 02
palettes for the color-blind
Everyone, I'm working with scatter plots with different colored symbols (via lattice). I'm currently using these colors for points and lines: col1 <- c(rgb(1, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 1), rgb(0, 1, 0), rgb(0.55482458, 0.40350876, 0.04166666), rgb(0, 0, 0)) plot(seq(along = col1), pch = 16, col = col1, cex = 1.5) I'm also using these with transparency (alpha
2012 Jan 07
Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
I want to create a list of functions in a for loop, with the index of the loop appearing explicitly in the function code. After quite a bit of thrashing around I figured out how to do it. Here is a toy example: junk <- vector("list",4) for(i in 1:4) { itmp <- i junk[[i]] <- eval(bquote(function(x){42 + .(itmp)*x})) } So I'm *basically* happy, but there's
2011 Nov 24
what is wrong with this dataset?
> d = data.frame(gender=rep(c('f','m'), 5), pos=rep(c('worker', 'manager', 'speaker', 'sales', 'investor'), 2), lot1=rnorm(10), lot2=rnorm(10)) > d gender pos lot1 lot2 1 f worker 1.1035316 0.8710510 2 m manager -0.4824027 -0.2595865 3 f speaker 0.8933589 -0.5966119 4 m sales
2012 Jan 22
Solving Equations
People, I'm researching some Bayesian statistic topics and in the midle of my study i found a very simple problem and i'm trying to find a simple package to solve this type of equations: Lets say that i need to compute beta values for the beta distribution and i now for example: E(teta)=a/(a+b) = 0,5 Var(teta)=ab/((a+b)^2(a+b+1))=0.05 So if i want to solve this to non-linear system to
2012 Feb 02
an unusual use for R
I thought some of you might be amused by this. In my non-work time, I'm an avid weaver and teacher of weaving. I'm working on a project involving creating many detailed weaving patterns, so I wrote R code to automate it. Details here: If the overlap between R users and avid tablet weavers turns out to be >> 1, I'll polish it up and turn it
2011 Nov 18
tip: large plots
Hi all, I'm working with a bunch of large graphs, and stumbled across something useful. Probably many of you know this, but I didn't and so others might benefit. Using pch="." speeds up plotting considerably over using symbols. > x <- runif(1000000) > y <- runif(1000000) > system.time(plot(x, y, pch=".")) user system elapsed 1.042 0.030 1.077
2011 Dec 06
Why can't I figure this out? :S
Hi, so I don't speak computer and I have no idea what this code is telling the program to do, but I apparently need to be able to find and isolate influencial observations. Problem, I have no idea what the error means and where it may be from in the code. error I get is below the code { ## OLS results NameC<- lm(gpanew~female+female:lastinit+agenew+canadian+mom_ed+yearstudy) ## default:
2011 Nov 04
nested "for" loops
Hi all , I have written a code with nested "for" loops . The aim is to estimate the maximum likelihood by creating 3 vectors with the same length( sequence ) and then to utilize 3 "for" loops to make combinations among the 3 vectors , which are (length)^3 in number , and find the one that maximize the likelihood ( maximum likelihood estimator). The code I created, runs but
2011 Nov 03
Is it possible to vectorize/accelerate this?
Dear Members, I work on a simulaton experiment but it has an bottleneck. It's quite fast because of R and vectorizing, but it has a very slow for loop. The adjacent element of a vector (in terms of index number) depends conditionally on the former value of itself. Like a simple cumulating function (eg. cumsum) but with condition. Let's show me an example: a_vec = rnorm(100) b_vec = rep(0,
2012 Jun 04
Math labels in .eps files
Dear list, I have non-ascii labels that I want to include somethow in a .eps file for inclusion into a LateX document. Is this possible? What I see is that the (attached) png file looks ok but the .eps renders all non-ascii labels at the bottom as [..]. I've searched around enough to learn that including math labels in a .eps is a problem. Hower, is there a solution too somewhere?