similar to: Adding text to multiple plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Adding text to multiple plots"

2012 Nov 22
How to control plotting formula above lm diagnostic plots?
Dear All, I am trying to plot four diagnostic plots for my lm in one window. Here is some random data for an example: a = rnorm(20, mean=2, sd=0.2) b = rnorm(20, mean=1, sd=0.4) model=lm(a~b) When I set the page as: par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(1,0,2,0)) and plot my model: plot(model) above all four plots the formula lm(a~b) is printed. What is interesting if I set the page to have two
2004 Feb 02
for loops?
Hello R people! How can one use a for loop (or something similar) in R? As I type in each line, I get syntax errors... I'm just confused how much to type in at each ">" prompt. Thanks for your help, cathy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Catherine M. Stein Research Assistant, Tuberculosis Research Unit Doctoral Candidate in
2013 May 03
R does not subset
Hi everyone, I know there have been several requests regarding subsetting before, but none of them really helps with my problem: I'm trying to subset only infected individuals from the REC2 data.frame: > str(REC2) 'data.frame': 362 obs. of 7 variables: $ RINGNO : Factor w/ 370 levels "BL17546","BL17577",..: 78 81 67 41 58 66 17 $ year : Factor w/ 8
2004 Jan 02
SEM help!!!
I have just started using the SEM package in R, so I'm not sure I'm doing everything right, but I keep getting an error concerning startvalues and I can't figure out how to fix it. Is anyone willing to read over my code and help me out??? Please email me if you are willing to look at my code and I will send it to you. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year! cathy
2004 Dec 15
2 ftp serwers problem
Hello, I have a local network with gateway ( to internet, it is computer with slackware and shorewall. I have ftp serwer on my gateway computer, serwer is on 21 port and it is accesable for external and internal computers ( from internet and local network ). Today I have installed Serwer on my local machine ( on port 22019. The serwer is accesable from loal computers in
2010 Nov 30
Adding text to a multiplot (via mfrow)
Hi I have created a set of 4 barplots using mfrow=c(2,2) and need to add a heading that spans the margin of the bottom 2 graphs. I have used locator(1) to find the coordinates but I dont seem to be able to add text anywhere on this multiplot. I would be really grateful if anyone could tell me if there is a simple method of achieving this. Many thanks Sam Jones -- View this message in
2007 Apr 27
Write text in the
Hey Felix, So basically what you want is a figure containing a block of four plots, with a main title for the figure? If that's the case then something like this should work: # BEGIN CODE # par(oma=c(0,0,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2)) for(i in 1:4){ plot(NA,xlim=range(0,10),ylim=range(-5,5)) title(paste("Plot ",i,sep="")) } par(mfrow=c(1,1), oma=c(0,0,1,0)) mtext("Main
2012 Jul 27
dredge solely offset models in MuMIn
hello everyone, I'm modelling in lmer an average chick weight defined as "Total.brood.mass ~ offset(chick.number), with three fixed and two random effect. Next, I want to use function dredge from MuMIn package for model averaging. Not sure why, but in consequence the offset variable is treated as a predictor, so I get a table that mixes models with and without that offset term (the first
2013 Feb 06
Adding Latex to text
Hi, I'd like to add "alpha" in latex code to my image. Any suggestions? library(UsingR) BagA = c(rep(10,6),rep(20,5), rep(30,4),rep(40,3),rep(50,2),60,70) BagA BagB = c(10, 20,rep(30,2),rep(40,3),rep(50,4),rep(60,5),rep(70,6)) BagB par(mfrow = c(2, 1)) DOTplot(BagA) abline(v=60,lwd=2,lty=2,col="red") text(65,3, "alpha-->", col=2) abline(v=50, lwd=2, lty=2,
2008 Sep 24
Add "title" in sink output and possibility of plot-like output for text
Hello, I have been using sink to create text file outputs. >sink("summ_model1and2.txt") > summary(model1) > summary(model2) > sink() Q1: Is there a way I could add a line of the text above the summary to act like a title? Also, I have been using the following to save plots from the lm function: > pdf("small.bin.ENN_MN_withQ.pdf") > par(mfrow = c(2, 2), oma
2013 Feb 08
Add text A, B, C and D on multiple ordered plot
Dear list, Is there a elegant way to name multiple ordered plot as A, B, C and D? Just put A, B, C and D on the top left corner of each plot. Usually I do it in Illustrator, but I think in R should there is a way. Could you please provide a example? Thank you very much in advance.
2007 Apr 27
Write text in the "device region" of a graphic device
Hello, I started a graphic device: >par(oma = c(2,0,0,0), mfrow=c(2,2) ) in the cols and rows are three "image"s. Now I want to write a text in the "device region", it's the main title of the graphic device. But when I use "mtext()" I can only write in the "figure region" of my four plots. Has anybody an idea? Thanks a lot. Felix My R Code:
2008 Sep 04
Adding a legend to R graph device with several plots (no to individual plots!)
Dear Users, I already posted this question: it either went unnoticed, or it is to basic (if this is so, please sent me a hint). I would like to know if there is a way to add a common legend to an arrangement of plots. In the example below, I get four plots in my device. each one has a density for 1995 and one for 2006. I have found that using legend or smartlegend I can add a legend to each plot,
2013 Jan 07
Changing mtext direction, or using text for the margin?
Hi all, I have read through the archives, but can't find a solution to this problem. I need the text direction on "dependent B", plotted in margin 4, to go top to bottom (opposite what it is now). Here's some sample code: #plot with mtext example par(mgp = c(2,1,0), mfrow=c(2,2), las=1, mar=c(2,2,2,2), omi= c(0.5,0.2,0,0.2)) a<-1:10 b<-7:16 c<-21:30 plot(a~b,
2010 Aug 04
Output (graphics and table/text)
Hi R Users, I need to produce a simple report consisting of some graphs and a statistic. Here simplification of it: # graphics output test a <- c(1,3,2,1,4) b <- c(2,1,1,1,2) c <- c(4,7,2,4,5) d <- rnorm(500) e <- rnorm(600) op <- par(mfrow=c(3,2)) pie(a) pie(b) pie(c) text(ks.test(d,e)) obviously, the ks.test does not make it to the output. How can this be archived by a)
2006 Oct 23
Plotting Text on a graph
Hi, I plotted 12 graphs on a page and output to a png file. I wanted to have an overall title for all 12 graphs. What command can I use to do this? Below is the code that plotted the 12 graphs in one page. # FM10 by Month/ Export the plot to Wash2005FM10.png png(file="Wash2005FM10.png",bg="white") par(mfrow = c(3,4)) # Plot 12 Month of OFM10, FFM10 for(i in
2006 Sep 28
complex plots using layout()
Dear r-help, I am trying to plot several scatter plots with marginal histograms on one page. Ideally, a page is equally divided into 4 figure regions. Within each figure region, a scatter plot with marginal histograms will be plotted. I followed Dr. Paul Murrell's code released online to successfully plot the scatter plot with marginal histograms. The code applies "layout()" to
2007 Jul 19
mfrow is ignored by some plots
Hi all, I was just informed that the plots in the radial.plot family in the plotrix package do not plot correctly when using mfrow or mfcol to subdivide the plot window. I found one related message, an answer from Deepayan Sarkar to a question about lattice graphics, but that shed no light on this problem. If I invoke par(mfrow=c(2,2)) and run radial.plot a few times, the plots appears in
2008 Aug 05
creating overall title for plots made with par(mfrow=c(2,2))
I'm making some plots on the same page and would like to include an overall title instead of individual main titles as they are similar and their x and y axis labels are sufficient to distinguish them. Is there a way to assign an overall "main" to this page of plots? Mark -- Mark W. Kimpel MD ** Neuroinformatics ** Dept. of Psychiatry Indiana University School of Medicine 15032
2017 Jul 23
par(mfrow) for heatmap plots
Hi, I was trying to use par(mfrow) to put 4 heatmaps on a single page. However, I get one plot per page and not one page with 4 plots. What should I modify? Test code is given below: test = matrix(rnorm(60), 20, 3) pdf(file='test.pdf',width=10,height=8) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) heatmap(test) thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]