similar to: R-scripts as executables for debian

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R-scripts as executables for debian"

2012 Jan 13
Hmisc for Maverick
On 01/12/2012 09:21 PM, r-sig-debian-request at wrote: > Message: 4 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 18:39:53 -0500 > From: Michael Rutter <mar36 at> > > Hmisc is available on c2d4u > ( for Natty and Oneiric, > but not for Maverick, the others you mention are not. > Dirk, Michael - thanks for the useful advice.
2012 Jan 25
Non-default build options
Hi! I am a current maintainer of the R slackbuild script (for Slackware GNU/Linux distribution). I received requests from users to build R with --enable-R-shlib and --enable-BLAS-shlib, so now I am trying to decide whether to do so by default. Is there a downside to building R with either option? -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc
2012 Mar 01
mb_m buffer not cleared if parseEval fails
Hi, I am using RInside for one of the applications that I'm using. The error that occured is as follows. When I use R.parseEval("xyz") if the parse fails then the mb_m is not cleared and hence all subsequent calls to R.parseEval fail. example: when R.parseEval("stringConcatfactoryrandom") is executed the R instance looks like this (gdb) p R $7 = (RInside &)
2012 Jan 13
cannot find -lquadmath
Apologies if this has been posted about recently, but I haven't been on this listserve for a while. I ran into a problem trying to compile Hmisc (required package for rms) and have found a solution that I'd like to share. The compile fails with the message: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lquadmath libquadmath exists on my Debian Squeeze system (up-to-date, recently installed): ldconfig -p
2004 Aug 06
i need help...URGENT !!!
hi, i have posted earlier a few days back, i apologise for the re-post. my problem is that the moment i start using mp3 files with lesser bit rate (16kbps) it does not stream properly. it keeps getting stuck in the middle. i can stream continuously with 128 kbps files. I'm using icecast(1.3.7) with ices(beta 5) in "LAN" on Linux Redhat 6.2. The same problem occurs also on
2012 Feb 01
Crash in R using embedded.
Hi, I'm new to R, and am trying to embed R into another application. I'm calling from the ismev package, and it is crashing somewhere inside it. gdb is not catching it, and valgrind is not showing any memory corruption issues. I suspect it's memory corruption, because it doesn't crash in exactly the same spot each time. I'm running R 2.12.2 on a 64 bit linux (Ubuntu
2004 Aug 06
i need help...URGENT !!!
thanks. i'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience, the encoding of files was not done properly. can someone pls. tell me a good windowsd based mp3 encoder for encoding files for bit rates as low as 16 kbps (or less) with 16 khz (or less). parvez And Then Thomas Kirk wrote ............. > Hey > > On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 02:11:54PM +0530, Parvez Lanewala wrote: > > >
2007 Jul 12
Integrating dovecot 1.01 into CentOS-3.8 systemw with chroot passwd dirs?
Hello. I'm administrating a CentOS 3.8 linux system (RHEL3) and I just replaced the imap-2002d-12 package that came with the system, with a dovecot 1.01 package I obtained through the dovecot home page. The problem I have, is that many of my POP3 users have jailed user accounts set up through wu-ftpd, where the dir field is of the form /home/group/./pop/user, and wu-ftpd chroots them from
2012 Feb 14
Access to OpenBLAS
My IT people have set up a Kubuntu box with an RWkard front end.? I have OpenBLAS set up as a shared BLAS but I'm not sure how to get R to see it.? A.3.1 of the installation docs talks about it but I'm not clear if I need a option on my startup line or if I need to find a config file.? The BLAS is is in: ? /usr/lib/openblas-base ? on my machine. Recommendations?
2012 Jan 12
Template for building .deb packages for missing libraries?
Greeting R debianites - There are a number of R libraries I need debianized (for Ubuntu Maverick systems, if it matters) -- ISwR, Hmisc, mosaic, mosaicManip, HSAUR2 -- which I couldn't find debian packages for. The structure of R libraries is so regular that I'm guessing surely there must be a template for creating debian packages for them, or maybe a set of instructions? Does
2011 Oct 18
r-cran-* packages with recent R alpha release
Hi, After the recent r-base and r-base-core alpha releases in sid, some packages fail to load, e.g. r-cran-bitops: R> library(bitops) Error in library(bitops) : package ?bitops? does not have a NAMESPACE and should be re-installed I suppose these errors will get fixed after 2.14.0 is released. In the meantime, should we just downgrade r-base and r-base-core to the testing versions?
2011 Dec 22
Calling R functions from C++ under VS2005
Hi, I'm trying to call some of R's statistical functions within my C++ code, developed under VS2005, but I can't seem to find out how to do it. I tried RInside and Rcpp, but they either don't work on Windows or with VS. Is there a way to do this? Appreciate the help. Regards,
2012 Mar 17
how to pass 'raw' values with cfunction()?
I am having trouble handing "raw" data to a C function, using "cfunction", as demonstrated in the function and output pasted below. Can anyone suggest what I'm doing incorrectly? Thanks. Dan Kelley [Dalhousie University]. 1. TEST FILE library(inline) code <- 'Rprintf("inside f(), b is 0X%x\\n", *b);' f <-
2012 Mar 18
Secure apt
I am trying to add Michael Rutter's ppa to my repository.? I cannot do this from the command line.? I think I may be behind a firewall so copying the key to a text file is my best option.? When I search for the key at the search fails. Tried typing and cutting and pasting E084DAB9 into the search box without success. How can I get the key?
2012 Jan 31
seq.Date bug?
R> seq(as.Date(Sys.Date()), by="-1 months", length=6) [1] "2012-01-31" "2011-12-31" "2011-12-01" "2011-10-31" "2011-10-01" "2011-08-31" R> Notice how October appears twice. Now, date arithmetic is gruesome but the documentation for seq.Date et al does not hint it wouldn't honour the by= argument. So a bug, or
2012 Feb 19
include <R.h>
I am trying to add #include <R.h> to a .c file in one of my package, so I can call error() without a complaint about implicit defined function. The src/ has a Makefile, to build some exec/ files that are needed. Without the include, my Makefile target OBJS = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(PKGNAME).so: $(OBJS) rpcx.h $(R_HOME)/bin/R CMD SHLIB $(OBJS) seems to work fine, and I do not need a target
2011 Nov 03
How to test package on Solaris
Dear R developers, Is there a way to pretest a package on the Solaris-sparc and solaris-x86 systems equivalent to the win-builder check? My psych package (1.1.10 and 1.1.11) passes all checks for the Mac on my system, on the win-builder checking system supported by Uwe, and then passes Kurt's tests to install on CRAN. But it then fails when being built for the solaris systems. Rather
2019 Aug 15
Feature request: non-dropping regmatches/strextract
I do think keeping the default behavior is desirable for backwards compatibility; my suggestion is not to change default behavior but to add an optional argument that allows a different behavior. Although this can be implemented in a user-defined function, retaining empty matches facilitates programmatic use, and seems to be something that should be available in base R. It is available, for
2011 Dec 17
Help for R parallelization
Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Brazilian researcher working in S?o Paulo ? Brazil. I?ve being using R-software for many years with my students in some engineering applications, but up to now we've being using only in stand-alone mode in Windows and Mac platforms. Right now I have available a multi-core system and I would like to test some parallelism capabilities of R, mainly as an incentive to the
2003 May 10
Down the MPD road
Well, after working through the various options it looked like MPD would be my best bet here. I've got it sort of working, but there's obviously some tweaky I'm missing here. Recap of the scenario: Full class C of static IPs segmented into 3 networks. Outside, DMZ, Inside. Trying to get remote Windows users through securely to the Inside. Remote users have dynamic IPs.