similar to: Best practice Ruby on Rails on Windows configuration

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Best practice Ruby on Rails on Windows configuration"

2006 Dec 27
A FastCGI-compliant executable for RubyOnRails
We are looking for a FastCGI protocol compliant RoR executable that can be used to host RoR in FastCGI mode. However, neither Ruby.exe nor Rubyw.exe appear to work with the FastCGI protocol ( Perhaps we are missing specific command line switches, or environment variables necessary to make this work. Any information much appreciated. Thanks,
2005 May 23
Success - Rails, FastCGI, and IIS / Windows Server
About 17:00 localtime I managed to get fastcgi, Rails and IIS all happy together. Upon success I ripped off my clothes and ran through the village yelling "The future is now!". A PDP-11 geezer stuck his head out a window and said "The future isn''t what it used to be and keep yer shirt on". Modifications were required to dispatch.fcgi and request.rb. The following
2006 Apr 04
Rails on IIS
I just spent the last two days trying to get Rails on IIS to work with Windows 2003/IIS 6.0. I think I''ve finally got it working, but it took more googling than I care to describe. Now I''ve got a few questions: 1) Is there some ''official'' Rails on IIS guide on this site on another official ruby site that''s known to work well? 2) If not, can someone
2006 Feb 24
Controller Methods gets called twice on single invocation
I have no idea why this is happening but it seems like every method on my controller gets called twice. Here is what it looks like when I call a list using the scaffold code ========================== Processing DepartmentsController#index (for at 2006-02-24 01:05:00) [GET] Parameters: {"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"departments"}
2011 Jan 09
IIS Change Notifications
Good afternoon all, I'm a web developer (c#) who also manages a small hosting environment. Roughly, our configuration is: Two IIS7 (Windows Server 2008 Web) servers which share configuration data and site files from a SMB share located on a ubuntu server. The ubuntu server is currently running 3.0.28a which is quite old, but read on. We've been having a problem with the change
2005 Dec 16
I Would Really Like to Try RoR but...
it''s been a nightmare trying to set it up. I keep getting a an Application Error message when I try to navigate to a url which should be taken care of by my newly created controllers. For instance, I wanted to test RoR out so I created a MyTest controller which should allow me to navigate something like: http://localhost/rubytest/MyTest but it does not. I have no problem getting
2006 Feb 24
RoR meets .net *cringe*
It was a miserable failure for us. Your best bet is to run on Linux. > 1. Has anyone done any benchmarks with it? Is there any reason this > couldn''t be viable for production loads? (feel free to speculate if you > haven''t) When it finally worked, after two weeks of trial and error (and we can''t reproduce it again) it performs poorly under IIS. It looks
2007 Oct 24
FastCGI on IIS
Has anyone tried using Rails (or PHP or whatever) on IIS lately? There is a FastCGI extention for IIS 5.1 and 6.0 [1], backported from IIS7 if I understand correctly. I''m curious if anyone thinks this would work in production and give Rails a decent inroad for IIS-based shops. It seems to perform [2] but I would like some verification from the community at large before I mention the
2011 Feb 25
mongrel/mongrel_rails windows question
Hello! I''m just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for running mongrel/mongrel_service under Windows (Client requires Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, IIS7, no budget for a *nix box of any kind). I have a working setup, but wondering if anyone has any further insight. Current working setup: Ruby 1.87 (via Rail 2.3.11 mongrel 1.1.15 (mingw32)
2007 May 21
swifty fly?
I heard about a new mongrel plugin or version that''s single threaded and uses non-blocking IO with events. It''s called something like "swifty fly". Anyone have a link for it? Thanks.
2006 Oct 20
Rails & IIS
There are several sites I''ve found on the web detailing how to setup IIS with Rails. Unfortunately they all seem to be woefully out of date. I believe they may all even be pre Rails 1.0. Can single sign on via Active Directory Services be accomplished through mod_NTLM for Apache, so users won''t have ot log into the intranet site after already having logged into their machine?
2007 Oct 27
load balancers and mongrel
We have a load balancer sending requests to one of X boxes and one of N mongrel processes on that box. Since each mongrel processes is multi-threaded but it has a mutex around the section that calls rails, we end up with several requests queued up waiting when they could have gone to another box with a free process. For example, boxA, and boxB. boxA has mongrels 1 through 10 boxB has
2006 Apr 19
Capistrano on Windows
So, I''ve just completed my first develop-test-deploy-wait -fix-test-deploy, and although it was successful it was a nightmare to carry out. Aside from not knowing that sqlite doesnt have a facility to delete columns from tables, the whole operation reeked of "hacked," with multiple command windows open while I sprinted back and forth between my dev machine and the web
2008 Apr 15
Winelibs question.....
Forgive my newbness. I'm pretty fresh to Linux, but trying to port some reasonably sizable windows apps that I have written. Certainly my gui apps appear to work directly with wine. I also have stuff that makes more sense to use with winelibs. I've had no significant difficulties setting up and compiling bits an pieces, basically just to get my orientation sorted. One of my apps is an
2007 Nov 08
Mongrel wiki?
Dear Mongrels, The same questions keep coming up over and over on the list, which is ok, but not really optimal. If we added a wiki to the Mongrel site to handle FAQs, what wiki should it be? Required features would be: * Spam protection * Doesn''t look shitty I would probably spring for Trac (and also migrate the bugtracker) if noone else has opinions, but I''m sure some of
2006 Aug 19
IIS and response timeout
I apologize if this has been covered before, I checked the archives and didn''t see anything over the last few months. I am running IIS6 with IsapiRewriter and a single mongrel service for each Rails application. One of my apps does a long query to the database to produce a CSV file. After the request has gone beyond 30 seconds, the user get a 500 Internal Server Error. I''ve
2006 Jun 15
RoR on Apache2
Hello, I''ve been going though the "4 Days on Rails" tutorial at test-driving ruby on rails using the WEBrick server without problems. I''m trying to move the app to be seen by apache2, and am having some troubles. I''ve looked through many guides online which all say pretty much the same thing, which, I think, I am doing.
2007 Dec 29
Regarding the 1.1.3 security release
* Apologies for starting a new thread; I just subscribed. Has anyone been able to make this exploit happen if requests are being proxied to Mongrel through Apache? I''ve been trying variations on the double-encoding thing and can''t trigger the exploit through Apache. Hitting Mongrel directly does expose the problem. I''ll still upgrade my servers, of course, but I
2006 Jul 29
why is webrick running in development mode?
Hi, I changed my environmnet.rb to say PRODUCTION mode, however when I start up a server "ruby scripts/server" a) it runs in development mode (via the logs) - any ideas why? b) why does webbrick run - I thought by default now it was supposed to be lightty Tks -- Posted via
2007 Dec 14
Mongrel error : EMFILE too many open files
I have a periodically_call_remote call in a partial running at 0.20 times a second. <%= periodically_call_remote(:update => ''ack_distance_output'', :frequency => 0.2, :url=>{:action => :ackAdjustDistance}) %> the action looks like this def ackAdjustDistance @calMessage = Calibration.getMessage