similar to: Problems with Panel Data estimation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 90 matches similar to: "Problems with Panel Data estimation"

2005 Aug 11
kerberos_kinit_password host/SUNDEV@LEXI.COM.MX failed: Client not found in Kerberos database
I'm using Solaris 8, samba 3, kerberos and openldap. I'm anexing: log.smbd, smb.conf, krb5.conf, nsswitch.conf and the ktpass command in AD. Somebody can help me? I get this output in log.smbd: ----------------------------------- [2005/08/11 12:41:45, 0] smbd/server.c:main(802) smbd version 3.0.20rc1 started. Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2004 [2005/08/11
2009 Feb 10
Problem with PVCM: "0 (non-NA) cases"
Hello everybody, I have a problem with the the function PVCM in the plm package: I have an unbalanced panel with over 200 companies and 1 to 14 years for each company. I already excluded all NAs: > dataset<-na.omit(dataset) Now I'm trying to fit a variable coefficients model: > model_vc <- pvcm(v1 ~ lag(v2,1), model="within", data=dataset) This results in the
2013 Jan 22
New user learning puppet and getting error> getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
Hello everyone, I''m a new user regarding puppet but I''m skilled with linux. I have setup a puppetmaster server and also have a puppet client for testing on a different box. /etc/sysconfig/puppet has been edited to reach puppetmaster with option (I''m in Costa Rica) On the puppetmaster I was able to see the client with puppetca
2010 Feb 25
error using pvcm() on unbalanced panel data
Dear all I am trying to fit Variable Coefficients Models on Unbalanced Panel Data. I managed to fit such models on balanced panel data (the example from the "plm" vignette), but I failed to do so on my real, unbalanced panel data. I can reproduce the error on a modified example from the vignette: > require(plm) > data("Hedonic") > Hed <- pvcm(mv ~ crim + zn + indus
2008 Mar 31
Packet corruption in re0
----- Original Message ---- > From: Pyun YongHyeon <> > To: Ian FREISLICH <> > Cc: FreeBSD Current <>; Robert Backhaus <> > Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 8:12:03 AM > Subject: Re: Packet corruption in re0 > > On Fri, Feb 22, 2008 at 10:43:22AM +0200, Ian FREISLICH wrote: >
2013 Feb 26
Count function calls
Dear R-users, I have the following problem: I am running the function 'pvcm' from the 'plm' Panel Data package. Inside this function 'solve' is called and gives for a certain individual data series an exception because of singularity. I would like to know which individual data series causes this error. I tried to debug it, but this is truly painful, as solve is called
2007 Sep 25
putting away HashWithIndifferentAccess
Hey, campineros. And many good handshakes to zimbatm for getting some patches applied. So, yeah, I''d really like to get rid of any serious dependancies with this 1.6 release. Anything that''s not in stdlib has to go. Of course, camping-omnibus will still assume the whole ActiveRecord, Markaby, Mongrel setup that''s in the history books. Metaid can be removed and
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
Hello, I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual effect for the coefficient on the independent variable. That is, I would like to estimate the model: Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable, and B (beta) is the
2010 Jul 01
coefficients poolability (was: question regarding panel data analysis)
Hello. Not an easy question at all, and it has little to do with software, alas! Veeeeeery loosely speaking: if the homogeneity hypothesis is rejected, then, depending on data availability, you may still be able to treat the data like a panel by: a) ignoring the results of the poolability test b) allowing the coefficients to vary. Of course, a) requires some courage while b) requires more
2008 May 15
Squeegy Fleximage Routing
Hello people, I''m using squeegy fleximage for my site right now and having some difficulty to achieve some things. Updates photos are saved in created at date generated fom like : '' /images/2008/05/14/22.png '' . However this route is not accessible through the browser and I don''t know how to add it in my routes.rb knowing that the dates will change everyday.
2006 Feb 05
Ruby on Rails Fans
Interesting article with lots of comments. Compares J2EE, .Net, PHP (flexies vs. stiffies...): Joe -- Posted via
2015 Jun 12
RES: Banco de dados interno no Asterisk e variáveis em SIP HEADERS
Prezado Fernando, Muito obrigado por sua complementa??o na resposta! Surgiram algumas d?vidas agora: A ?nica forma de retornar os dados num header field, como o Rafael dos Santos Saraiva sugeriu envolve criar outro channel? Ou seja, o que eu preciso ? que a mesma execu??o do dia plan obtenha um valor recebido do Sip Client, execute uma query num banco de dados e em seguida inclua a resposta
2010 Feb 03
Package plm & heterogenous slopes
Dear r-helpers, I am working with plm package. I am trying to fit a fixed effects (or a 'within') model of the form y_it = a_i + b_i*t + e_it, i.e. a model with an individual-specific intercept and an individual- specific slope. Does plm support this directly? Thanks in advance! Otto Kassi
2012 Oct 19
samba Digest, Vol 118, Issue 20
Pessoal, bom dia! Estarei de f?rias no per?odo de 05/10 a 28/10, retornando no dia 29/10/2012. Na minha aus?ncia as d?vidas poder?o ser resolvidas pela seguinte equipe: Ricardo: Coordena??o da equipe TI, e-mails e servidores ? AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1417 Igor: Gemma - AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1438 Luciano e Vagner: Ginjo/ Silbra - Todos os sistemas - (011) 3659-3096 Robson: Indisa - Todos
2012 Oct 22
samba Digest, Vol 118, Issue 23
Pessoal, bom dia! Estarei de f?rias no per?odo de 05/10 a 28/10, retornando no dia 29/10/2012. Na minha aus?ncia as d?vidas poder?o ser resolvidas pela seguinte equipe: Ricardo: Coordena??o da equipe TI, e-mails e servidores ? AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1417 Igor: Gemma - AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1438 Luciano e Vagner: Ginjo/ Silbra - Todos os sistemas - (011) 3659-3096 Robson: Indisa - Todos
2005 Feb 25
Samba users spreading spam (or automated replies)
Hi Some of the samba users are spreading spam or automated replies. Is there any possible way to stop them? I've got the following two messages after my first post which are either spam or automated nonsense replies: Message 1: From: Jim Crippen <> To: Behrang Saeedzadeh <> Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 06:21:37 -0600 Subject: Out of Office
2012 Oct 09
samba Digest, Vol 118, Issue 10
Pessoal, bom dia! Estarei de f?rias no per?odo de 05/10 a 28/10, retornando no dia 29/10/2012. Na minha aus?ncia as d?vidas poder?o ser resolvidas pela seguinte equipe: Ricardo: Coordena??o da equipe TI, e-mails e servidores ? AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1417 Igor: Gemma - AMP e Inpacom - (011) 3616-1438 Luciano e Vagner: Ginjo/ Silbra - Todos os sistemas - (011) 3659-3096 Robson: Indisa - Todos
2007 Aug 04
CyberPower 1500AVR UPS configuration
Hola Estic fora de l?oficina des de Dimecres 1 d'Agost fins el proper Dilluns 12 d'Agost, Tan aviat sigui possible li contestar? el seu correu. En cas de ser un tema urgent, preguem reenvi? aquest mateix correu a l?adre?a d?email sst at, els meus companys li donaran resposta el mes aviat possible, gr?cies. Hola Me encuentro fuera de la oficina del Miercoles 1 de Agosto
2007 Dec 21
Resposta automàtica (was: asterisk-users Digest, Vol 41, Issue 67)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> Salutacions!!!<br> <br> Si has arribat fins aqu&iacute;, &eacute;s perqu&egrave; he configurat el meu correu perqu&egrave; et retorni un resposta autom&agrave;tica ja que jo
2012 Nov 21
dúvidas com matriz de correlação e covariancia
Bom dia eu chamo-me Ana, estou a tentar fazer matriz de correla??o e covariancia para comparar 4 variaveis e saber quais s?o as mehores... fiz o segundo codigo mas devo tar a fazer alguma confus?o para nao me aparecer o output correcto: cor(dados[,2:5],method=c("pearson")) cor_with_p_test(dados[2:5]) ct <- cor.test(dados[,2:5]) ct$p ct$v #matriz de covariancias cov(dados[,2:5],