Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Estimate the average abundance using Poisson regression with a log link."
2003 Apr 16
Jackknife and rpart
First, thanks to those who helped me see my gross misunderstanding of
randomForest. I worked through a baging tutorial and now understand the
"many tree" approach. However, it is not what I want to do! My bagged
errors are accpetable but I need to use the actual tree and need a single
tree application.
I am using rpart for a classification tree but am interested in a more
2010 Mar 25
*** caught segfault *** address 0x18, cause 'memory not mapped'
Hello R Community,
I've been run the following codes. However, I've been getting an
unusual segfault
that I'm unable to trace its origin. Please give me a light to
decipher the "caught segfault"
Thanks for you attention.
> options(STERM='iESS', editor='emacsclient')
> rm(list = ls())
> > source("fgenIGLD.R") #RNG
2002 Jan 31
Help with Bootstrap function.
Dear List
I am using R with mcgv package to model spatial variation in density estimates of dorcas gazelle in Sinai. I have 59 points of data and 4 explanatory variables(distance from mountain edge, camel presence, Latitude & Longitude). I want to test the model fir via bootstraping. I have used the jacknife bootstraping but it have the limitation of allowing only 58 trials. I tried to use the
2006 Apr 11
Bootstrap and Jackknife Bias using Survey Package
Dear R users,
I?m student of Master in Statistic and Data analysis, in New University of Lisbon. And now i?m writting my dissertation in variance estimation.So i?m using Survey Package to compute the principal estimators and theirs variances.
My data is from Incoming and Expendire Survey. This is stratified Multi-stage Survey care out by National Statistic Institute of Mozambique. My domain of
2009 Oct 13
Introduction to mark-recapture analysis in R?
Normal 0 21 false false
Dear R-helpers,
I was wondering whether there are any good books and/or website
links that introduce mark-recapture analysis in R. In
2011 Jul 27
Inserting weights in ltm package
Afternoon R help,
I want to run Rasch/IRT analyses using the ltm package, however, I am
using large scale survey data which requires weighting for accurate
results. I attempted to create a weighted object to insert into the
formulae of the ltm packages, however, the survey data only includes
30 replicate weights and a sampling weight. The svrepdesign requires
additional information such as
2011 Jul 27
CatDyn - Estimation of wild populations abundance
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2011 Jul 27
CatDyn - Estimation of wild populations abundance
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2011 Feb 06
Subsampling out of site*abundance matrix
How can I randomly sample individuals within a sites from a site (row) X
species abundance (column) data frame or matrix? As an example, the matrix
"abund2" made below.
##### (sorry, Im a newbie and this is the only way I know to get an example
on here)
abund1 <- c(150, 300, 0, 360, 150, 300, 0, 240, 150, 0, 60,
0, 150, 0, 540, 0, 0, 300, 0, 240, 300, 300,
2010 Nov 16
Population abundance, change point
I am trying to understand my population abundance data and am looking into
analyses of change point to try and determine, at approximately what point
do populations begin to change (either decline or increasing).
Can anyone offer suggestions on ways to go about this?
I have looked into bcp and strucchange packages but am not completely
convinced that these are appropriate for my data.
Here is
2007 Apr 01
Abundance data ordination in R
Um texto embutido e sem conjunto de caracteres especificado associado...
Nome: n?o dispon?vel
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2008 Jan 02
About Bootstrap
Hi dear R-helpers,
Happy new year. I have estimated Gini index variance in the case of complex survey (stratify and with two stage sampling). I use the survey package. I use replication (bootstrap, and Jacknife) and linearisation according to Binder (1993) article
David A. Binder and Milorad
Kovaˇcevi´c(1993), « Estimating some measures of income inequality from survey
data : An
2007 Dec 31
Optimize jackknife code
I have the following jackknife code which is much slower than my colleagues C code. Yet I like R very much and wonder how R experts would optimize this.
I think that the for (i in 1:N_B) part is bad because Rprof() said sum() is called very often but I have no idea how to optimize it.
#O <- read.table("foo.dat")$V1
O <- runif(100000);
k=100 # size of block to delete
2008 Jul 15
implementation of Prentice method in cch()
Case cohort function cch() is in survival package. In cch(), the prentice
method is implemented like this:
Prentice <- function(tenter, texit, cc, id, X, ntot,robust){
eps <- 0.00000001
cens <- as.numeric(cc>0) # Censorship indicators
subcoh <- as.numeric(cc<2) # Subcohort indicators
## Calculate Prentice estimate
ent2 <- tenter
ent2[cc==2] <-
2011 Nov 02
mapping bathymetries and species abundances
Dear all,
I am new to R and even newer to mapping with R. I have installed
PBSMapping, maptools and maps, and I am struggling to produce a map of
fish abundance in the Grand Banks. I have tried several approaches to
plot the bathymetry in my study area:
1) download the data from http://topex.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/get_data.cgi
To start with, the map I get is blank between
2005 Nov 08
retrieve most abundant species by sample unit
Hi R-users:
[R 2.2 on OSX 10.4.3]
I have a (sparse) vegetation data frame with 500 rows (sampling
units) and 177 columns (plant species) where the data represent %
cover. I need to summarize the cover data by returning the names of
the most dominant and the second most dominant species per plot. I
reduced the data frame to omit cover below 5%; this is what it looks
like stacked. I have
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
New packages
* disclapmix (0.1)
Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen
Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen
License: GPL-2
disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace
distributions using the EM algorithm.
* EstSimPDMP (1.1)
Maintainer: Unknown
2018 Aug 15
Re: [PATCH] v2v: Add --print-estimate option to print source size estimate.
(Adding Stefan who implemented the subcommand)
On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 12:44:44PM +0200, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Am 15.08.2018 um 12:26 hat Richard W.M. Jones geschrieben:
> > On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 09:31:06PM +0300, Nir Soffer wrote:
> > > On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 8:29 PM Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > This
2018 Aug 15
Re: [PATCH] v2v: Add --print-estimate option to print source size estimate.
On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 09:31:06PM +0300, Nir Soffer wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 8:29 PM Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>
> wrote:
> > This option prints the estimated size of the data that will be copied
> > from the source disk.
> >
> > For interest, the test prints:
> >
> > 3747840 ../test-data/phony-guests/windows.img
> >
2018 Aug 16
[PATCH v2] v2v: Add --print-estimate option to print copy size estimate.
This option prints the estimated size of the data that will be copied
from the source disk.
Currently this overestimates by the size of the qcow2 header, but for
real disk images that doesn't matter much.
For example:
$ virt-builder fedora-27
$ virt-v2v -i disk fedora-27.img -o null --machine-readable --print-estimate
virt-v2v: This guest has virtio drivers installed.
[ 44.0] Mapping