similar to: defmacro installation issue

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "defmacro installation issue"

2006 Dec 22
Pb with R.matlab
Hello, I have problems running the R.matlab package. I work with R 2.3.1, under windows (using the Rgui). It seems that, even after loading the package, the "simple" functions such as writeMat() or readMat() are not recognized. For example, the following script leads to an error: > install.packages("R.matlab") --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
2006 Nov 11
Install bioconductor
Hello useRs, I'm trying to install bioconductor on ubuntu edgy eft and R 2.4.0. I have some error messages during installation, in particular for the package "affy" : "Error: package 'affy' required by 'makecdfenv' could not be found" I have tryed to install 'makecdfenv' with the command : getBioC("makecdfenv") But I have this message
2012 Dec 09
defmacro and bwplot incompatibilities?
My macro doesn't work for bwplot. But is working elsewhere. What changes should i make to fix my macro. Thanks. The complete code sample is: library(gtools) library(lattice) pic <- defmacro(fn, plotfunc, expr={png(filename=fn); plotfunc;}) # this one fails. pic("bw.png", {bwplot(Species ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris)}) # this one works pic("p.png",
2012 Oct 22
Problem installing ndf library
Hello, I am a new user of R and Linux (debian squeeze), and I am trying to install the ncdf library. First I don't know wich is the best to use (ncdf or ncdf4), But not matter the one I tried to install, it always failled. I try to find a solution to this common problem on the web, but I never find the good way to solve it. I hope you could help me I try many things during two days and now I
2012 Aug 31
loading 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR' pachage in R
Hi everybody I have a question about loading 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR' pachage in R. I have installed Rcmdr, FactoMineR and 'RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR. when I want to load this package, at first a message inform me I should load the following list of packages: FactoMineR, ellipse, lattice, cluster, scatterplot3d, Rcmdr, tcltk, car, MASS, nnet I have loaded all above packages and again I
2004 Jun 09
Using macros
Dear list members, I've been puzzling over how best to clean up the code for my Rcmdr package. In particular, there's a lot of repetitive tcltk code in the package, and as Martin M?chler has pointed out to me, this makes the package difficult to maintain. If R were Lisp, I'd use macros for much of the clean up. My efforts to do similar things with R functions has run into problems
2012 May 03
Help with getting values from string
Hi All, I have a doubt. I used macros and i try to pass a value to a macro by concatenating a bunch of strings. But it does not seem to work. Please help. I have written down my code and the error message please tell me how to pass the value that a string points to. Thanks in advance #macro defined
2018 Mar 28
can not install package "matie"
Dear R-experts, I can not install the package "matie". If somebody can tell me where the problem is. > install.packages("matie") Installing package into ?/Users/Caro/Library/R/3.3/library? (as ?lib? is unspecified) essai de l'URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 80151
2014 Nov 11
Evaluar como texto un parámetro de mi función
Compañeros, Una de primero de funciones pero que no soy capaz de resolver. Necesito evaluar como texto el parámetro de mi función. Ejemplo: datos.A<-rnorm(10,3) datos.B<-rnorm(100,30) datos.C<-rnorm(1000,300) datos.D<-rnorm(10000,3000) describe <- function(letra){ summary(datos.letra) } describe(B) Quiero que haga summary(datos.B) y no soy capaz. Nunca me había visto en una
2005 Aug 31
R CMD check example problem (PR#8113)
[Automatic forwarding from R-bugs failed. This message has been manually forwarded.] Hi all! I'm trying to add Thomas Lumley's defmacro() function Lumley T. "Programmer's Niche: Macros in {R}", R News, 2001, Vol 1, No. 3, pp 11--13, \url{} to the gtools package (provided that Thomas gives his OK). And I've encountered an error in
2005 Oct 03
access to R parse tree for Lisp-style macros?
R folks, I'm curious about possible support for Lisp-style macros in R. I'm aware of the "defmacro" support for S-Plus and R discussed here: but that's really just a syntactic short-cut to the run-time use of substitute() and eval(), which you could manually put into a function yourself if you cared
2012 Jan 12
is there an equivalent for #ifdef (C langage) in R
Hi, I'd like to know if there is an equivalent for #ifdef (Clangage) in R. I 'd like to do something like: useDebug = defmacro(DEBUG, expr=(DEBUG==1)) if(useDebug(0)){ #Here I do not use debug mode make_addition = function(a, b) { c=a+b plot(c) return(c) } }else{ #here I use debug mode c=a+b } I assume this would work... The problem is : if
2018 Mar 28
can not install package "matie"
On 28/03/2018 6:27 PM, varin sacha via R-help wrote: > Dear R-experts, > > I can not install the package "matie". If somebody can tell me where the problem is. > >> install.packages("matie") > Installing package into ?/Users/Caro/Library/R/3.3/library? > (as ?lib? is unspecified) > essai de l'URL
2013 Mar 13
holding argument(s) fixed within lapply
|Hello, Given a function with several arguments, I would like to perform an lapply (or equivalent) while holding one or more arguments fixed to some common value, and I would like to do it in as elegant a fashion as possible, without resorting to wrapping a separate wrapper for the function if possible. Moreover I would also like it to work in cases where one or more arguments to the original
2015 Jul 02
[LLVMdev] MCJIT or ORC JIT for new project?
Hi, For a new language I am developing (in the very early stages, nothing public posted yet) I would like to able to use a JIT for several purposes: 1) Create a functional REPL as is done is done with in the Kaleidoscope tutorial. 2) Be able to interpret my language in addition to compiling. 3) While compiling, be able to execute arbitrary code at compile time. The simple case will be to
2018 Mar 29
can not install package "matie"
Varin In the teaching you to fish department, you can find those dependencies Duncan appeared to pull out of thin air by looking at the CRAN contributed packages web pages, which can easily be found with Google. Start at the matie page and follow the dependency links and look at dependencies. In particular the error message mentioning the proxy package is a clue that dependencies might be a
2012 Feb 28
Error: could not find function "hier.part"
Error: could not find function "hier.part" things I have tried: 1. reinstall R (lastest version, on windows XP) 2. install package "gtools" 3. include: library(gtools) require(gtools) 4. how I call this function: hier.part(c$Y, xdata, fam = "gaussian", gof = "Rsqu") 5.when I try to check what's in the package "gtools", I get (hier.part is
2015 Feb 05
Rcurl crash in R-devel
Hello, I don't know if the problem originates from R-devel 3.2 or Rcurl itself. I post this message to the R-devel list and to the author of RCurl (duncan at > library("RCurl") Le chargement a n?cessit? le package : bitops > print(sessionInfo()) R Under development (unstable) (2015-02-03 r67717) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit) Running under:
2013 Apr 25
Problem with package RNetCDF when attached
I have a problem with the RNetCDF package in MacOSX 10.8.3, R3.0.0. If you have a solution, it would be great ! Thanks a lot. Marc Girondot > install.packages("RNetCDF") essai de l'URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 2071758 bytes (2.0 Mb) URL ouverte
2025 Feb 05
Error when loading optimx package and a solution
Dear R-help members Since this morning (5/2/2025), I get an error when I try to load optimx package. I solve it and I send my solution but if someone has a better idea or understand what's happened, I will be most happy to know. MacOSX 15.3 R 4.4.2 nlopt installed using brew install nlopt Here are the steps to produce the error and a solution to solve it. Some parts are in French. I