Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'ylim' values"
2011 Oct 24
Syntax Help for xyplot()
Thanks to David's help I subset my large data set and produced a smaller
one for a single stream and 7 factors of interest. The structure of this
data frame is:
'data.frame': 718 obs. of 4 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 143 levels "BC-0.5","BC-1",..: 1 1 4 6 4 4 4 5 5 5
$ sampdate: Date, format: "1996-06-02"
2011 Oct 31
reshape2: Lost Values Between melt() and dcast()
Working with 5 subset streams from my source data frame, three of them
successfully call dcast(), but two fail:
jerritt.cast <- dcast(jerritt.melt, site + sampdate ~ param)
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
winters.cast <- dcast(winters.melt, site + sampdate ~ param)
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
Yet both data frames have the values in their
2011 Oct 27
Syntax Check: rshape2 melt()
This is my first excursion into using reshape2 and I want to ensure that
the melt() function call is syntactically correct.
The unmodifed data frame is organized this way:
site sampdate param quant
1 UDS-O 2006-12-06 TDS 10800
4 STC-FS 1996-06-14 Cond 280
7 UDS-O 2007-10-04 Mg 1620
9 UDS-O 2007-10-04 SO4 7580
19 JCM-10B 2007-06-21 Ca 79
2006 Nov 22
dataframe manipulation
Having a dataframe 'l1' (dput output is below):
1274 2
Var1 Freq
1 1988-01-13 1
2 1988-01-16 1
3 1988-01-20 3
4 1988-01-25 2
5 1988-01-30 1
6 1988-02-01 5
7 1988-02-08 4
8 1988-02-14 1
9 1988-02-16 1
10 1988-02-18 4
11 1988-02-24 2
12 1988-03-04 1
I want to extract the times
2006 Nov 23
how to loop this?
I have the next procedure:
t1<-data.frame(table(substr(names(subset(lasker[[1]], lasker[[1]] >=
4)), 1, 7)))
Var1 Freq
1 1988-02 3
2 1988-03 1
3 1988-04 1
4 1988-05 2
5 1988-06 3
How to make a new list?, dataframe? having 189 elements in the 'lasker'
> str(lasker[[1]])
'table' int [, 1:1274] 1 1 3 2 1 5 4 1 1 4 ...
2012 Jan 01
Lattice: Understanding How Points Connected by Lines
A data frame has one factor, one date, and one numeric column. When I plot
these using the default pch of the open circle (first attachment),
xyplot(TDS ~ sampdate | she.s, data = sheep.cast, main = 'TDS in Sheep
Creek', ylab = 'Concentration (mg/L)', xlab = 'Time')
I see the higher concentration points toward the right on several panels.
But, when I change to using a
2011 Jun 02
Counting occurrences in a moving window
Hi list, based on the following data.frame I would like to create a variable
that indicates the number of occurrences of A in the 3 years prior to the
current year:
DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B
8025 1995
8026 1995
8029 1995
8026 1996
8025 1997
8026 1997
8025 1997
8027 1997
8026 1999
8027 1999
8028 1995
8029 1998
8025 1997
8027 1997
8026 1999
8027 1999
2008 May 09
Tabulation of aggregated data.frame
Hi useRs!
I would like to know how to make aggregated data.frame with
aggregate() tabulated.
For example, I run the following command to aggregate re with respect
to group1 and group2.
> (aggr <- with(final, aggregate(re, group1, group2, mean)))
Group.1 Group.2 x
1 1992 15 0.16392
2 1993 15 0.15467
3 1994 15 0.15456
4 1995 15 0.15391
2006 Nov 26
adding elemens to a list
I have a list of 20 elements, each of them of variable length and with a
structure like this:
Var1 Freq
1 1988-02 3
2 1988-03 1
3 1988-04 1
4 1988-05 2
5 1988-06 3
6 1988-07 1
7 1988-08 1
8 1988-09 1
9 1989-03 1
10 1989-04 1
How do I can insert in this list:
1988-01 0
1988-10 0
1988-11 0
1988-12 0
1989-01 0
2013 Mar 14
ggplot2 problem
Hello all!
I have a problem with ggplot2 library. I want to do an heat map and the y
variables are the year months. If I use the following code, he y values are
in alphabetical order, but I want it in month order.
The code is:
p <- ggplot(data.m, aes(variable, Month)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value),
2011 Nov 02
Proper Syntax for Logical Subset in Subset()
I have measured values for 47 chemicals in a stream. After processing
the original data frame through reshape2, the recast data frame has this
'data.frame': 256 obs. of 47 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 143 levels "BC-0.5","BC-1",..: 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
$ sampdate : Date, format: "1996-04-19" "1996-05-21" ...
$ Acid :
2007 Dec 19
plot cummulative sum from calendar time
I have the following list of observations of calendar time:
[1] 03-Nov-1997 09-Oct-1991 27-Aug-1992 01-Jul-1994 19-Jan-1990 12-Nov-1993
[7] 08-Oct-1993 10-Nov-1982 08-Dec-1986 23-Dec-1987 02-Aug-1995 20-Oct-1998
[13] 29-Apr-1991 16-Mar-1994 20-May-1991 28-Dec-1987 14-Jul-1999 27-Nov-1998
[19] 09-Sep-1999 26-Aug-1999 20-Jun-1997 05-May-1995 26-Mar-1998 15-Aug-1994
[25] 24-Jun-1996 02-Oct-1996
2010 Jun 13
ERROR need finite 'ylim' values
I use R with MAC
I have a simple data table, numeric and text columns, named dt. The table is
imported through read.csv from a csv file. Row numbers are automatically
assigned, header is set to TRUE. there are 599 rows and several columns.
I am trying to plot using the stripchart command: one numeric variable (say
dt$fnatg) vs a text column (say dt$pat). dt$pat contains one of 3 values:
2012 Jan 02
Creating ZOO Matrix from Data Frame
I believe that I have a basic understanding of zoo and how to use read.zoo
on a text file, What I have not seen in the zoo help files and vignettes is
how to convert a data frame to a zoo matrix for irregular time series
An example data frame is structured like this:
'data.frame': 256 obs. of 47 variables:
$ site : Factor w/ 143 levels
2009 Jan 14
publication statistics from Web of Science
Dear list,
This is a bit of an off-topic question, but I'm hoping to get some
advice from more experienced people. I've used the website "Web of
Science" to manually collect publication counts responding to several
keywords as a function of date, since the 1960s.
http://apps.isiknowledge.com/RAMore.do?product=UA&search_mode=&SID=P1g9lFJp9 at
2007 Jun 13
Formatted Data File Question for Clustering -Quickie Project
I am trying to learn how to format Ascii data files for scan or read
into R.
Precisely for a quickie project, I found some code (at end of this
email) to do exactly what I need:
To cluster and graph a dendrogram from package (stats).
I am stuck on how to format a text file to run the script.
I looked at the dataset USArrests (which would be replaced by my data
and labels) using UltraEdit. That
2004 Jul 26
aggregate function
Hi all,
I have the folowing frame(there are more columns than shown),
1 2 3 4 5
Year Total Tus Whi Norw
1994 1.00 1830 0 355
1995 1.00 0 0 0
1995 1.00 0 0 0
1995 1.00 4910 4280 695
1997 1.00 0 0
2009 Apr 13
weighted mean and by() with two index
Hi expeRts,
I would like to calculate weighted mean by two factors.
My code is as follows:
R> tmp <- by(re$meta.sales.lkm[, c("pc", "sales")],
re$meta.sales.lkm[, c("size", "yr")], function(x)
weighted.mean(x[,1], x[,2]))
The result is as follows:
R> tmp
size: micro
yr: 1994
[1] 1.090
2005 Jun 15
Multiple line plots
I would like to plot three lines on the same figure, and I am lost. There is
an answer to a similar thread… but I tried matplot and it is beyond me. An
example of the data follows:
1983 9.1 16.8 -7.7
1984 12.0 18.0 -6.0
1985 13.6 19.1 -5.5
1986 12.4 17.3 -4.9
1987 14.6 20.3 -5.7
1988 20.6 23.3 -2.6
1989 25.0 27.2 -2.2
1990 28.4 30.2 -1.8
1991 33.3 31.2 2.1
1992 40.6
2012 Nov 06
plm(): observations not used for modelling
I have posted this problem before, but thought I try to explain it a bit
I'm using the function plm to create a fixed effects model for panel data,
my method is therefor "within" my effect is "twoways".
My Data contains unbalanced Panels due to missing Values, but contains 309
observation for 11 variables (incl. response), with no missing Values. These