similar to: solaris 10 winbind authentication with ADS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "solaris 10 winbind authentication with ADS"

2006 Aug 30
winbind auth against ads not working via remote login - solaris 10.
I am attempting to use winbind for Telnet authentication but winbind pam doesn't recognize ads realm or smb.conf workgroup..see error snapshot. pdtsun03 is hostname of solaris 10 ADS domain member running samba 3.0.11. "net ads join" worked..."net ads user" returns all MYADSDOMAIN users and samba shares work from both unix and NT side. one note..After make install, I
2007 Dec 05
AD returns only one group for all users
Dear list, I'm trying to get a Thumper (Sun Fire X4500) to play nice with AD so that we can offer a nearline storage service. Since many of our users will have multiple group memberships, it's imperative that samba be able to recurse through the groups that a user is a member of to determine if they have access to a resource. What happens instead is that every user who authenticates is
2006 Jul 21
SSH and winbind authentication on Solaris 10
I've googled my heart out, but I cannot see an example of ssh authentication with Active Directory and winbindd, particularly on Solaris 10. I have it working on Solaris 8 with telnet, but I'm trying to break my users of telnet. Has anyone got it working? If so, would you be willing to share the global section of your smb.conf and pam.conf with me? Is there something I need to put in one
2004 Jan 29
Back to 3.0.1, Winbind and Solaris 9
I've gone back to 3.0.1 to try and get winbind to work with my Solaris 9 machine and NT4 domain. Everything works except user authentication. The wbinfo and getent commands do what they are supposed to. I've included a truss of 'su - ganguly' According to pamlog, the user 'ganguly' has been granted access but it is still hanging. How do I do a truss of a telnet login?
2005 Aug 29
dovecot/Active Directory/KRB client (OT)
Gang, For those who asked about making a Solaris system a Kerberos client to Active Directory, the magic document to have is: See the section "How to Configure a SEAM Client Using a Windows 2000 KDC". SEAM was Sun's Kerberos client stuff in Solaris 8; it is just there as part of Solaris 9 and 10. These instructions apply if
2003 Dec 15
Solaris Winbind LDAP
Dear list, How do I test whether I have access to my winbind LDAP backend from my Solaris 9 machine? My LDAP database is held on a Redhat 9.0 machine also running Samba 3.0.0. I know winbind works because getent and wbinfo show up my NT users and groups. I would also like to have people log into my Solaris 9 machine with their NT usernames, I have this working on Redhat already but Solaris is
2004 Aug 20
Fw: winbind, active directory and solaris 8
I sent this the other day, but did not get any replies, can anyone help? Hi All, I have a sparc solaris 8 server running samba 2.2.11 (which i complied with winbind). The server has been running for years and has about 20 local users setup using local files for openssh and rexec logins, and samba shares. They each use samba to map to their home directory and a common shared folder. They also
2005 May 19
Having it both ways with winbind
We already have a large complement of Unix users that are also Windows users but we also have non-unix users that need access to some samba shares. How can I setup samba so that Users who already have a Unix account will get that account and home directory when they connect through samba but valid domain users that do not already have a Unix account will authenticate through winbind and get the
2006 Sep 26
password sync unix
Hello, (I'm sorry for my previous message with the wrong subject; I'll just do it over again) I have a Solaris 10 machine (SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-18 sun4u sparc) installed with Samba Version 3.0.23a. Samba has been compiled from source with PAM modules. The modules '' and '' reside at: /usr/local/samba/lib/security smb.conf is located at
2004 Feb 03
How do I get pam_mkhomedir to work
Message follows this disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email and any files transmitted with it is confidential and intended solely for the person or organisation to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not read, copy or disseminate the information or take any action in reliance on it
2007 Apr 02
Authenticaton in Active Directory(again)
Is possible authenticate in active directory 2003r2 with ldap (dovecot-ldap), but not using pam_ldap ? I have problem, faileds. I need example of the dovecot-ldap.conf for this authentication. Help, please. Best Regards !
2015 Apr 13
[Bug 2378] New: Allow login to a role using Hostbased auth on platforms supporting PAM_AUSER Bug ID: 2378 Summary: Allow login to a role using Hostbased auth on platforms supporting PAM_AUSER Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 6.8p1 Hardware: Sparc OS: Solaris Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5
2006 Sep 05
winbind auth against ads not working via remote login-solaris 10. - Success!!
Update: Success!!!! The corrective action was to move the below pam.conf settings to the top of each section. auth sufficient /usr/lib/security/ try_first_pass account sufficient /usr/lib/security/ try_first_pass session sufficient /usr/lib/security/ try_first_pass -----Original Message----- From: Garrett, Joseph Sent: Thursday,
2003 Oct 12
[PATCH]: Call pam_chauthtok from keyboard-interactive.
Hi All. This patch calls pam_chauthtok() to change an expired password via PAM during keyboard-interactive authentication (SSHv2 only). It is tested on Redhat 8 and Solaris 8. In theory, it should have simply been a matter of calling pam_chauthtok with the PAM_CHANGE_EXPIRED_AUTHTOK flag, it'd only change the password is if it's expired, right? From the Solaris pam_chauthtok man page:
2003 Jul 04
Is it sombody who has a working pam.conf for Solaris 9 ?
Hi, I am trying to setup PAM for telnet on my solaris 9 box and the pam_winbind grant me access but I recieve a acount failure: Jul 4 13:29:59 clusterix1 pam_winbind[9688]: user 'patrikg' granted acces Jul 4 13:29:59 clusterix1 login[9688]: login account failure: Permission denied The values in pam.conf for winbind is: login auth required /usr/lib/security/ other
2004 May 12
3.8p1 on Solaris 8
Hello, I am running into some strange (to me) behavior trying to upgrade from 3.6.1p2 to 3.8p1 on Solaris 8. All of my machines are running 3.6.1p2 (Linux boxes have had RH errata applied). When I ssh with my AFS account name from any of them to the Solaris 8 box running 3.6.1p2, it responds with "afsuser at machine's password:". Once the password is given, I am logged in just
2006 Jun 30
OpenSSH public key problem with Solaris 10
Hi ya'll- I've got this odd openssh problem with Solaris 10 I was hoping someone could shed some light on. Not sure if it is a bug... Basically I'm trying to use pubkeys as an auth method, but am having issues. I can log in using passwords no problem, but as soon as it notices a matching public key it closes the connection. I ran the sshd server (on Solaris 10 box) in debug
2006 Jul 10
OpenSSH 4.3p2 on Solaris 10 and PAM
Hi, We have a Solaris 10 system that authanticates users against an LDAP server with password management. On port 22 runs Sun SSH 1.1. On port 2222 runs OpenSSH 4.3p2. OpenSSH uses a configuration from a Linux system where login with password or public key works. Adittionally we have a customized PAM module that grants/revokes access based upon an attribute setting in LDAP. The PAM
2002 Jan 29
locked account accessable via pubkey auth
maybe this is a silly question ;-) But why is it possible to login on a machine with a locked account (passwd -l ) via pubkey-authentication (authorized_keys) ? I use OpenSSH3.01p1on Solaris8 with PAM support so I thought this should not happen. If this is the normal behaviour and built in intentionally what would be the easiest way to lock an account without deleting the users authorized_keys ?
2004 Feb 05
idmap uid range 10000-20000: pam_winbind does NOT wor k ?
Mike, I got it working!! Have a look at what I have, here is my smb.conf and my pam.conf. # Global parameters [global] workgroup = RRLNTD01 server string = SUN001 security = DOMAIN password server = nts009 log level = 10 syslog = 7 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast