similar to: smbclient, meaning of workgroup/master table

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "smbclient, meaning of workgroup/master table"

2013 Jun 25
problem over vpn
hi all, i have a Samba version 3.2.5 server running in a debian 5.0.8 (a little old, i know...). the network setup is: -one local office using samba -one remote office (we call it cberg) using samba remotely over a vpn (linksys-cisco) -another remote office (we call it colon) using samba remotely over a vpn (linksys-cisco) the local office and colon office are working fine the remote office
2004 May 13
rejected our name registration of WORKGROUP<1d> with error code 6
Hi to all, I have a samba server that was working with security share in one subnet and now is listening on another interface, configured as a PDC logon server with wins support and w98 clients, I followed the howto: The clients added to the domain execute the logon scripts fine, but they do not see the samba server in nethood, though
2010 May 05
member server, doesn't show full browse list
Hello, I don't know how to put this on words, so maybe an example is better: On a PDC: zoolook at venkman:~$ smbclient -L localhost -U% Domain=[BENSA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7] Sharename Type Comment --------- ---- ------- print$ Disk Printer Drivers IPC$ IPC IPC Service (venkman server (Samba,
2008 Aug 27
nested group support still broken in 3.2.2?
Hi there I've just upgraded to 3.2.2 and it still looks like nested group support isn't finished? e.g. if I have "domain1/user1" in group "domain2/group1" and that in turn is in "domain3/group2" (i.e. domain1/user1 is in domain3/group2), then "getent group domain3/group2" should return domain1/user1 - and yet it doesn't. "winbind enum
2004 May 14
BUG IN SAMBA 3.0.4 ?
I used the samba-3.0.1pre1 without problems. When I use the samba-3.0.4 (bug ms04-011 fixed), i can?t write in all shares. Is this a bug?! I use the same smb.conf [global] workgroup = jfsecco server string = JFSECCO PDC netbios name = belpo2 hosts allow = 10.18. interfaces = eth0 # Windows administrators # You can add users or groups (prefix groups with a '@') #domain admin
2006 Feb 28
Samba 3.0.2x with trusted domains.
Hello all, we have a samba server on a SLES9 linux box. It is connected to an active directory with multiple trusted domains. With this server, we have strange problems with users/groups in others domains. The users/groups listed in smb.conf that are part of trusted domains are not take in account to access the shares. We cannot as well set ACL correctly on filesystem. This is not an
2013 Jun 09
Preparación de datos
Hola, ¿como están? Me encuentro haciendo un trabajo de Explotación de Información para la facultad y tengo un inconveniente a la hora de preparar los datos para poder operar con ellos. Tengo un atributo "Titulo Secundario" que cuenta con 139 valores diferentes (al final les dejo algunos de estos valores con la cantidad de ocurrencias de cada uno) y lo que quiero hacer es
2008 Nov 29
Loginname - mapping
Hi! I have a server with a few thousand mailboxes (for a few hundred domains) on it. The usernames are following several naming conventions: username_domain domain_username username_domain.tld username-domain domain.username The reason for this chaos is that the accounts were set up on different mailservers, some imail, some linux, some with virtualmin and some manually and
2018 Apr 06
dovecot welcome scripts for multiple domains
Hello, I've got dovecot 2.3 going, and it uses welcome scripts successfully. My question is does anyone have a script that is multi-domain capable? Currently mine sends it's welcome message from say postmaster at, well I've got five domains, can I set this script up so that it's smart about them? If user at logs in it would send a message from postmaster at
2010 Jan 29
sieve script
Hello, after qmail migration need convert some .procmailrc scripts. Found converter procmail -> sieve, but i'm not sure of quality of conversion. My script: --------------- if header :contains "from" ["user at domain1.tld", "user2 at domain2.tld", "user3 at domain3.tld"] { redirect "foo1 at bar.tld"; redirect "foo2 at
2009 Dec 22
config backend = registry; printers not shown
Hello, I couldn't find an answer to this small question in google/man/faq: why do I use lose my printer if I use registry backend? config backend = file (full config file below): ... [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba create mask = 0700 printable = Yes browseable = No guest ok = yes ... $ smbclient -kL //venkman ...
2014 Jan 22
Problem with LDA. When vacation auto-reply sent, the field from=<>.
Hi, My problem is that when vacation auto-reply sent the field from=<> Because of this does not work "sender_dependent_relayhost_maps" in postfix. My scheme is: There are several postfix on different machines - domain1 - domain2 - domain3 All they send messages to one server virtual_transport = lmtp: where mail is stored. In
2003 Nov 07
Unable to access my home share on samba 3 and win nt4, was able to do it with samba 2.2.2
Hi Guys, I just upgrade my samba sever (from 2.2.2 to 3.0 on Solaris 8, with winbind and win nt4 as a PDC) samba is a member of the domain, and I can access all my share with authenticaion. But I setup my home share: [global] workgroup = Domain3 realm = WIN2KTEST.CH server string = samba %v security = DOMAIN log file = /opt/samba/var/log.%m max log size = 1000
2008 Feb 26
multiple ip and ssl
Hello, is possible in some way use on each ip address different certificate (for imap, for pop3). There are options like (but that is not enough for me): protocol imap { listen = *:10143 ssl_listen = *:10943 .. } protocol pop3 { listen = *:10100 .. } I have server for 4 domains (each has own ip address), so i need bind one ip address to one domain to one certificate(each certificate
2007 Apr 10
Link to local files
I have a small rails system I am building. Part of the code allow uploading files in to RailsRoot/public/files folder I am running this system is several places that have different domain and folder combinations. cases: 1) # where folder_a is a symbolic link from Apache document root to the public folder of rails app 2) # where folder_b is
2009 Jul 10
Samba(3.2.12 and 3.4.0) - Winbind - trusted domains - Problem!
Good Morning! We got in some troubles using trusted domains and winbind. First i will tell you something about the network and samba configuration. For our SMB Environment we use Samba 3.2.12. We have three trusted domains. Our Samba Server uses LDAP as Backend. Most of the time it worked nice, but after some time Winbind loses User Entrys. On the windows side i can see "unknown user
2005 Oct 14
Samba as a Multiple Domain Controller on a complex setup
Hi all, I've run across this problem before but this time it's a rather complicated setup. a. We have a long list of local users, all of them resident at the system level /etc/passwd, and on three different primary groups (each of these groups corresponds to what needs to be a different Windows Domain) b. Some of these users will actually belong to more than one Domain,
2014 Mar 01
- automation script
Hi everybody, I have many server in production but I would verify this: ex.: I have many domain in /var/www/html/ (domain1 / domain2 / domain3) now, How I do check if the files are added or changed? I should apply this "politic" for all domains but I don't know how It is possible send me an email with the modification? so, exist diff command with some option but I don't
2011 Jan 27
dovecot ACL
Hi in Dovecot 2.x with virtual domains, is there a way specify what domains can create shared directories and who can't? For example I have 3 domains,, and Let's say I only want's users to create shared folders how can I go about doing this. Thanks, Paul
2015 Oct 04
On 04/10/15 17:43, Norberto Bensa wrote: > Hello, > > I've followed two or three articles on how to configure samba 4 as a > member server. One of these articles is from the samba wiki: > > > The server joins, but it cannot authenticate users. I don't care about > nss, winbind, etc. unless it is REALLY