Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "anyone using smbclient queue and cancel commands?"
2010 Mar 04
smbclient queue and cancel commands not working
I'm trying to manage printer queues on a XP box in the lan. Other client
commands work well, even
echo "test" | smbclient //XPBOX/PRINTER -c "print -"
works as expected and starts a print job. But either queue and cancel
don't work, without debug flags with no errors. Cancel even says job is
deleted. With -d4 I see
# smbclient -d3 //volker/HPDJ1120C -U admin
2007 Nov 15
Multiply each column of array by vector component
I've got an array, say with i,jth entry = A_ij, and a vector, say with jth
entry= v_j. I would like to multiply each column of the array by the
corresponding vector component, i,e. find the array with i,jth entry
A_ij * v_j
This seems so basic but I can't figure out how to do it without a loop.
Any suggestions?
2003 Apr 02
lme parameterization question
I am trying to parameterize the following mixed model (following Piepho
and Ogutu 2002), to test for a trend over time, using multiple sites:
y[ij]=mu+b[j]+a[i]+w[j]*(beta +t[i])+c[ij]
y[ij]= a response variable at site i and year j
mu = fixed intercept
Beta=fixed slope
w[j]=constant representing the jth year (covariate)
b[j]=random effect of jth year, iid N(0,sigma2[b])
2002 Sep 12
Problem with indexing
Dear List
I am having a bit of a problem getting a program to work.
For each of i=1 to n persons I have a matrix (different for each person) with
m rows.
What I want to do, is create m new data sets such that the first is made up
of the first row for each person from the original matrices, the second
contains the second row for each person from the original matrices etc etc up
to the mth
2011 Jul 22
extlinux doesn't boot 3.0 kernel on a brand new HP 8200sff workstation
I compiled a 3.0 kernel for my system, used the same config of my already working kernel on the same system.
But whenever extlinux tries to load my 3.0 kernel it crashes instantly and reboots, not even 1 kernel msg is displayed.
So it seems like the kernel isn't loaded at all and crashes.
2008 Mar 25
Mixed-effects models: question about the syntax to introduce interactions
hello everyone,
I would like to as for advice for the use of ?lmer?
(package ?lme4?) and writing the proper syntax to best
describe my data using a mixed-effects model.
I have just started to use these models, and although
I have read some good examples (Extending the Linear
Model with R, Faraway 2005; and the R book, Crawley
2007), I am still not sure of the syntax to test my
2011 May 01
Dummy variables using rfe in caret for variable selection
I'm trying to run "rfe" for variable selection in the caret package, and am
getting an error. My data frame includes a dummy variable with 3 levels.
x <- chlDescr
y <- chl
#crate dummy variable
levels(x$State) <- c("AL","GA","FL")
dummy <- model.matrix(~State,x)
z <- cbind(dummy, x)
#remove State category variable
w <- z[,c(-4)]
1998 Feb 27
Fw: Bind failed when killing and restarting nmbd
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Reni Nieuwenhuizen <rnh@cpb.nl>
Nieuwsgroepen: comp.protocols.smb
Datum: vrijdag 27 februari 1998 14:26
Onderwerp: Bind failed when killing and restarting nmbd
>Recently I get the message "bind failed on port 137 address already in use"
>logged in the log.nmb. This happens nmbd gets killed (by me) and is
>restarted by inetd (or
2011 Mar 29
Most efficient way of pxe booting windows pe
Hi guys,
We are using syslinux (memdisk) and gpxe already for a while.
Also got a working winpe boot method by means of pxe. Which basicly is a dd of an 'recovery partition' where winpe.wim is on.
That method isn't really the most efficient way, cause its loaded into memory twice.
We are going to do a major windows 7 deployment soon and i'm looking for the most efficient way of
2004 Nov 16
Pairwise Distances -- How to vectorize the loop
I'm trying to compute pairwise distances among pairs of observations,
which each pair containing data from 2 groups. There are more than
100000 unique pairs. I have programmed a distance function that has
three parameters, a vector of covariates from the ith observation in
Group 1, a vector of covarites from the jth observation in Group 2, and
a weighting matrix.
I have used
2006 Oct 02
multilevel factor model in lmer
Hello --
I am curious if lmer can be used to fit a multilevel factor model such as a
two-parameter item response model. The one parameter model is
straightforward. A two-factor model requires a set of factor loadings
multiplying a single random effect. For example, a logit model for the ith
subject responding correctly to the jth item (j=1,..,J) is
logit[p(ij)] = a1*item1(i) + ... + aJ *
2007 Oct 29
How to test combined effects?
Suppose I have a mixed-effects model where yij is the jth sample for
the ith subject:
yij= beta0 + beta1(age) + beta2(age^2) + beta3(age^3) + beta4(IQ) +
beta5(IQ^2) + beta6(age*IQ) + beta7(age^2*IQ) + beta8(age^3 *IQ)
+random intercepti + eij
In R how can I get an F test against the null hypothesis of
beta6=beta7=beta8=0? In SAS I can run something like contrast age*IQ
2012 Dec 06
Vectorizing integrate()
I have written a program to solve a particular logistic regression problem using IRLS. In one step, I need to integrate something out of the linear predictor. The way I'm doing it now is within a loop and it is as you would expect slow to process, especially inside an iterative algorithm.
I'm hoping there is a way this can be vectorized, but I have not found it so far. The portion of code
2007 Feb 28
Efficient way to repeat rows (or columns) of a matrix?
If I have a vector, v_1, and another vector of positive integers, i_1, the
same length as v_1, then rep(v_1,i_1) will repeat v_i[j] exactly i_1[j]
times, like so:
[1] 1 1 1 2 2 3
I'd like to do the same sort of thing where I replace v_1 with a matrix, and
the jth row of the matrix is repeated i_1 times.
Obviously, I could do this with for loops, like
2003 Dec 17
Accessing row and col names of SEXP objects
Can someone lend me a hand with extracting the dimnames from a SEXP? I've
looked through R-exts, but I couldn't find an example.
Here is the code I'm using to grab the jth column name and print it, but the
colnames I'm getting are garbage.
None of the following are working.
void printInfo(SEXP ts) {
int j;
for (j=0; j<col; j++) {
2010 May 04
All possible paths between two nodes in a flowgraph using igraphs?
Hi all
Is there any systematic way to compute all possible paths, first-order loops
and j-th order loops between two given nodes in a flowgraph (directed graph
with cycles) - preferably using the igraph library in R? I have checked the
igraph documentation but I can't figure out any direct and systematic way to
do so. Any ideas?
I use the following definitions from Butler, R. and A.
2013 Apr 01
Parameter Estimation in R with Sums and Lagged Variables
Hi guys,
I am afraid I am stuck with an estimation problem.
I have two variables, X and Y. Y is explained by the weighted sum of n
lagged values of X. My aim is to estimate the two parameters
c(alpha0,alpha1) in:
Yt = Sum from j=1 to n of ( ( alpha0 + alpha1 * j ) * Xt-j )
Where Xt-j denotes the jth lag of X.
I came up with this approach because I thought it would be a good idea to
2008 Mar 15
Please find the error in my code
hello everybody
I use the following code for my programming & it runs with the error as specified below.Any help that would disolve the error will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
my code looks like this
#### R programme for simulating the power of the two sample t test vs various
#### non-parametric alternatives
sim.size <- 200
sample.size <- 10
mu1 <- 0
2012 Dec 11
Syslinux 5 (i)pxelinux.0 unnecessary PATH requests
Hi there,
i just build a new ipxelinux.0 with an EMBED=../../syslinux-5/core/pxelinux.0.
i'm trying to load up my vesamenu.c32 menu from http:.
and offcorse i want this as optimal as possible, with the least needed GET requests.
OLD situation with v4:
PXE ROM -> ipxelinux.0 (tftp) -> menu.php (http) -> vesamenu.c32 (http)
NEW situation with v5:
PXE ROM -> ipxelinux.0 (tftp)
2008 Mar 08
Deleting rows satisfying a certain condition (sum of some colums>2)
I have a huge matrix and need to delete certain rows. What I need to do is:
1.In each row, calculate the sum of jth column and (J+2)th column
2. If the sum is greater than 2 then that row needs to be deleted.
I have a sample matrix and my codes here. It does remove some rows but when
it does, it skips the next row and each time it deletes a row, the dimension
changes so it gets out of bound. I