similar to: Clustering MySQL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Clustering MySQL"

2006 Feb 12
CentOS 4.2 x86_64 - ipvsadm
Hi Anyone know of there is an rpm available for this? Trying to build a loadbalancer from the LVS project for a webserver farm and struggling with ipvsadm <> on 4.2 thanks
2006 Dec 22
IPVS connections not removed
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> <font color="#000000">Hi centos users,<br> <br>
2007 Jan 15
piranha lvsd "cluster" status: how?
Hi, I've got a couple of machines acting as directors with service=lvs Is there something similar to 'clustat' for pulse+lvsd? I need this in order to make our monitorization scripts "cluster-aware", or else one node will have critical status when there are less nannies than it expected because the services ran over to the other node. Thanks in advance, Rui -- + No
2009 Jan 16
CentOS failover cluster
What should I use to configure a failover cluster under CentOS? Is there Red Hat Cluster Suite or something like that? Thank you in advance. -- Giuseppe Fuggiano
2008 Apr 04
simple load balancing/failover for OWA
We are building an exchange cluster with two front end Outlook Web Access servers. We would like to at least have some sort of failover, and prefereably load balancing for them. The MS recommended way is to use NLB, but for various reasons that's not working with our set up. We are looking to set up a single linux server and use something like LVS to load balance/fail over the
2004 Nov 05
Using Shorewall + Linux Virtual Server LVS/DR
I''m havign a HUGE amount of difficulty getting shoreline to work with LVS. We use it here constantly so we know it works. The problem is packets come in, get directed to a webserver, webserver returns the packet to firewall, and then it goes into a black hole. rp_filter is off globally on all interfaces. LVS seems to be working right.... I use shorewall tcrules to mark packets on
2010 Feb 17
Load Balancer (heartbeat, ldirectord, ipvsadm) + Apache Problem
Hi, I'm having this problem with load balancer. I already setup the load balancer and two servers behind it with this kind of topology ----------------------------------------------------- request -> DIRECTOR -- Server 1 \ Server 2 ----------------------------------------------------- DIRECTOR's (RHEL 5) Virtual
2010 Feb 13
So, what about clustering and load balancing?
Hello world, so, with beta2 of Dovecot 2.0 being available, what is the preferred way to achieve load balancing and fault tolerance? As far as I can see it, there are basically two options: 1) Use a HA shared storage, export either a cluster filesystem or NFS, and have your dovecot servers mount that file system. Load balance these servers (Cisco ACE, ldirectord, ...) and there you go. Overall
2009 Apr 06
Dovecot, LVS and the issues I have with it.
We run around 5 dovecot (debian etch 1.0.rc15) POP/IMAP 'nodes' using the LVS load balancer and an NFS based SAN. it works pretty well. I love the robustness of load balancing POP/IMAP. We do a reasonable amount of throughput through these especially at peak times pushing our SAN to around 1.5k IOP/s We currently have two issues with this setup. One of which is NFS index corruption
2006 Mar 17
Re: DUNDi .... Halfway and CLUSTERING
Do you mean the peristence of connecting a specific phone to a specific server? If so, then it's relatively easy. The ldirectord has a persistence setting that does that. If I'm misunderstanding you, then could you explain further what you mean? Regards, - Brad -----Original Message----- From: [] On
2011 Jan 26
Redundant puppet Masters setup help
Hello All, I require some help for creating multiple puppetmaster with separate Puppet CA server. I followed the steps given in the link below for creating a separate CA server My requirement is to create 2 Puppetmasters running nginx and unicorn which will be loadbalanced via RR DNS with a separate single Puppet CA server only for issuing and signing
2005 Oct 18
Asterisk Redundency
Hi, I wish to use Asterisk as a SIP server. How do I use Asterisk in a redundent network? So, if one Asterisk server fails, how does failover work? James
2008 Jan 05
centos 5.1 fresh install of ipvsadm: service won't start: config missing
Hello all, I have ipvsadm-1.24 installed, and there's an error when the service starts: Applying IPVS configuration: /etc/init.d/ipvsadm: line 62: /etc/sysconfig/ipvsadm: No such file or directory is the install broken? I did a "yum whatprovides ipvsadm" and it does say there's a config, but doesn't point to where it is. any suggestions? -- --------------- Morpheus:
2011 Mar 08
hello, all! if i want to use lvs function of keepalived , i must install ipvsadm ? tks! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2012 May 15
ldirectord package on centos 6
Hi, I'm looking for the ldirectord package but can't find it. Previously this was available as "heartbeat-ldirectord" and nowadays it is built as an independent package from "resource-agents" however neither seems to be available either in core centos 6 or epel. Where did it go? Regards, Dennis
2008 Sep 02
boxplot - label outliers
Hi All- I have 24 boxplots on one graph. I do not have the whiskers extending to the outliers, but I would like to label the maximum value of each outlier above the whiskers. I have the stats but am having trouble figuring out how to label the whiskers. Any suggestions would be great! sherri
2011 Apr 25
dovecot & OCFS2 Cluster
hi all We have an ocfs2 cluster compose of 4 Debian lenny serveurs wich have access to an ISCSI LUN we have create a partition on this Lun and formated this partition as OCFS2. 2 serveurs does mail delivery (SMTP) and the two other are pop/imap servers. The smtp servers use dovecot LDA to deliver to mailboxes. La version de dovecot is 1.2.13, ldirectord balance conexion to the
2005 Jan 10
Re: Toronto
It looks like this meetup group is becoming the venue for contact as most "Toronto" respondents have signed up here. Can I request that the remainder who responded to the "Toronto" call signup? Shidan is the organizer and has proposed a date. I'd hate to confirm it without the remainder having input - especially those with travel times like Andrew K. out in Listowel.
2008 Sep 04
adding NA to "subset"
Hi All- I have a data set (spdco2) > spdco2 [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 5.4 382.4212 [2,] 2 5.1 383.0315 [3,] 3 4.8 383.9520 [4,] 4 4.7 384.4376 [5,] 5 4.7 384.5929 [6,] 6 4.4 384.8864 [7,] 7 4.1 385.2156 [8,] 8 3.8 385.2919 [9,] 9 3.7 385.5925 [10,] 10 3.9 385.6801 I am subsetting it to output when [,2] is >= 4.7 .
2020 Feb 18
Code of Conduct Next Steps - Community feedback needed
I find this response quite offense. I am not a secretary sending an email to my boss. My intent is not malicious. I asked him if the methods I proposed were not sufficient as my goal is to include all input. Google docs is not an invalid way to collaborate on a text document. Is one way among many. It is not code in the purest form of the word which we can debate. But that is not the point. No