similar to: Overlaying acls onto a share.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Overlaying acls onto a share."

2008 Aug 27
Solaris nss_ldap vs PADL nss_ldap
Hi All, Any thoughts on why, while everything seems ok at the OS level (getent , id -a ) Samba doesn't pickup any supplementary groups when Solaris is configured with 'group: files ldap' in nsswitch.conf and using it's own native but does when using PADL's nss_ldap? Everything else is equal. Do they use/accept different calls or could it be an
2008 Aug 21
Samba PDC with groups in LDAP
Hi All, I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on a problem I'm having. I have a samba PDC with an LDAP backend, keeping the smb.conf file constant, When I have /etc/nsswitch.conf configured with groups: files ldap Then /usr/local/samba/bin/net rpc user info dbb only returns my primary group. If I have /etc/nsswitch.conf configured with groups: files nis Then all
2008 Aug 25
Samba Groups questions
Hi, When Samba is running as a PDC and a workstation is joined to the Domain, should the user logged into the workstation be able to see all the groups they are a member of using `ifmember /list`? Is the below output as expected? I'm I correct thinking that as all my groups originate in the Unix world, I don't need winbind to allow the Workstations to see them? For what
2009 Nov 20
problem selecting 330 to 30 longitude
Hello, This is probably very simple but I am trying to select a region from the OIv2 SST dataset that crosses 0 longitude. The longitude variable is arranged from 0 to 360 and I get an error message when trying to go from 330 to 30 for example. The data are from a NOAA netCDF file. *temp = open.ncdf("c:/documents and settings/theoni/desktop/") print(temp) y1 = get.var.ncdf(
2009 Apr 15
issue with L-BFGS-B in optim (optim just hangs)
Dear R-Help List, I am using optim, with method=L-BFGS-B, to maximize a likelihood inside a large simulation exercise. This runs fine for most simulated data sets, but for some reason, about 1 out of 100 times, optim will just hang. Using a dumb approach to the problem (i.e. printing the parameter values each time the function being maximized is evaluated), I tracked down when this happens,
2012 Mar 07
help with time data - R weird behaviour across machines
Hello list, I was hoping I could get some help on something which is really giving me a headache. I am using R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22) (Platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)) An object which is supposed to have times has a few elements listed as not times but NA's > ls() [1] "todelete" > class(todelete) [1] "POSIXlt" "POSIXt" > todelete [1]
2008 Aug 25
net rpc group addmem returns NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
Hi All, I'm trying to add a user to a group using /usr/local/samba/bin/net rpc group addmem room11 dunk -Uroot%password The user is added to the group as far as I can tell but the command returns NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED This is on Solaris 10 (Sparc) and Samba 3.2.1, OS and Samba are both configured to lookup users and groups in LDAP. /usr/local/samba/bin/net rpc group members
2008 Aug 26
Samba write performance in kernel
hi, I would like to know is it possible to make writing file to samba completely in kernel? I'm using a slow CPU (FA526) , and the memory copy is even slower. The reading performance is over 7 MB/s, with mmap and sendfile enabled, while writing is only 4-5 MB/s. Without mmap and sendfile, reading from samba is also about 4-5 MB/s. I use Oprofile to profile writing file to samba and found
2013 Mar 14
Error message in vars package
Hi I'm getting an error message with the roots() function in the vars package. Even the example in the help file comes up with an error: > data(Canada) > var.2c <- VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "const") > roots(var.2c) Error in UseMethod("roots") : no applicable method for 'roots' applied to an object of class "varest" The error is odd, for
2008 Aug 18
Samba 3.0.x access rights issue with secondary groups or Unix rights
Hi experts I have a trouble in access rights I am running Samba 3.0.31 on Solaris 10 x86 64 bits as member server of an Active Directory 2003 R2 domain (MYDOMAIN) using Identity Management for Unix I set rights to access a sub folder of a Samba share. On Solaris the user "toto" jdoe can write a new file. From Windows, the same user can't. Itlooks like OK when the primary group
2011 Nov 04
How to delete only those rows in a dataframe in which all records are missing
Hi, Imagine I have the following data frame: > a <- c(1,NA,3) > b <- c(2,NA,NA) > c <- data.frame(cbind(a,b)) > c a b 1 1 2 2 NA NA 3 3 NA I want to delete the second row. If I use na.omit, that would also affect the third row. I tried to use a loop and an ifelse clause with to get R identify that row in which all records are missing, as opposed to the first
2012 Dec 14
COZIGAM removed from CRAN
Hi All, Another quick question - I noticed that COZIGAM has been removed from CRAN, and that you are referred to the archive for previous versions (last updated 23 July 2012). Is this package still ok to use? Or is there an alternative which might also fit zero-inflated GAMs? Thanks, Raeanne The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is registered in Scotland as a Company Limited by
2004 Jun 08
overlaying text() onto image() or filled.contour()
I am trying to add some markers onto a contour map image I have created, by using the text() function when I have already produced the map using either image() or filled.contour(). For some reason the points appear to be shifted considerably to the right of where they should be appearing, despite me using exactly the same co-ordinate systems for both. This offset is also dependent on the aspect
2018 Mar 21
selectFGR vs weighted coxph for internal validation and calibration curve- competing risks model
Dear Geskus, I want to develop a prediction model. I followed your paper and analysed thro' weighted coxph approach. I can develop nomogram based on the final model also. But I do not know how to do internal validation of the model and subsequently obtain calibration plot. Is it possible to use Wolbers et al Epid 2009 approach 9 (R code for internal validation and calibration) . It is
2008 May 13
Bubble plot pie chart map
Hello, I am currently trying to show the abundance of two species of zooplankton within the North Sea as pie chart bubble plots. I followed Werner Wernersen's advice in R help ( and used Paul Murrell's paper "Integrating Grid Graphics Output with Base Graphics Output" (in R News) to try and do this (using the gridBase
2008 Oct 24
Computational problems in R
Dear all, I would be grateful if anyone can help me with the following: My aim is to compute explicitely the sum S=A+B where A=sum(exp(c_i/d)), i=1,...,n; B, c_i, and d are real numbers with -Inf<B,c_i<+Inf; and d>0. The problem is that when c_i/d >710 (for some i) R is setting exp(c_i/d) to be equal to +Inf and hence the whole summation S. So in simple cases where for example c_i=8
2014 Jul 09
DFS queries via rpcclient to Windows 2012 Server fails
Hello, We previously had Win2008 R2 DCs which we have begun to replace with Win2012 servers (forest is still at 2008 level however). I was able to query DFS via rpcclient but now I find that I am unable to. I know that SMB3 was introduced in Win2012 but I believe that it should auto-negotiate earlier versions. I did however test from v4.1.9 as well, unfortunately that still fails. From Samba3
2009 Dec 11
Regularized gamma function/ incomplete gamma function
Dear all, I would be very grateful if you could help me with: Given the regularized gamma function Reg=int_0^r (x^(k-1)e^(-x))dx/int_0^Inf (x^(k-1)e^(-x))dx ; 0<r<Inf (which is eventually the ratio of the Incomplete gamma function by the gamma function), does anyone know of a package in R that would evaluate the derivative of the inverse of Reg with respect to k? I am aware that the
2012 May 01
error bars for a barchart
Hi I have the following barchart to which I want to add error bars. library(lattice) barchart(Change~fTreat,groups=Process,change, auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE), panel=function(x, y,...){ panel.barchart(x,y,origin = 0,...); panel.abline(h=0,col="black",...); } ) I have tried
2008 Oct 20
Error reporting in R
Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with the following: I am applying the function "mle" on a single data set X n times, each time using a different set of initial values v[i] (i=1,...,n). The initial values are all finite. Two cases arise: A- For some sets of initial values mle is giving parameter estimates. B- For some other initial values, mle is reporting the following error: