similar to: home lan

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "home lan"

2009 Jul 15
Help with averaging
Hi I am using the following script to average a set of data 0f 62 columns into 31 colums. The data consists of values of ln(0.01) or -4.60517 instead of NA's. These need to be averaged for each row (i.e 2 values being averaged). What I would I need to change for me to meet the conditions: 1. If each run of the sample has a value, the average is given 2. If only one run of the sample has a
2010 May 27
stripplot, lattice
hello, i can't figure out how to set position of panels of my stripplot - i`d like the panels of one level of the factor stage (nr. of panels within each stage, A: 12, B: 12, C: 12, D: 4, each panel representing a site) to be in one column, with A to D from left to right and with descending at each row. like: A1 B1 C1 D1 A2 B2 .. .. A3 .. .. .. how is this achieved? any help
2008 Jun 04
Home Lan computer browser(s)
Reading this list makes me think my questions are child's play for ya'll. */1) //Should I have more than one "computer browser" on my lan /*/(~16 machines)/*/?/* I'd read someplace that I should have 1 primary and 1 backup computer browser for up to 32 computers and then another backup browser for each additional 32 computers. IF this is true then I'd still like to
2010 Apr 05
bootstrap confidence intervals, non iid
hello, i need to calculate ci's for each of 4 groups within a dataset, to be able to infere about differences in the variable "similarity". the problem is that data within groups is dependent, as assigned by the blocking-factor "site". my guess was to use a block bootstrap but samples within in these blocks / sites are not of same length. i was not able to find a method to
2010 Apr 12
glmer with non integer weights
hello, i'd appreciate help with my glmer. i have a dependent which is an index (MH.index) ranging from 0-1. this index can also be considered as a propability. as i have a fixed factor (stage) and a nested random factor (site) i tried to model with glmer. i read that it's possible to use a quasibinomial distribution, for this kind of data, which i than actually did - but firstly (1)
2009 Nov 09
Hi All, I have a dataset with a column named "Condition", Sample Condition 1 c20 2 c20 3 c10 4 c10 5 c9 6 c9 7 c5 8 c5 9 c20 10 c10 Could you let me know the fastest way to change c20->"AA", c20->"BB", c9->"CC", c5->"DD"
2007 Mar 10
long character string problem
Hi All I am having 2 very long character strings (550chars) and I want to put them as expressions together with c(). The problem is that I also get these double-quotes, as seen below in 'fct'. How can I remove these double-quotes? I tried but it did not work (because of size?). These are creating trouble with subsequent programs, which I tested with strings that for some
2019 Jul 15
A libc in LLVM
On 7/15/19 1:22 PM, Aaron Ballman via llvm-dev wrote: > On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 1:02 PM Siva Chandra <sivachandra at> wrote: >> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:32 AM Aaron Ballman <aaron at> wrote: >>>> llvm-libc is an implementation of the C standard library targeting C11 >>>> and above. >>> Any particular reason for C11
2019 Jul 15
A libc in LLVM
On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 2:43 PM Siva Chandra <sivachandra at> wrote: > > > On 7/15/19 1:22 PM, Aaron Ballman via llvm-dev wrote: > > > On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 1:02 PM Siva Chandra <sivachandra at> wrote: > > >> On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:32 AM Aaron Ballman <aaron at> wrote: > > >>>> llvm-libc
2019 Jul 15
A libc in LLVM
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:32 AM Aaron Ballman <aaron at> wrote: > > llvm-libc is an implementation of the C standard library targeting C11 > > and above. > > Any particular reason for C11 as opposed to C17? Two reasons: 1. The C++17 standard refers to the C11 standard. 2. C11 is sufficiently modern while not closing doors for users requiring compliance
2008 Feb 27
how to specify ggplot2 facet plot order
Hi, new to R and ggplot2. I've been trying to get a facet plot in which the order of the facets is as I require, rather than ordered numerically, alphabetically, by Roman numerals, mean (answers to these were posted here after much searching). Here's some test code to demonstrate what I get. series = c('C2','C4','C8','C10','C15','C20') ids =
2007 Aug 16
Hello, I'm a bit new to the world of R so forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to do a zero-inflated negative binomial regression and have received an error message and i'm not sure what it means. I'm running R 2.5.1 on XP. I have just tried a really simple version of the model to see if it would run before I put all the variables in. I have attached all the variables to the
2010 May 19
contrasts for lmer model
hello, i found it most convenient to use package contrast for planned comparisons on mixed models. for instance i have a model with 2 fixed factors, one with 4 levels (stage) and one with 2 levels (gap) and a nested random factor (site) and i tested gap within level A of factor stage: library(contrast) library(nlme) m1<-lme(rich ~ stage*gap, random=~1|site,data=richness) contrast(m1, a =
2020 Sep 13
Invalid transformation in LibCallSimplifier::replacePowWithSqrt?
The transformation in LibCallSimplifier::replacePowWithSqrt with respect to -Inf uses a select instruction, which based on the observed behaviour, incorporates the side effects of the unchosen branch. This means that (for pow) a call to sqrt(-Inf) is materialized. Such a call is specified as having a domain error (C17 subclause since the operand is less than zero. Contrast this with
2015 Jul 13
Crear datos aleatorios con restriciones
Perdon por no se lo suficientemente claro :( Tu codigo produce `validPairs` que tiene 7 variables y 360 observaciones. Donde > validPairs[1,] V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 valid 60 e1 g1 c1 e1 g1 c2 Valid indica que un maestro tiene asignado c1 y c2 en la escuela e1 y el grado g1. Correcto? Si es asi, esto es casi lo que queira producir y creo que puedo llegar a donde quiero usando tu codigo de base.
2020 Sep 14
Invalid transformation in LibCallSimplifier::replacePowWithSqrt?
On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 12:45 PM Sanjay Patel <spatel at> wrote: > Yes, that looks like a bug. The transform is ok in general for negative > numbers, but -Inf is a special-case for pow(), right? > If so, we probably need an extra check of the input with > "isKnownNeverInfinity()". > There is an extra check there already, but it uses
2020 Apr 17
HPC question: torques replacement
Dear Experts, I know there are many HPC (high performance computing) experts on this list. I'd like to ask your advise. Almost two decades ago I chose to go with OpenPBS (turned down condor and other alternatives for whatever reason) for clusters and number crunchers I support for the Department at the university. It turned out to be not bad, long lived choice. At some point I smoothly
2011 Jul 31
[LLVMdev] llvm bugzilla broken?
Is the llvm bugzilla having issues? I have been trying to submit comments under both Snow Leopard and Lion from Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome. In all cases, the web page for the bug refreshes at reasonable rate but commiting comments time out. Often partial text is added to the bugzilla. See... Very
2008 Feb 27
ggplot2 boxplot confusion
Ultimately my aim is to get a plot of density faceted by 2 factors with a horizontal boxplot overlaid on each density plot in the grid to indicate summary stats. So I've been experimenting with creating boxplots and density plots. Here's some representative data. series = c('C2','C4','C8','C10','C15','C20') ids =
2020 Aug 19
The value of padding when storing an aggregate into memory
Hello all, LangRef isn't clear about the value of padding when an aggregate value is stored into memory, and I'd like to suggest that storing an aggregate fills padding with undef. Here are a few clues that supports this change: - According to C17, the value of padding bytes when storing values in structures or unions is unspecified. - IPSCCP ignores padding and directly stores a