similar to: No longer able to browse windows share via Nautilus

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "No longer able to browse windows share via Nautilus"

2006 Nov 01
Unable to open most files within Linux from a windows share
I am trying to open files on my Linux box from a windows share. I can browse to the directory, see the files, copy them to my computer, edit them, save them and copy the files back (using Nautilus). I can open a text file from the windows share with Gedit. I can not open a text file with Kate: error: The file or folder smb://pastor/SHARED FILES/text.txt does not exist. I can not open an .xls
2010 Nov 19
Set colour in tcl variable
Hello all, using package tcltk this is my problem: I want to set a colour of a tclVar(). I have a tklabel (fixed in position) which should display two variables occasionally. If a constraint is fulfilled, the tklabel should display correct<-tclVar('correct') in green, otherwise it should display wrong<-tclVar('wrong') in red! To display the variables is no
2010 Oct 25
4 intraday data
Hello all, I'm trying to use but can't figure out how to deal with the time format. (example below) would be nice if someone could help. best regards, Immanuel --------------------------- L <- "Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Up,Down 05.02.2001,00:30,421.20,421.20,421.20,421.20,11,0 05.02.2001,01:30,421.20,421.40,421.20,421.40,7,0
2011 Mar 04
Time series analysis for a daily series
Hi everyone I am trying to do some time series analysis with daily temperature data (40 years). I have created a zoo object and ts object but can't apply stl function. It says the series is not periodic or has less than two periods. I've searched through google and found a lot of messages about this problem but not a solution/example to look for trend and seasonal component of a
2011 Feb 17
Regresión lineal para una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando hacer un análisis rápido de una serie temporal de datos diarios pero me encuentro con algunos problemas. Me gustaría en primera instancia hacer una regresión lineal pero no encuentro la forma. Tras leer los datos diarios creo un objeto de la clase zoo y sobre éste no puedo utilizar lm(). He leído algo sobre dynlm pero no encuentro la forma. Se agradece
2010 Jul 07
use sliding window to count substrings found in large string
Hello together, I'm looking for advice on how to do some tests on strings. What I want to do is the following: (just an example, real strings/sequence are about 200-400 characters long) given set of Strings: String1 abcdefgh String2 bcdefgop use a sliding window of size x to create an vector of all subsequences of size x found in the set (order matters! ). Now create, for every string
2011 Mar 04
Análisis de una serie temporal diaria
Hola a todos Estoy tratando de analizaruna serie temporal con datos diarios de temperaturas (40 años). He creado un objeto zoo (con ayuda de la lista, gracias) sobre el que encuentro la regresión lineal. He probado también a crear un objeto ts a partir del zoo. El problema que encuentro es que nose puede aplicar la función stl para hallar la componente estacional y la tendencia. Rdice que la
2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal, concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios años pero no encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato: FECHA;H_SOLAR;DIR_M;DIR_S;VEL_M;VEL_S;VEL_X;U;V;TEMP_M;HR;BAT;PRECIP;RAD;UVA;UVB;FOG;GRID;
2011 Jun 10
ggplot2 avoid automatic color selection
Hey all, I'm trying to replicate some plots with ggplot2. The problem is that I need to specify the color for every attribute (drug). If I use the code below the colors get automatically assigned but I need to plot drug1 in black drug2 in blue etc. How do I do that? q = qplot(days,vol,data = cellLine7064, color = drug, geom = c("line", "point")) best regards, Immanuel
2006 Feb 22
Ctrl+C does not work in virtual console
Hi all, I have a problem with the virtual console. I run Xen 3.0.1 (compiled from the sources) on debian 3.1 (as dom0 and domU) on an AMD Athlon 64. I can''t terminate programs with ctrl+c. If I try for example to ping a machine, ping runs forever and cannot be stopped from the console. ctrl+z does then not work either. But if I do the same with ssh, everything works fine. There are
2010 Apr 21
new clients not joining to my domain
Hello, Since about two weeks I've noticed (I tink after an update but I don't know) that when I try to join new XP client to my domain I get this error: /0x0000232B/ RCODE_NAME_ERROR And something about "The DNS SRV record is not registered in DNS" I don't paste all the description because it's in spanish, but I find a thread in this list with the same error
2010 Nov 04
count occurrence and distance of characters in string
Hello all, I want to know how often one character occurs in a given string and the distance from between every two occurences. (distance = other characters between them). thanks
2011 Jun 03
Hello everyone, When looking for information about clustering of spatial data in R I was directed towards DBSCAN. I've read some docs about it and theb new questions have arisen. DBSCAN requires some parameters, one of them is "distance". As my data are three dimensional, longitude, latitude and temperature, which "distance" should I use? which dimension is related to
2008 Jun 23
Handle missing values
Hi everyone I am new to R and have a question about missing values. I am trying to do a cluster analysis of monthly temperatures and my data are 14 columns with spatial coordinates (lat,lon) and 12 monthly values: /lat - lon - temp1 - //temp2 - temp3 - .... - //temp12/ If I omit missing values (my missing values are 99.00) with /mydata <- na.omit(mydata)/ every row with a
2002 Jul 17
rpcclient enumdrivers enumprinters
Hi all, i'm new to the list and here's my first question : I'm trying to install several printer drivers on my samba server with imprints. I did a package with the NT/2000 and W9x drivers and the mkprintpkg command. Then I used the command to install the files in the appropriate directories. So now i'd like to check the drivers available and the
2010 Feb 05
About graphics
Hi, I'm building a graph (barplot) in which the X axis label disappears. I tried to use the option mgp of par() and I could not get the desired result. Note that want the axis labels horizontally. caes = c(37,20,19,16,75,103) names(caes) = c("Pinscher", "Pastor \n Alem?o", "Poodle", "Rottweiller", "SRD", "Outros") caess =
2010 Jun 14
Install Rmpi
Hi everyone As I couldn't succeed with manual installation of Rmpi I decided to start again from the beginning. I removed R and MPICH in my Ubuntu Hardy installation. Then, to avoid any dependencies problems I have installed MPICH and R from synaptic, not from sources. But now I can't install Rmpi. An error message appears when trying to install Rmpi, you can find in
2006 Mar 29
no network in domain 0
I am new to xen and trying to get the primary domain working properly before I create a new one. I am using the Gentoo unstable sources (2.6.16-rc5) and xen 3.0.1 and the kernel boots Ok and eth0 is activated. At this point the network is active and I can ping. Then I shutdown net.eth0 and start xend. This restarts net.eth0 and does some other stuff. Now every thing looks normal (ifconfig,
2007 Apr 25
Help with saptial analysis (cluster)
Hi R-users I'm a beginner with R and statistics, so I need some help to start my data analysis. I've been reading some docs and tutorials on R and cluster analysis. I've got a large dataset (102000 points) with values of longitude, latitude and temperature and want to see if I can find groups (clusters). Following some tutorials I can look for principal components but get an error
2013 Jul 22
Error with sem function df = -6
Hello all, I have an issue where I am generating data and trying to confirm the estimates using a sem. I keep getting an error about the degree of freedom being negative "Error in sem.default(ram, S = S, N = N, raw = raw, data = data, pattern.number = pattern.number, : The model has negative degrees of freedom = -6" Can someone explain this error or tell me what is wrong with my