similar to: tdbsam info

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "tdbsam info"

2009 Mar 27
When I run this command I am not prompted for a password, I just get the below error. # smbclient -U root //zmail/homes Error connecting to (Connection refused) Connection to zmail failed (Error NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_REFUSED) --- Now for the back story: CentOS v5.2 with Samba v3.0.28-1.el5_2.1 and Zimbra 5.0.11_GA on x86_64 hardware. I'm attempting to connect samba (PDC) with
2007 Jan 31
passwd chat for samba->kerberos passwd-sync
Hello! I tried to run a samba3 server as pdc for windowsXP clients with ldap backend and kerberos authentication. I stuck with these two possibilities: 1. Samba is pdc, winxp is domain-member, users are autheticated against smbpasswords within ldapsam. If the kerberos password of the korresponding principal has the same password, the users get a ticket from the kdc after windows logon. But I
2007 Mar 11
I cannot see the network in the PDC server but yes in xp stations, any idea?
I have set samba server as PDC and I can see the network in others computers but not in the server, any idea? thx for advance my smb.cnf: # Samba config file created using SWAT # from ( # Date: 2007/03/09 22:38:36 [global] workgroup = DOMINI server string = %h Domain server (Samba, Ubuntu) obey pam restrictions = Yes passdb backend = tdbsam
2006 Aug 31
XP home & saba
hi, i've some XP pro and one XP home workstation. samba runs in sharemode: [global] workgroup = SCHNELL server string = SERVER security = SHARE obey pam restrictions = Yes passdb backend = tdbsam passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
2008 Nov 10
group setting doesnt work (debian)
I'm trying to connect from a vista machine to a samba share on debian (latest). This is going fine with these settings: [global] directory security mask 0775 security mask 0775 create mask 0775 directory mask 0775 workgroup = nlstr server string = %h server panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d encrypt passwords = true passdb backend = tdbsam obey pam
2009 Aug 29
Password Sync not letting users to change password.
Dear all, Ubuntu 8.04 Server Samba 3.0.28a configured as PDC. I want to give options to samba users to change their own passwords and sync it with the unix passwords whenever they change it. I have used the following in my smb.conf file unix password sync = yes passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\ n
2006 Dec 28
RAP86 error with unix password sync = yes
Hello all, I am running 3.0.22 on Ubuntu 6.0.6 LTS and cannot get user passwords to change while unix password sync = yes. Setting it to no works, but I need it on. At the user workstation (Win XP) I receive "You don't have the permissions to change your password" and logged in on the server as the user I receive "machine rejected the password change: Error was
2011 Feb 16
Loooooong logon-times using samba 3.5.6 and Windows 7
Dear samba-users We are experiencing some rather long logon times using SAMBA 3.5.6 on Debian Squeeze + Windows 7 and while trying to find out why we raised the loglevel to 5 resulting in a rather large logfile. But this did give us a hint as to why we experience so long logon times. It seems that samba is going through the whole user-database with all usernames and machine-accounts. Eventually
2009 Aug 11
clients that are not a part of the domain cannot authenticate
Hi, I have asked that last week with a little different subject, but the problem remains. When connecting with a Windows machine (not part of the domain) to the Samba server, the client is not authenticating, even when the user exists in the domain. Domain master is a Windows 2003 SBS machine, the Samba server is a Debian Lenny machine. The problem is occurring with Samba 3.2.13, with Samba
2008 Dec 16
Creating folders while preserving sharing group
Hi there, I'm using Samba 3.0.24-6etch10 in Debian Etch 64bit with kernel Linux 2.6.18-6-amd64. Here is my case scenario. I have created a folder to be shared with other group users. The ownership for the folders are showed as below: Directory path:~/Share/ drwxr-x--- 25 admin data 4096 2008-05-05 13:42 file1107 drwxr-x--- 25 admin data 4096 2008-11-13 14:57 file1207 When the admin
2007 Aug 27
Subnet not visible in Network Neighbourhood
Hi list! I've got a debian "etch" box running samba 3.0.24. The server is a firewall (running Shorewall 3.2.6) with five NICs: eth0 -> DSL (it has a public IP address and it allows all the people browse by masquerading other interfaces) eth1 and eth3 -> bond0 (IP address is eth2 and eth4 -> bond1 (IP address is BTW, bond+ refers to an
2015 Nov 06
winbind problems
I had to move an existing member server to new hardware. Using getent on this Debian Jessie system, I cannot get winbind to retrieve the domain users, except for administrator, guest, tsinternetuser, and krbtgt. Although none of my other working systems have it, I added the "dedicated keytab", "kerberos method", and "winbind refresh tickets" parameters to match
2006 Sep 24
Can't login into shares
I have had problems with Samba since the Debian upgraded samba to 3.0.23c, the problem I had was that smbd refused to start. After reinstalling samba I found the problem lay in the smb.conf the new install would start, but if I used my old smb.conf (from my previous version of samba) it would not start smbd. So the point is now, samba is running I have added my shares to smb.conf, when I try
2015 Apr 06
winbind authentication for user FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
Hello, I'm trying to authenticate to a Samba file server version 3.6.6 which is joined to a samba AD version 4.1.17. The problem is that I can't seem to login using smbclient -L // -U shemgp tothe file server and the server displays the error: winbind authentication for user [shemgp] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD even if I use the correct password.
2007 Jul 13
Access denied-message when joining domain
Hello list. I have Samba working as a PDC, but when I try to join from a XP computer I get the message: "Access denied". The message appears right after I change the domain name in the XP network settings and the login window pops up. My smb.conf is: [global] workgroup = DOMAIN.NAME server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu) obey pam restrictions = Yes
2006 Nov 30
samba 3.0.23d on ubuntu - ADS member -failed to verify ticket
I have a server with ubuntu 6.06 LTS with samba 3.0.23d (compiled against heimdal krb5) and heimdal-clients0.7.1-1ubuntu3. I have configured samba as a ADS domain member. Problem is that when I want to access a samba share from a windows xp domain member I am keep asked for user and password and debug level 3 shows this on log.<workstation_name> : ... [2006/11/30 12:42:15, 3]
2007 Nov 16
Domain server unavailable
Hi all. I'm having a serious problem with my samba/ldap server. It was working well till the last week and today stops definitly. Nothing has changed. Now my network is down and nobody can log in. When I restart samba: invoke-rc.d samba restart * Stopping Samba daemons... start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 4436: No such process
2009 Jan 20
open_directory: unable to create *. Error was NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION
Hi, I'm having problems moving/renaming files as a member of. I tried to move "test.txt" from "\\files\public\" to "\\files\public\OfficeWork". Here's the error I get in windows: *Cannot move test: access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.* Here's the error log: *[2009/01/20 15:10:34, 2]
2007 Dec 27
How can I remove these log entries 'Failed to create Users' and 'Failed to create Administrators'
Hi, I have a very small setup, one XP/clinet and one Vista/client and a Ubuntu/samba server. I like to cleanup my log.smbd but I can't figure out how! I have everything up and running and I can access the share's from the XP client. I googled around and it seems that I should bind some Windows group/user against Unix group/users with something like 'net groupmap add rid=2512
2010 Feb 02
OS X Clients Can't Create Sub-Directories
I'm running samba on a local linux server, with a bunch of shares. Over the last several years, this has worked perfectly in our heterogenous network of OS X and Windows. All my windows clients still work perfectly - my users can mount the samba shares and create, rename, move etc files and folders. However, recently (starting yesterday) my OS X clients are unable to rename any sub