similar to: Need some guidance re: two domains sharing the same workstations

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2006 Dec 17
Re: Need some guidance re: two domains sharing the same workstations
Hello Matt, I've had similar misfortunes too with interdomain trusts. I think you're working along the right lines since you seem to want to do the same thing as I. However the NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL is an error I always get when trying to connect to the IPC$ share of the PDC of the trusting domain. In my case the trusting PDC is a Windows 2003 Server. I know it's not an issue
2006 Sep 19
Interdomain Trust and Logging In
I'm having problems getting Interdomain trusts set up. Both servers are running samba-3.0.10-1.4E.9 (one RHEL 4, the other CentOS 4). The two domains are SOCIALWORK and MATH, servers swserver and bing respectively. On bing, I created a socialwork$ account with the -i option to smbpasswd. On swserver, I created a math$ account with the -i option to smbpasswd. The trust relationships seem to
2006 Sep 20
Finding Accounts inside Trusted Domains
I'm still fighting with interdomain relationships and have a couple of more specific questions than in my post yesterday: 1. Is it possible to log into a machine which is associated with one domain with credentials in another domain? 2. If so, is there extra configuration that needs to happen to find the account? The reason I ask 2. above is the following: I have a workstation
2005 May 11
inter domain trust - another network
Hi all!!! I am trying to stablish a interdomain relationship, but i am having serious problem making samba and nt seeing domains in another network segments. Which is the best and easier way to configure samba to stablish relashionships between domains in differents network segments? For example i have domain A in network and domain B in network They are both under
2003 Dec 22
cancelling interdomain trusts
Mother always told me that there'd be days like this. She just didn't tell me that they go on for weeks. OK - John's book suggests that we're not complete in this arena here...Yeah, I bought the Samba 3 How-to-guide - Borders/Phoenix had 3 on the shelf (now 2) - and also an LDAP book for reference. It's been a fun weekend ;-) problemo... # smbpasswd -x -i MULLEN
2008 May 07
domain trusts in samba3 with openLDAP
Greetings Sambistas! I can't seem to get domain trusts to work in both directions. Details follow. I have a network running many OSes on four geographically separate sites with an OpenLDAP authentication backbone. Desktops are windows XP authenticating to samba 3.0.25b servers which in turn are configured to use LDAP. Our net has been running samba in various flavors and versions for
2005 May 06
Re: imap on Centos 4 -- UW IMAP 2004b for FC3/RHEL4
From: Matt Hyclak <hyclak at> > Actually, the more direct replacement would be Dovecot. > Cyrus can be complicated to set up and get running. I actually modified the old UW IMAP 2002 SPEC file from RHL9/FC1, and modified a few config files, to support UW IMAP 2004b. I made one with both RFC3501 (no text passwords over SSL) and non-RFC3501 (legacy, text passwords
2003 Aug 26
files between w2k domains...
Hi, I have a Mandrake 8.2 server with samba 2.2.5 installed. My server has ftp and the files some users upload I move them to another structure, this structure is shared via Samba with other users. I am in a W2k Domain.(We are in the process to migrate to linux). So, I have some users that move the files uploaded to their servers. A few days ago, a user reported me he couldn?t see the files in
2017 Dec 29
samba NT4 domain trusting samba AD domain: ephimeral
hi all, thanks to Rowland advice, I checked the net trustdom way to establish trust between domains. In my setup I have a samba-4.7.4 NT4 domain named TRUSTING which needs to have a trusting (outgoing)[1] with samba-4.7.4 AD domain named ATENEOAD. As far as I know it is very similar to: I added the
2008 Sep 09
Samba 3.0.28a onwards "allow trusted domains" has no effect?
Hi, I've noticed a discrepancy between Samba Version 3.0.28a and Version 3.0.24 in relation to Winbind rid idmap and trusted domains behaviour. I have an environment with 2 domains linked via a trust, an Active Directory domain and an NT4 domain. On 3.0.24 the rid backend seems to work fine, but on 3.0.28a it shows OTHERDOMAIN\domain admins instead of the primary domain's domain
2012 Feb 26
allow trusted domains
There is a samba compiled without winbind support, with the following options configured: workgroup = MYDOMAIN security = domain allow trusted domains = yes add user script = /usr/sbin/pw useradd %u -m -Y -M 755 When a Windows user MYDOMAIN\john connects to the samba server, he is mapped to the Unix user john. If there is no Unix user "john", it is created by the add user script. How
2008 Aug 01
Samba 3.0.31 stills fails to read and write to socket.
Hi, I recently upgraded my servers from 3.0.28 to 3.0.31 trying to solve the winbind issue previously reported (Bug# 5551) but the issue is still happening in my servers. I have an ftp server (vsftpd), configured to use pam_winbind with krb5_auth and I see some random disconnects and my users cant login. My samba servers are member of a Windows 2003 domain. The relevant lines on my
2007 Feb 28
Samba Trust Relationship Problem
Dear SAMBA Mailing List I am using Samba samba-3.0.9-1.3E.10, OS Centos 4.4 We have got the problem. when I am issuing a "net rpc trustdom list" command some time it is showing ok and sometime it is showing error message. and some time not. It is creating a problem to authenticate other Samba workstartion to PDC Server. 1) [ root@pdcdel samba]# net rpc trustdom list
2007 Feb 28
Samba Authentication & Trust Relationship Problem
Dear SAMBA Mailing List I am using Samba samba-3.0.9-1.3E.10, OS Centos 4.4 We have got the problem. when I am issuing a "net rpc trustdom list" command some time it is showing ok and sometime it is showing error message. and some time not. It is creating a problem to authenticate other Samba workstartion to PDC Server. 1)
2017 Mar 13
smbpasswd port 139
I have a network where the domain controllers do not connect on port 139 Is there a way to have smbpasswd change the password without this? I am able to change the password using an ldap method in php ldap_connect ldap_bind ldap_modify_batch full source code here however this does not allow the password to be set if it has expired.
2017 Jan 25
Windind (Samba 4.2.*, 4.5.2) recurring resolving failure for some specific users
Hello. I'm facing an seemingly unsolvable problem on the Samba servers I administer (on Debian stable). Those servers are registered on a AD domain. They only serve files and are not registered as domain controllers. For some idendified users (always the same), Winbind periodically (but unpredicably) becomes unable to resolve their names, making their shares unavailable. A "net cache
2020 Feb 28
Samba Bind DLZ Slow queries
Ow and i forgot.. If the server is firewalled, make sure you allow udp AND tcp on port 53. > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens > Rowland penny via samba > Verzonden: vrijdag 28 februari 2020 10:39 > Aan: sambalist > Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Samba Bind DLZ Slow queries > > On 28/02/2020 09:21, Eben Victor
2006 Dec 05
Cannot connect to Samba-3.0.23d (and earlier) from other trusted AD domains
Hi there We have a bunch of Samba 3.0.10+ CentOS4.4 servers that are working 100% fine when connected to from users who are members of the same ADS domain our Samba servers are members of. However, users from other ADS domains (we are all W2K3-based) on our network cannot connect - they get NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. The shares they are trying to connect to have no share-level permission checks -
2020 Feb 28
Samba Bind DLZ Slow queries
Hai Eben (victor), ? Great to hear that, you opened TCP 53 ? edns?tcp/53?packet size 4096. dns??? udp/53 packet size 512? ? having that right helps?a lot, but only that is often not enough.? This is why i add the options also to resolv.conf and?bind.? ? test a bit, and see what works best for you. ? Great weekend. ? Greetz, ? Louis Van: Eben Victor [mailto:eben.victor at]
2017 Dec 27
Samba4 trust between AD and NT domains
dear experts, is it possible to set a interdomain trust between an AD domain (samba-4.7.4) and an NT4 domain (samba-4.7.4 again)? My naive experiments have failed so far. If AD trusts NT: "samba-tool domains trust" cmd on AD controller seems to look for another AD domain: can't contact NT domain. Did I overlook some configuration switch? If NT trusts AD: I can not create a