similar to: Facing Problem for Window XP Client On Samba PDC

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Facing Problem for Window XP Client On Samba PDC"

2007 Apr 04
SID resolution to Username
Hello, I have two Samba 3.0.22 PDCs and each trust each other. When I add an user of each domain to the permissions of a file on a windows machine (W2k, WXP), it shows for them DOMAIN\USERNAME. Everything is fine. But when i close the permission window and reopen it, then the user out of the trusted domain is only shown as SID. The one of the own domain is resolved fine. This happens on clients
2006 Nov 12
Winbindd Question
Hello, I have two Domains (DOM1 and DOM2). Each trust each other. Now I configured winbind on PDC1 with the following settings: winbind separator = + idmap backend = ldap:ldap:// idmap uid = 10000-20000 idmap gid = 10000-20000 winbind enum users = yes winbind enum groups = yes template homedir = /home/%U template shell =
2006 Nov 22
new to samba question
Hello all, I am using samba 3.0.10 on redhat. I am getting the following error when i run "testparm" eventhough i have a "smbpasswd" file. [root@localhost samba]# testparm Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf Processing section "[homes]" Processing section "[public]" Loaded services file OK. ERROR: the 'unix password sync' parameter is
2006 Nov 13
Trouble Renaming Computer
Hi, i've just migrated from nt4 to samba 3.0.10-1.4E.9 with tdbsam, running on Centos 4.4 The net rpc vampire went fairly smoothly. Now that samba is running as the PDC (nt4 machine has been laid to rest) i am having trouble renaming computers in the domain. If i try this from the windows workstation (XP Professional) i get access denied. I use "root" or administrator which is
2007 Mar 13
Owner/Permissions and winbind
Hello, I have two Samba Domains and each trust each other (PDCs run 3.0.22). Also I have a samba member server (3.0.24) that runs winbind. When I use wbinfo I can see the user and groups of both domains. I also can chown/chgrp files with users of the domain the server is member of. But I can`t chown/chgrp with accounts of the trusted domain. chown doesn`t work at all. chgrp works, but then only
2007 Sep 10
Can't transfer files larger than 2GB from hpux to Win2K...
Greetings, I run an automated process from cron that uploads a large file from my HP/UX server to a PC running Windows 2000 weekly. The process began to fail once the size of the uploaded file gre to over 2GB in size. I've upgraded the Samba 2.2 installation to Samba 3.0.10 but that hasn't fixed the problem. We are running NTFS filesystems on the Windows server. From what I
2006 Nov 09
User/group mapping
Hi folks, I'm sure this will be a lame question for you all, but I am not a seasoned Samba admin and the folks I know with more Samba experience than I don't have a solution for me, either. I need to map a large number of domain users to a single unix account. I understand there is a 1024 character limit on lines in smbusers and I'm hitting it. Is there any way around this limit?
2006 Nov 13
again about "Account is not authorized to login from this station"
hi all. who can help me? I have one server with samba and then I'm trying to connect to this server from windows machine I'm getting this: "Account is not authorized to login from this station". I've enable encrypt passwords=yes but it not help. I've change samba version. I've copied working config from other working server and just change server's name. still
2008 Jun 13
HomeDir with machinenname
Hello. I have a Folder /shares/Public/ which is shared. The Account "general" should have a separate HomeDir below /shares/Public/general depending on the machine name. So I set the attribute homeDirectory in LDAP to /shares/Public/general/%m (i also tried %M). But when I log on at PC01, the HomeDir is not mounted, because %m/%M was not resolved to the machinename: >
2007 Sep 11
samba doesnt change shadowLastChange
Hello I have a samba 3 working as a PDC with Ldap as a authentication backend. I have a such problem, when user in windows try to change password to samba by ctr+alt+delete, password is changing (password is also sync and it works fine ), but the ldap attribute shadowLastChange doesnt change. What is wrong? thanks in advance tim
2006 Dec 04
restrict what users can log onto each workstation
I have a Samba server with Windows XP clients, and roaming profiles for every user. At this moment everyone can log onto any workstation, but it shouldn't be like that: there are some workstations where anyone can log into, but three of them should be restricted to some specific users. I thought about making local users for them, but we need all users to have roaming profiles, I can't
2006 Nov 13
notepad selfstart on login
hi all; I'm starting in PDC and need some help, i'm using samba for pdc but without ldap, and all time that a user make login, open a notepad with the content: [.ShellClassInfo] LocalizedResourceName=@%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21787 or [DeleteOnCopy] Owner=cesar Personalized=5 PersonalizedName=My documents and all folder have a document Desktop.ini... someone can say me why
2009 Jun 04
Changing samba PDC version but keeping the same IP address
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello We are facing a bit boring problem We are on the way to upgrade our PDC from 2.2.8 to 3.2.11 as we do not want to reconfigure the PDC IP address on several hundreds of windows XP clients we have chosen to keep the same IP address for the new PDC. The problem is windows clients does not update the name of network drives and keep the old names
2006 Dec 04
LDAP, checkpwnam and PDC
Hiya, I'm trying to set up a Samba PDC with an LDAP backend. I experienced problems joining machines to domains, the machine account was created, but Windows said user name cannot be found. I resolved this by adding ldap to /etc/nsswitch.conf, but this has the side effect of allowing ldap users to login to the server via SSH. Whilst I can understand the need for LDAP users to be accessible
2004 May 17
Clock skew and net ads join problem
HI, when i try to execute the kinit command on my Red hat 9 system with samba 3 i get the following error [root@niit125 root]# kinit junaid@NIIT.EDU.PK Password for junaid@NIIT.EDU.PK: kinit(v5): Clock skew too great while getting initial credentials so how do i solve the clock skew problem cause i have checked the time on both of them it is the same. the net ads join command doesnt
2004 May 12
i cannot find kinit
the name of my active directory domain is so what should i write in this parameter default_relam = YOUR.KERBEROS.REALM also while trying to join the domain i eecute this command kinit Administrator@your.keberos.REALM My shell gives me the error cannot find kinit. can any one tell me where in my file system can i find kinit Regards ===== Sahibzada Junaid Noor Ph #
2004 Jun 09
getent passwd & wbinfo -u not working
HI, i had messed up with the pam.d so i did a fresh install. now after this fresh install some how getent passwd and wbinfo -u is not working. the rest of the commands kinit net ads join are ok. [root@NIIT158 samba]# wbinfo -u Error looking up domain users and getent passwd simply returns me to the prompt after listing the names of the local users and groups any know how whats going
2004 May 18
Contradiction in samba documentation
Hi, I have found some contradictions in the samba documentation. i am writing them down here so if you can please verify them. in heading 4.3.3 of the documentation it says " When samba is operating in security = domain mode , the samba server has a domain security trust account ( a machine account) and causes all authentication requests to be passed through to the domain
2011 Sep 05
Quota calculation
Hi Junaid, Sorry about the confusion, indeed I gave you the wrong output. So let's start to the beginning. I disabled quota and I reactivated it My configuration : Volume Name: venus Type: Distributed-Replicate Status: Started Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4 Transport-type: tcp Bricks: Brick1: ylal3020:/soft/venus Brick2: ylal3030:/soft/venus Brick3: yval1000:/soft/venus Brick4:
2004 Jul 05
on the fly access and privilege determination
Hi, I have a active directory domain of windows 2000. inside AD i have three user groups. Teachers, students and administration. every user has his home directory created on the fly. the umask is 0022. now what i want is that apart from users accessing there home directories there should be some other folders too which they can access. like teachers would like to access the