similar to: Windows XP refresh Problem

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2006 Jun 20
ActiveRecord saving madness?
Hello, First of all, I love RoR. I am studying it, and I am finally "getting there". However, I do have a bit of a problem with ActiveRecord''s saving behaviour. Imagine to have Orders (id, name) {has_one:invoice} and Invoices (id, order_id) {belongs_to :order} . If you type: invoice = an_order.invoice = invoice if invoice fails to save, you
2006 Jan 03
Would someone like to tell me why this code will not solve my problem? (it''s short)
I am building an invoicing system but cannot use the auto_increment field to determine the invoice number (because they are running 3 different companies off the one system. I need to find the last invoice number from any given company and then add 1 to it to get the next invoice number. BUT, there is a unique case on the very first invoice produced because there is no earlier invoice
2006 May 19
AR transactions and isolation levels
I''m trying to create a sequence with no gaps in my db (contrived example, but should work out the same as my real one), and believe db-managed transactions are the way to go about this. It''s my first real ''go'' at transactions, so I may be mistaken about how things really work. Anyway.. Consider this example code: Class Invoice < ActiveRecord::Base def
2018 Apr 10
Invoice numbering for customers
Just wanted to ask a quick question here. I am running GNUC 2.6.12 and when I create a invoice for a customer I have to enter an invoice number. I was thinking perhaps there is setting somewhere that I missed to get it to automatically fill in a invoice number? Id hate to have invoices with the same invoice number since I have to manually type them in right now. Thank you, jdegraw
2004 Jun 08
mbox configuration
Hi, I change the dovecot.conf default_mail_env = mbox:/Mail/IMAP/%u/:INBOX=/var/mail/%u After I did the change, I restart dovecot with the hope that folder that I create will be stored in /Mail/IMAP/%u. Then I use Mozzila as my email client and change the IMAP server directory to ~nina/IMAP/ which is the link to /Mail/IMAP/nina/. But then I can not create folder anymore from Mozzila, or view
2017 Nov 21
R-How to unlist data frame multiple structured list column value and new column
Hi, How to unlist list column value and add column into data frame. Data frame ID ContractDe PassengersDe TrainnerDe 1 list(ConID=c("Zx","78yu"),ConRes = c("98","Tut")) list(PassID
2006 Apr 06
weighted kernel density estimate
Dear R-users, I intend to do a spatial analysis on the genetic structuring within a population. For this I had thought to prepare a kernel density estimate map showing the spatial distribution of individuals, while incorporating the genetic distances among individuals. I have a dataset of locations of N unique individuals (XY-coordinates) and an NxN matrix with the genetic distances given as a
2006 Jun 06
Invoice and invoice_lines
Hello People, I have a possibly very lame question. I am fairly new to RoR, and I want to make sure I do it "right". I have a model called Invoice, and one called InvoiceLines. Usual story: the table "invoice" has a 1:n relationship with "invoice_lines", which includes invoice_id. Now... the application will have a "new order" button, which will allow
2004 May 27
automating aov function
I am running the aov function to determine the linear relationship between individual genes and a number of covariates in a micro-array data set. My aov function is working, but I have not been able to write a code to save these results in a matrix. I am using the following code or a slight variation of this code: for(i in 1(length(m[1,])-20) {tmp<- aov(m[,i]~treat, data=m)
2010 Aug 02
What do you use for Invoicing?
Hi Everyone, Sorry, if it's not directly related to Asterisk. Some of people on this list might have PBX deployed for their clients. What software do you use to invoice them so the invoice looks like a proper telecom invoice maybe? Prefer: -opensource with Windows binary available. -able to create .pdf invoices rather than printable ones. Thanks -------------- next part -------------- An
2006 Jul 17
Updating multiple children from one page
Hello, I have a model called invoice and one called lineitem. An invoice has_many lineitems, and an lineitem belongs to an invoice. I have a model method that calculates the price of a lineitem, and one that calculates all lineitems in an invoice. I want to have an edit page that lists all the invoices lineitems and their calculated prices, with a text field for a person to change the
2004 Mar 08
memory problem
I am trying to upload into R 143 Affymetrix chips onto using R on the NIH Nimbus server. I can load 10 chips without a problem, however, when I try to load 143 I receive a error message: cannot create a vector of 523263 KB. I have expanded the memory of R as follows: R --min-vsize=10M --max-vsize=2500M --min-nsize=10M -max-nsize=50M (as specified in help in R). After running this command the
2006 Feb 10
Eager loading issue
I have three tables, Invoices, Projects, and Managers. Each manager has many projects. Each project has many invoices. When displaying a list of the invoices, I am using: Invoice.find(:all, :include => [:project]) Since the list shows information from the project table. (For example, a table showing Invoice Date, Project Name). However, I''d also like to show the manager name.
2005 Dec 15
Adding multiple invoice items to an invoice on the same form
Hi Friends , Got a unique requirement .I am designing a invoice printing system .So right now I have the NEW page for adding the invoice details to the table .Now I have the requirement of adding Invoice Items In the same form .I have added multiple text boxes to enter the values of the Items using <%= text_field ''invoiceitems[]'', ''item_price''
2007 Mar 25
Session is nil inside model
I''m tring to write a little function to indicate if a user is able to pay an invoice, I have my invoice model with: def canPay? if session[:user].id == self.consumer_id return true; else return false; end end as a method, but it gives the error: "undefined local variable or method `session'' for #<Invoice: 0xb7670928>" Right before
2008 Jul 01
Ignore blank columns when reading a row from a table
Hi, I am extracting data from a table where the rows have different column lengths, and empty columns have NA in them. Whenever I extract a row with some empty columns, the resulting vector carries all the NAs. Is there a way to ignore the empty columns? Thanks, -Nina
2006 Aug 16
just don''t ''get'' "has one" and "belongs to one"
Well, I understand what they do and how, I just don''t get why! It seems to me that any time you would have this relationship between two tables...they should be one table! Agile Rails book gives what seems to me to be a lame example for this. They use the example of an "invoice" and an "order". An invoice belongs to an order and an order has one invoice. Seems
2008 Jun 30
Problem reading a CSV
Hi, I have a CSV file where each row has at least 20 columns and some rows have up to 30 columns of data. When I use the command, Pathways<-read.table('MetaCycSample3.csv',sep=',',header=FALSE,quote='"') anything past the 21st column gets kicked down to a new row. How can I fix this? Thanks, -Nina
2006 Jan 06
Error Handling
Hi, I am doing a project on invoice. For that I have to use a page both for crating new invoices and for updation of existing invoices. The problem is that when an error occures, I can''t maintain the same page for error correction. How can I redirect it from the controller ? Or can I display ruby errors before submit of the page in ruby? Thanks.. Sainaba. -- Posted via
2009 Jul 16
Find_all_by and find(:all) to only select certain values for a selection box
So....let''s have a look if I understood the issue: -Find_all_by is actually the same like Find(:all), however Find_all_by is much shorter and less complicated than the syntax of Find(:all) -So in my CONTROLLER it says @files = find(:all) however I don''t want to see all files displayed in my selection box, because I only want to see the foles whose mandant_id is the same like