Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Storing privilege info in ldap"
2009 Jun 25
WG: PDC -> BDC Question
Hello Nick,
I do not think it is possible to just copy files like this from one to the
other samba.
You can do the copy job with rsync or scp.
I made a samba PDC and BDC with ldap master ldap slave. So on both servers
are the same users
Groups etc.
Both machines must have the same SID
-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht-----
Von: samba-bounces+mueller=tropenklinik.de@lists.samba.org
2009 Jun 23
PDC -> BDC Question
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering I am setting up a BDC at another physically separate
location on a different subnet, and I am currently working on what files I
need to have copied between the computers and which need to be made on each
server. The specific question I am dealing with is what TDB files I need to
replicate filesystems between the two servers. Below is a list of what the
files I
2006 Jun 26
Samba WINS Questions
I'm using Samba 3.0.21c with PDC and severals BDC in different subnets.
I'm triing to use Wins servers on all the BDC servers and on the PDC.
The problems occurs in the network browsing.
I'm able to see all computers with the PDC on the different subnets but
I just can see local servers in the network neighborhood on BDC
When starting BDC i've got the "unable to find
2006 Mar 22
Where are the privileges saved
Hi all,
short question about privileges. If I grant privileges, for example to
the "Domain Admins" group,
where does samba save them? I ask because I upgraded from 3.0.20b to
3.0.21c a few days ago and after that my privileges where gone. I did
not find this in the archives or in the
My setup consists of one PDC, one BDC and the LDAP backend (OpenLDAP
2.2.24 and
2018 Mar 08
samba migration on Solaris 10
We are currently running samba on a solaris 10 server and need to move it to a new solaris 10 server.
After copy over smb.conf and the /etc/samba/private directory, which includes three files:
enabled samba service
online 9:13:34 svc:/network/samba:default
bash-3.2# pdbedit -L|more
tdb(/etc/samba/private/passdb.tdb): tdb_mmap failed for
2008 May 01
Unable to change Windows password on Samba BDC
Dear Help,
We are currently running Samba 3.0.22 on a distributed network/domain as a PDC
(primary domain controller) and several as BDCs (Backup domain controllers) in
our branch offices located around the country.
At this point, the PDC is set up in our corporate office (where I'm located) and
users have no trouble authenticating (via logging into windows and accessing
shares) and also
2016 Jul 22
"state directory" ignored in samba-3.6.6
I have an issue with *samba-3.6.6*.
It has been installed with :
./configure --prefix="/usr/local/samba-3.6.6" --without-winbind --with-fhs
--sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --with-piddir=/var/run/samba
smb.conf contains :
private dir = /var/lib/samba/private
lock directory = /var/run/samba
state directory = /var/lib/samba
cache directory = /var/cache/samba
2006 Jun 19
Mommy, where do RIDs come from?
Hey everyone,
I'm preparing for a transition in which I'll be moving
everything (PDC, WINS server, big file shares) off an old
Linux server running Samba 2.2.7 onto a much newer Linux system
running Samba 3.0.22.
In the process, I'll be switching from smbpasswd (only thing
supported under Samba 2.x, if I understand correctly) to
ldapsam on Samba 3.x.
I want to keep the same domain
2007 May 21
FW: RPC Error with PC Netlink
Thanks for the advice. I had played with NT4 a little bit to see if I could
use it for setting up a resource domain for windows 2003 machines- since it
looks like you can join Windows 2003 machines to an NT4 domain (so why PCNL
can't I don't know), and then establish trusts between NT4 and PCNL. I
didn't really want to have NT4 machines in my enviroment any longer than
necessary so
2006 Dec 28
winbindd issues on member server
Hi there
After having posted a while ago about the trouble I had with 3.0.23 I
gave it another try with 3.0.23d
I installed the current version on our samba PDC and BDC while the
member server was still running 3.0.22. This setup has worked for a
couple of weeks with no issues.
I then upgraded the member server two days ago to 3.0.23d and after
serveral hours I could not connect via ssh to
2013 Jan 12
Samba4 Domain Account Lockout
First off, I apologize if this is a duplicate - I had some issues with the first email I tried to join this list with!
I'm currently using samba4 as an AD DC (domain and forest are both configured with the samba-tool command to be at the 2008_R2 functional level) for both Windows and Linux systems. I've got the default password settings set using the "samba-tool domain
2020 Mar 03
start/stop ctdb
# tdbtool /usr/local/samba/var/lib/ctdb/persistent/account_policy.tdb.0
Database integrity is OK and has 18 records.
Guess no?
Am 03.03.2020 um 10:42 schrieb Ralph Boehme:
> tdbtool /usr/local/samba/var/lib/ctdb/persistent/account_policy.tdb.0 check
2006 Aug 01
strangely lingering lock, samba 3.0.22
Hello everyone,
Today a user (call them 'abc') came to me and described the
following sequence of events:
1. They opened an Excel file, made some changes, saved it, and
closed it.
2. They tried to open it again and got an error dialog within
Excel that says this:
File in Use
FooBar.xls is locked for editing
by 'abc'.
2008 May 23
Migration From 3.0.22 to 3.0.28a on New Hardware
Hey All,
I'm pretty new to complex Samba setups, but have used the more basic
distro settings a lot over the past few years; many thanks for all the
solid code.
Anyway, where I work I'm faced with moving a samba PDC from one server
to another. The backend password database is in LDAP, so I think that
makes it easier? The current server is aging (4-5 years old) and is low
on disk
2006 Oct 09
member server 3.0.23c drives me nuts
Hello everybody
First of all thanks to the developer team in providing the samba suite.
I have been running samba servers for serveral years now but 3.0.23c
just drives me nuts.
I have a PDC and BDC running samba 3.0.23c with openldap as backend and
also a samba member server trying to run 2.0.23c.
The member server is the primary file server so I can't play with it all
that much.
2008 Mar 06
roaming profiles stored on BDCs? how?
I have a PDC named GOMER w/ IP of and a BDC named BLDG2 w/ ip
of when someone on the 10.8.7.x network using the WINS server
of logs in and out, their roaming profile is stored on the
PDC. is there any way to have the roaming profile stored on the BDC?,
because I will have other 10.8.x.x networks and some of these remote
sites will be using DSL and I don't
2019 May 31
Inconsistency with LANMAN1 and Samba 4.9
On Fri, 2019-05-31 at 11:40 -0700, Jeremy Allison via samba wrote:
> On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 07:09:44PM +0200, Andreas Reichel wrote:
> > > > When adding me as the user with 'smbpasswd -a andreas', and entering a password,
> > > > no LANMAN hash is generated. The generated smbpasswd entry always contains 32 X as the first hash.
> > > >
> > >
2015 May 21
Import idmap database error on classicupgrade process
> Then why can the upgrade not contact the ldap server ?
I dont know! :(
Was ldap running on another computer before ?
I installed a temporary openLDAP backend on the new host.
Can you post the smb.conf from the old PDC ? the one you are trying to
> upgrade from.
I sent my smb.conf to your private e-mail.
On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 3:08 PM, Rowland Penny <rowlandpenny at
2007 Feb 27
Error message on domain member: User nobody with invalid SID
I am receiving the following error message on Samba domain member
(SLES9/3.0.24). Both PDC and BDC are Samba (smbldap) (SUSE 10.1 Samba
"User nobody with invalid SID
S-1-5-21-3838309271-3077283710-20730714-2998 in passdb"
This message is new having upgraded to current version from most recent
shipped with SLES9.
I am trying to figure out if this is related to the issue
2019 May 31
Inconsistency with LANMAN1 and Samba 4.9
On 31.05.19 22:07, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-05-31 at 11:40 -0700, Jeremy Allison via samba wrote:
>> On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 07:09:44PM +0200, Andreas Reichel wrote:
>>>>> When adding me as the user with 'smbpasswd -a andreas', and entering a password,
>>>>> no LANMAN hash is generated. The generated smbpasswd entry always contains 32 X