similar to: Clarifying how permissions work

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Clarifying how permissions work"

2006 Aug 06
Samba, Home Directories and Roaming Profiles
Hey guys, Got an interesting problem for you all. I am currently running Samba 3.0212 on a Fedora Core 5 server. I am trying to set up the users' home directories and profile paths. This is how I want it to work. I have a share called "Home" to store all the home directories. So for example the home directory path would be \\server\home\user. I want to set the Profile path to
2006 Aug 18
How would you setup this config with samba
Hy people, There is a friends company, that uses windows XP as a server to share directories, i am going to change it for a linux box, with Samba, and run a pdc domain with it, its a simple configuration with 13 computers and the only thing that they have to get w0rking, is passwd policys, they need that each month they have to change passwd, it has to be at least 8 characters long, etc .... I
2006 Aug 03
samba pdc and samba domain member server
hello is it possible to have a samba pdc and a samba domain member connected to that samba pdc ? i installed a samba pdc. it replaced an NT4 pdc. there is a samba domain member with winbind which worked fine with the NT4 pdc. but it doesnt work anymore. elh -- ?ric LE H?NAFF ?cole normale sup?rieure - Centre de ressources informatiques Informaticien, Ing?nieur d?veloppements et syst?mes
2006 Aug 31
DOS client cannot execute BATCH file on samba share
Hi I just upgrade from 3.0.13 to samba 3.0.23b and after upgrade DOS Lanman Clients could not execute BATCH or EXE files stored on a samba share. Client can see, type and copy the file but cannot execute ! It can execute the batch file copy to C: I dig a little and found: > >Further investigation has revealed that it seems
2006 Sep 08
User profiles ...
Hi All, When I log into a samba PDC for the first time I get a new folder on my machine called jbloggs.MYDOMAIN but when logging into an NT 4 PDC I just get a jbloggs folder. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Phil.
2013 Jun 09
Preparación de datos
Hola, ¿como están? Me encuentro haciendo un trabajo de Explotación de Información para la facultad y tengo un inconveniente a la hora de preparar los datos para poder operar con ellos. Tengo un atributo "Titulo Secundario" que cuenta con 139 valores diferentes (al final les dejo algunos de estos valores con la cantidad de ocurrencias de cada uno) y lo que quiero hacer es
2006 Aug 14
append to path from login script?
I'm wondering if there is a way to add a network share (either UNC or mapped drive) to the path of a user when they login? for example have a directory \\smbserver\apps and put putty.exe in there.. so that when I sit down at a machine I will always have putty in the path.. Is that possible?
2006 Aug 30
Okay my smb.conf file is correct. Firewall is configured correctly to allow Samba on local network. smbd and nmbd are running. Her computer still cannot connect to my printer share. I read my Samba version wrong its actually 3.0.23a-1.fc5.1, here is my smb.conf: [global] workgroup = HOME realm = SHAUN server string = Samba Server security = SHARE encrypt passwords = No log file =
2006 Aug 07
converting Linux users & paswords to Samba
Greetings all, I have a bit of a problem whose answer I cannot seem to find anywhere. I have a Fedora 5 system with about 300 users and 2 printers. Samba is running on the sole server. There are also about 2 dozen Windows XP computers in use, but there is no domain and no Active Directory. All the computers are standalone. Users desire to use the Samba printers and access their home
2006 Aug 06
Windows Explorer hangs when clicking on a samba share
I am new to samba and Linux. I mapped a drive from my Windows XP workstation to the /opt directory on the Linux box. When I am in Windows Explorer and I am viewing the samba drive, I can click on any directory or file on that drive, and the speed is very fast (like a local drive). If I click on another drive and click on the samba drive again after five minutes or so, my workstation hangs
2006 Sep 02
Roaming profiles errors and shares not disconnecting
Hi, We are using Samba 3.0.22 on FreeBSD 5.5 PDC with ldap backend and roaming profiles. We meet some difficulties when users logout from some Windows 2000 SP4 clients, and storing their profiles back to the Samba server. The file NTUSER.DAT seems to be uploaded and stored in lowercase, as ntuser.dat. Then, when users try to reopen a win session, they get a corrupted new profile. This new
2013 Sep 27
#Imagino que hay un camino más corto para resolver mi duda #Adjunto unos datos en csv library (epicalc) #Gráficos exploratorios #este comando no se ejecuta porque no ve las variables summ(IMC, by=escolaridad ) ##?porqué no ve las variables? #tuve que hacer esto que me parece que se podría hacer de manera más sencilla IMC <- (sanda[,c(1)]) escolaridad <-
2018 Jul 12
loop para repetir valores de un vector
Hola a todos! Estoy intentando crear un vector (alt) a partir de la repetición de valores provenientes de otro vector (altitud). A cada valor de altitud lo quiero repetir 1247 veces, y de ahi continuar con el siguiente valor de altitud. Probé varias cosas, pero esto me pareció lo más coherente: altitud=read.csv("C:/Users/IER/Dropbox/Pasantia Castelar/YungasLigustroTS/altitud44.csv")
2013 Mar 12
problema con el paquete rgl
Estimados usuarios de R: escribo porque tengo un problema con el paquete rgl que no puedo resolver desde hace un tiempo mi sessionInfo es. sessionInfo() R version 2.15.3 (2013-03-01) Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) el problema específico es el siguiente: library(rgl) > demo(rgl) demo(rgl) ---- ~~~ Type <Return> to start : >
2008 Jul 03
Security tab is no longer available in Windows clients.
Dear users, some days ago a user of the local network told me that she was not able to change ACL's through Windows. I've done some tests and indeed, when I right click a file/folder that is on the Samba server, the "Security" tab is no longer available. It does appear when I right-click any local file. The clients are running Windows XP Professional SP2 and the Samba server
2006 Aug 18
share write access
Hi, I am testing share parameters, and have the following share definition: ## Section - [shareA] [shareA] path = /tmp/shareA writelist = user1 and do not understand why user1 cannot write files in the share when connected as user1. Unix permissions for the share files are rw for everyone, and the share directory has wide-open permissions. Samba version is 3.0.20b-3.4-SUSE.
2006 Jul 31
Hello, I installed samba 3.0.23 on Fedora Cora 4 and I configured it with this smb.conf file: [global] dos charset = UTF-8 workgroup = OAF_ADMIN server string = OAF Samba PDC Server passdb backend = tdbsam username map = /etc/samba/smbusers password level = 1 log level = 13 log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50
2013 Apr 01
Próxima reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid" - Jueves 4-Abril....
Buenas a todo, Una breve nota para comentaros que este jueves (4-Abril) mantendremos la siguiente reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid". La agenda prevista es la siguiente: (Prevista) Jueves 4 de Abril de 2013 - *Lugar:* Facultad de Ciencias - UNED. C/ Senda del Rey, 9.<,688166&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL> -
2007 Mar 06
/etc/fstab and windows share problem
Hi, I`ve got a problem with samba and /etc/fstab. I have a second computer running Windows XP SP2 with Western Digital MyBook USB2 external hard disk attached. The Disk is shared over windows network with a label "My Book (J)". I can manually mount this samba resource by typing "sudo mount -t smbfs -o fmask=777,dmask=777,guest '//win/My Book (J)' /media/MyBook", but
2014 Feb 26
error en ifelse
Hola No es lo mismo pero en mi caso personal la forma que utilizo se basa en el ejemplo de página 49, no usa el if pero también hay una condición para todos los verdaderos. No intenté en este caso en particular, habría que ver si también da problemas, pero como Carlos Ortega que sabe mucho dio una solución y como vos estas empezando no quiero