similar to: Re: administrator privileges

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Re: administrator privileges"

2003 Sep 15
domain admin
Hi ! I'm desperately looking for an answer here... I've been fighting all week-end with samba-3.0 and there's still something I can't do... Basically: how can I add some of my users to the Domain admin group ? I use FreeBSD-5.1+samba3.0RC3. My group maps: Admins du domaine (S-1-5-21-xxxx-512) -> domainadmins Utilisa. du domaine (S-1-5-21-xxxx-513) -> domainusers Invites du
2003 Dec 12
adding machines to the domain with Samba 3.0.0
Is there something special I need to do to let root add computers to the domain in 3.0? When I try to add the workstation I get an error about 'user not found' even though I can logon to a workstation joined to the domain as 'root'. I was able to add computers to the domain with 2.2.8 with an 'add user command' entry and 'domain admin group = root' in my
2004 May 11
W2k joining a domain controlled by samba 3.0.2a (PDC)
Hi all, I've just setup a samba(PDC)+ldap-(no)winbind and it works OK for W98 client, but W2K client isn't able to join the domain. my checklist: 1. ldap works: example$ ldapsearch -LL -x -b 'ou=KAROWA' -s sub '(&(objectclass=*)(uid=lenec))' **ldap*> dn: uid=lenec,ou=People,ou=KAROWA **ldap*> uid: lenec **ldap*> objectClass: sambaSamAccount **ldap*>
2002 Nov 16
Samba domain controller problem....
I don't mean to nag... but I must get this problem fixed soon..... and it seems to be a common one on these mailing lists... I cannot add my Win2K Sp3 machine to my samba PDC... i receive the error message "No mapping between account names and securityids was done" I have created the machine account... the machine account and root are added in smbpasswd.... I have checked and they
2004 Jan 29
Winbind and GroupMapping
I was wondering if anyone has come across an error in their winbindd log: could not lookup membership for group rid S-1-5-21-3506869558-4124343851-970148941-2025 in domain BOGUS (error: NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_GROUP) I have all the mappings done correctly: domainadmin (S-1-5-21-3506869558-4124343851-970148941-512) -> domainadmin domainusers (S-1-5-21-3506869558-4124343851-970148941-513) ->
2008 Sep 26
Few questions on configuring Samba as a PDC
Please don't flame me. I did attempt to search before posting this question (through Gmail), if there's a better way, please let me know! I followed this article for implementing a Samba PDC: Question 1) The only accout that appears to be able to add an account onto the domain is the root account. There must be a way to change that
2004 Jan 24
Dis-used ip creating errors in logs & slow XP browsing
I run samba 3.0.1 on a Redhat 9 box. Everything is fine, there are just two minor points which I would like to fix. Firstly, I am seeing the following in my logs. It occurs every few hours in /var/log/samba/log.nmbd and every 10 minutes or so in /var/log/messages: [2004/01/24 01:17:04, 0] nmbd/nmbd_browsesync.c:get_domain_master_name_node_status_fail(485)
2018 Mar 06
Fwd: Migrating server
Am Dienstag, 6. März 2018, 16:42:23 CET schrieb Rob Thoman: > I have the following in the samba logs for that machine > > Failed to get groups from sam account. > > > So basically it is telling me there are issues with groups, fair > enough. What is the best way to get the groups in ldap? I have tried > the pdedit -i tdbsam -e ldapam, also have tried adding it via the
2018 Mar 07
Fwd: Migrating server
dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=groups,dc=mydomain objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup objectClass: sambaGroupMapping gidNumber: 512 cn: Domain Admins description: Netbios Domain Administrators sambaSID: S-1-5-21-3936576374-1604348213-1812465911-512 sambaGroupType: 2 displayName: Domain Admins memberUid: root memberUid: sadmin dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=groups,dc=mydomain objectClass: top objectClass:
2003 Jul 22
W2K SP4, Samba 3.0.0beta2 and Profiles
Hello, now I still have a problem with my Samba installation. Userprofiles don't work under W2K SP4. They work fine with Windows NT 4. When loggin on for the first time the user profile directory is created. After loggin off however no data is written to the profile directory on the Samba PDC. My smb.conf looks like this: =====> # Samba config file created using SWAT # from
2003 Jul 23
Profiles not working with W2K SP4, Samba 3.0.0beta2 (already posted but got no answer)
Hello, I still have a problem with my Samba installation. Userprofiles don't work under W2K SP4. They work fine with Windows NT 4. When loggin on for the first time the user profile directory is created. After loggin off however no data is written to the profile directory on the Samba PDC. When logging on there ist the following activity in the logs (debug level = 1; log.pc1): =====>
2003 Aug 29
Problems with GID Samba 3.0.0 Beta2 Debian Testing
Hello, I've got a somehow weird problem with the primary GID of samba users. passdb backend is tdbsam. when I connect to the samba server my gid is set to 2147483404 instead of 1002 (domainusers). The GID 1002 ist configured as my primary group in /etc/passwd. This also happens with other usernames. After deleting group_mapping.tdb this worked for some hours but the error came back.
2005 Nov 01
Problems with Winbind and Squid NTLM authentications
Hello, I'm using Squid with NTLM authentication. I use perl script ( for the user authentication in a Win 2K ADS as an external ACL in Squid. This scheme worked very well for long time, but recently my users had often problem in the Internet browsing: browser ask for the credential even if the NTLM is enabled, and nobody browse till I reboot the proxy server. I check the
2002 Oct 07
smbpasswd resolve problem
Hi all, I've resolve problem (I think) when try to join samba server to Win2k domain. As you can see bellow for EARTH (Domain controler in native mode) is assigned invalid IP address ( when the real one is I try to use lmhosts file with correct address and -R lmhosts option without any success. It's only samba problem, I haven't other resolve problems. I try
2008 Oct 26
Installing windows drivers into print$ on OS X 10.5 Leopard
Has anyone had any success installing windows printer drivers onto a leopard-hosted print$ share? If I use the Add Printer Wizard method, if copies the driver files to \ \SERVER\print$\W32X86 then fails with an "Operation cannot be completed." If I use the rpcclient method I get a WERR_INVALID_PARAM error. Using the Adobe Generic PostScript driver as an example.
2003 Feb 04
Issues with Joining an NT4 Domain
Hello I'm having some dificulties joining my Samba 3.0alpha (and 2.2.7a) machine to my NT4 domain. Let me tell you what I'm attempting to accomplish. I want to setup the Samba system to authenticate to my NT domain so that I can use NTLM Proxy authentication with SQUID. Through reading the docs, I'm under the impression that in order to allow thre SQUID/Samba setup to auth on
2002 May 10
somebody please help
Dear all, I have a serious problem that I can't rectify. My smb.conf is as follows. I use Solaris 2.6 on SPARC # Global parameters [global] workgroup = SOME_DOMAIN netbios name = 220R server string = Samba For Backup On Solaris security = SERVER encrypt passwords = Yes update encrypted = Yes obey pam restrictions = Yes password server = *
2002 Jul 02
Authentication problem with samba 2.2.5
We have started to upgrade or Unix servers from Samba 2.0.7 to Samba 2.2.5. I did one machine as test and all worked fine. Today I tried adding two more today and both come up with the "Incorrect password or unknown username" box in Windows Explorer. All the Unix servers are running Solaris 7. I did the make on an NFS file system once and then ran 'make install' on each
2004 Jul 20
Question about permissions
Hi, First of all, my apologies for the extension of this message, but it is needeed for you to undertand my problem. Straight to the point: i have this domain in my company running in Samba 3.0.2 My users are: hcoelho, jardim, gamito, yesenia, smatias, fqueiros, faugusto, vamaro, peixinho, aragao, dina, pinho. I have this shares with the users that can access them and the correponding Linux
2003 Sep 11
how can I be a domain admin in 3.0RC3 ?
Hi ! I'm using samba-3.0RC3 as a PDC (for testing). I'm using the ldap backend. I created 1 user, 1 computer and some groups. I mapped the unix groups domainadmins to "Domain admins" with my_personnal_sid-512. I added my user to domainadmins. I set "admin users = @domainadmins" in my smb.conf, but I still do not have domain admin rights on workstations :( Any idea