similar to: Permissions for share

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Permissions for share"

2006 Apr 06
net drive mapping not working in login script
I've set the path for each user in pdbedit and created a login script with drive mapping etc etc The network drives aren't being mapped when I login each user: smb.conf [global] printcap name = cups cups options = raw map to guest = Bad User # include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf logon path = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile logon home = \\%L\%U\.9xprofile
2006 Apr 11
Unable to run application from share
I'm not sure if this is a samba problem or just a problem with the app. I'm unable to an application from a shared drive "\\ucd01\protel\". I've mapped the network drive "k:\protel\"and the apps ini file points to it but gives me an error message suggesting it can't see the drive. XP can however and I can browse it in explorer. A strange thing is that when I
2006 Apr 06
Not able to join domain
I'm trying to set up Samba 3.0.20-4-SUSE on a opensuse 10 machine. I'm working with XP Pro on the client machine. I can't get the XP mahcine (RDS7) to join the domain (UCD). It asks for a user when trying to join and then says it cannot find it. The samba log is: auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(317) check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [root] -> [root] FAILED with error
2007 May 23
Can not add machine to the domain
Running samba-3.0.24 with ldap on debian etch. Whenever I try to add an xp pro machine to the domain I get (on the pc) "the username can not be found". I'm loggin in as admin. In the samba log I get (for this pc) " passdb/pdb_interface.c:pdb_default_create_user(368) _samr_create_user: Running the command `/usr/local/smbldap-tools/smbldap-useradd -w
2007 May 29
The conflicting domain portions are not supported for NETLOGON calls
Debain etch with samba 3.0.24-6 I'm trying to logon with an XP machine after joining it to the domain. I'm getting the following error in the machine log. rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:_net_sam_logon_internal(1004) _net_sam_logon: user USIT\chris.boyd has user sid S-1-5-21-1953726507-754737620-746616776 but group sid S-1-5-21-1953726507-754737620-746616776-513. The conflicting
2006 Sep 04
Smart-UPS with SuSE 9.0/Nut
I have a Dell PE 2850 connected via 940-0024C cable to serial port on the UPS mentioned above. I've used apt-get to install nut-2.0.2-3 and attempted to configure based on the documentation. So far I'm getting the following when I try to start ups daemon: server:/etc/ups # /etc/init.d/ups start Starting service NUT: -> Starting UPS driver: Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller
2007 Jul 04
ham, No access to share
All the group mappings are in place: net groupmap list Domain Admins (S-1-5-21-1953726507-754737620-746616776-20000) -> admins Domain Guests (S-1-5-21-1953726507-754737620-746616776-20002) -> guests Domain Users (S-1-5-21-1953726507-754737620-746616776-20001) -> users getent passwd admin:*:0:20000:admin :/home/users/admins/in: gal_script$:*:30000:515:Computer:/dev/null:/bin/false
2007 Jul 17
bulk adduser scripts for smbldap-tools
I'm looking for scripts to create bulk users on a Debian Etch/samba3/smbldap-tools0.9.2-3 pdc. I've been looking through the archives and all over google. To no avail. So far all I've found is a reference to a script that comes with smbldap-installer..which I cannot find either. TIA ----------------------------------------------------------------- This email message is intended
2007 Jul 03
No access to share
Running Debian Etch with Samba-3.0.24 and ldap... I've set up a few users as part of the admin group and one in the users group. When I log onto the XP machine they can see their home drives but I get a command prompt asking for username and password for the server (usit-file). Not even admin can login though. Even if I log onto the XP machine as the domain admin I can't access the share.
2016 Feb 08
Using filegroup for access control within a share
Hi, I have an issue with using a UNIX filegroup for access control within a share. The situation is like this: Given a share "test" which exports "/test" to a NIS netgroup "foo", I want to limit access to the directory "/test/restricted" to a specific filegroup "bar". All members of the filegroup "bar" are also members of the netgroup
2016 Feb 10
Using filegroup for access control within a share
On Tue, 2016-02-09 at 15:17 -0800, Jeremy Allison wrote: > On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 01:54:33PM +0100, Trond Hasle Amundsen wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I have an issue with using a UNIX filegroup for access control within a > > share. The situation is like this: > > > > Given a share "test" which exports "/test" to a NIS netgroup
2016 Feb 10
Using filegroup for access control within a share
On Wed, 2016-02-10 at 09:20 +0000, Rowland penny wrote: > On 10/02/16 07:44, Trond Hasle Amundsen wrote: > > On Tue, 2016-02-09 at 15:17 -0800, Jeremy Allison wrote: > >> On Mon, Feb 08, 2016 at 01:54:33PM +0100, Trond Hasle Amundsen wrote: > >>> Hi, > >>> > >>> I have an issue with using a UNIX filegroup for access control within a >
2006 May 05
User permissions
I'm trying to follow the tutorial on using rsync with ssh/cron. Implimenting the no password method. It says not to use root and create a user. The question is, if I am mirroring home directors how do I give this user the proper permissions? ----------------------------------------------------------------- This email message is intended only for the addressee(s) and contains information
2007 Dec 05
Cannot access share]
Actually what I've discovered is that the user is able to access the share and access the shared folders where its a member of it's respective group. However, I have a weird problem where 1. user logon.bat does not map shared drive to S: and 2. under the domain name/server in My Network Places there are the folders in the share as well as a subfolder called "shared". It
2007 Feb 09
RE gap statistic in cluster analysis
Has anyone implemented Tibrishani's gap statistic in R or S plus? If so I would greatly appreciate the relevant script file. Any help will be much appreciated Kind regards Dr Graham Leask Economics and Strategy Group Aston Business School Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET Tel: Direct line 0121 204 3150 email [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Nov 24
Diebold Mariano Test
Dear List Has anyone used R to distnguish between alternative forecasting models? In particular is the Diebold Mariano test available for use within R. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Graham Leask Lecturer in Strategy Economics & Strategy Group Aston University Aston Triangle Birmingham B4 7ET Tel: 0121 204 3150 E Mail: g.leask at
2007 Jun 06
directory structure
Debian Etch with Samba 3.0.24 and slapd I'm trying to get my head around how to set up the directory structure of the files server and just looking to be pointed in the right direction. Basically I'm trying to move the directory structure and setup the same network shares and permissions from a novell server/suse-9.0 server. I'm just not sure how to get the same from Samba. Basically
2006 Oct 21
Box M test
Dear List I am looking for a script that will calculate the Box M test to test the homogeneity of the variance/covariance matrix between two matrices. If anyone could send me the script I would appreciate it. I am aware of the scepticism about this test, where due to extreme sensitivity a p value of 0.01 is recommended. Despite this however Box's M test is the established
2007 Feb 17
help with cluster stopping rules
Is there a function available in R that implements Mojena's Upper Tail Rule or that draws a Mojena plot? I would also like to find a function that implements Duda and Hart's stopping rule. Finally with function cophenet how can I achieve a straightforward Cophenet correlation coefficient (i.e. one number for example 0.876) that gives the agreement between the structure of the
2020 Jul 11
nbdkit / exposing disk images in containers
KubeVirt is a custom resource (a kind of plugin) for Kubernetes which adds support for running virtual machines. As part of this they have the same problems as everyone else of how to import large disk images into the system for pets, templates, etc. As part of the project they've defined a format for embedding a disk image into a container (unclear why? perhaps so these can be distributed