similar to: samba+ldap: authentication probelm.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "samba+ldap: authentication probelm."

2006 Apr 20
How to set mysql backend for samba; Urgent pls
Hello group, I Just joined the group and this is the first message to this group. I am facing a problem while configuring mysql backend to samba. I am using samba 2.2.7, mysql 5.0, pam-mysql-0.5 and RH9. Is it possible to set mysql backend for samba2.2.7? Pls explain the way to configure mysql to samba as backend. Regards Krishnam. __________________________________________________ Do You
2003 Nov 10
Win2k Password Hash
I posted this earlier, but never saw it show up in the mailing list so I'm posting it again. I have a Samba 3.0 PDC using LDAP as it's password database backend, but I can't get a user to log on to a Win2k machine on the domain. In the log file for the PC (on the Samba machine), I see that the user is found in the LDAP backend but that getpwnam failed. The username does not
2004 Aug 18
LDAP and Password Values
I remain unclear regarding Samba and LDAP. It appears that mkntpwd is required to generate a viable sambaNTPassword and sambaLMPassword attribute values. But I believe I read that the current incarnation of smbpasswd can accomplish this. Lastly, when utilzing phpLDAPadmin, do the NT and LM password fields contain the values generated by mkntpwd? -- Raymond
2013 Aug 06
wireless networking probelm with WEP
Hi All! I run in to problem, what described in some more place: . The concrete problem is: when I use FreeBSD with WEP, there are no RX traffic received. So, when I probed a DHCP request, then here are no response from DHCP server. The OS is: FreeBSD 9.2-BETA2 (freebsd-stable).
2008 Apr 17
Having a probelm woth creating a a simple chart.
Hello, I am having trouble with creating a simple bar chart using R. My file just consists of 1 column called reason. Within this column, there are 2 responses(Room for Improvement and Info entered is all relevant). My code for creating the charts is as follows: d <-read.table("C://project/graphs/reason.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE) pie(d$reason, labels=d$reason,
2012 May 08
Translation of Linear minimization probelm from matlab to r
Hi everyone, i?m a new user of R and i?m trying to translate an linear optimization problem from Matlab into r. The matlab code is as follow: options = optimset('Diagnostics','on'); [x fval exitflag] = linprog(f,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,[],options); exitflag fval x=round(x); Where: f = Linear objective function vector (vector of 45,rows) A = Matrix for linear inequality
2003 Jan 15
Probelm with TC commands
Hello , I have installed Tc and have problems running basic tc commands for PRIO qdisc . I tried tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 1 root prio Result : Invalid argument tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: prio Result : Invalid argument What could be the problem.? Regards Andre --------------------------------- With Yahoo! Mail you can get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits
2001 Sep 25
Samba, I work for DIA which is located on Bolling Air Force Base in Washington D.C. We are currently using Samba 2.0.10 on our SUN UNIX servers which are running Solaris 2.5.1. Our customers are experincing a problem when saving/creating documents via notepad within their home directory. Once the document is saved and the user/customer attempts to open the document, we get the follwing
2006 Jul 07
Probelm with WINE and MFC application
Hi Everybody, I Created a small application in VC++ MFC. The application displays a messagebox on clicking a buttton. This application I want to port on Linux version. I am using Linux RedHat9.0 and kernel version is 2.4.20-8. with WineLib I am following the guide lines given in Wine LIB User guide. I copied all the source code from CD and I change the mode read /write than in the current
2007 Jun 08
Dot Lock probelm resolution
For the record/archive, so some other unfortunate dovecot implementer won't spend weeks figuring out this particular way dotlocks can have problems... here is what was trashing our dotlocks Basically, I was seeing this: May 14 15:59:58 mercury mail:warn|warning dovecot: IMAP(sdean): Our dotlock file /var/spool/mail/sdean.lock was deleted (kept it 1 secs) > May 14 15:59:58 mercury
2010 Oct 06
probelm with users logging in
Greetings running dovecot for my first time on an OSX 10.6 server. after a reboot, several users are not able to Authenticate. here is a sample Oct 5 20:22:32 hsmail dovecot[2142]: auth(default): od(juser, auth mech=CRAM-MD5 Oct 5 20:22:32 hsmail dovecot[2142]: auth(default): od(juser, username=juser, challenge=<6757250558559635.1286324552 at
2006 Aug 31
Data Download Probelm from Yahoo
Hi All, I'm trying to download data using following code. require(UsingR) ## This is the R-package you need to run command yahoo.get.hist.quote #Initialize empty table closing <-NULL #Downalod consituents since I don't have it on my comp download.file("", "Z:/BETA PROJECT/DATA DOWNLOAD FROM
2012 Feb 20
the probelm in using libvirt to connect esx server
hi, I am a new user of libvirt ,i really appreciate libvirt?and want to use it in my work.I want to use it to conncet to a ESXi server.when I try to connect to the server ,I use the command :virsh -c esx://name at,And I get an 1.error :error: internal error curl_easy_perform() returned an error: Couldn't connect to server (7) : couldn't connect to host so I think maybe
2005 Nov 08
R-2.2.0: malloc probelm in regex code (PR#8287)
Full_Name: Gordon Lack Version: 2.2.0 OS: OSF1/Tur64 Submission from: (NULL) ( R-2.2.0 fails to build on OSF1 systems. ..... make[4]: Leaving directory `..../R-2.2.0/src/library/tools/src Error in list.files(path, pattern, all.files, full.names, recursive) : invalid 'pattern' regular expression Execution halted make[3]: *** [all] Error 1 ..... I've tracked
2003 Sep 03
glmmPQL probelm
Dear listers, First let me appologize if the same mail arrives multiple times. Recently I had some probelms sending my e-mails to the list. I encountered a problem when running glmmPQL procuedure doing multilevel modeling with a dichotomous outcome. Those are the two error messages I usually get: Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 3)
2005 Dec 02
Samba LDAP Tools and mkntpwd
I'm in the middle of Samba 3.0.9 ==> 3.0.14a migration testing. Because I'm using newer tools, I am also using a newer verions of the Samba LDAP Tools. My older version, 0.8.4, used the 'mkntpwd' utility to generate NT passwords. The new version, 0.9.1 defaults to using (what looks like) a Perl module called Crypt::SmbHash. My questions: Do I need to continue to use mkntpwd?
2003 May 30
load password users in Ldap
Hello, I'm new in Samba Ldap. I use samba-2.2.3a and openldap2-2.1.4-46. I am going to load in Ldap a lot of users in a ldif file as it is shown below. But I don't know how to put samba password. I can use: smbpasswd juan1 and then the fields lmPassword and ntPassword are changed. In this way, after load all users in Ldap I would need a script to do a smbpasswd for each user
2007 Sep 29
Probelm updatring a fresh install
I just installed CentOS-5 but when I try to update I get this: # yum clean all Loading "installonlyn" plugin Cleaning up Everything [root at inet02 ~]# yum update Loading "installonlyn" plugin Setting up Update Process Setting up repositories base 100% |=========================| 1.1 kB 00:00 updates 100% |=========================|
2003 Dec 11
Probelm with read.table
Hi All, I have the following text file (mytextfile.txt) 738307 527178 714456 557955 #N/A 17.42 6.22 4.73 #N/A 17.3 6.23 4.75 #N/A 17.29 6.17 4.7 #N/A 17.07 6.12 4.6 #N/A 17.27 6.19 4.7 #N/A 17.72 6.4 4.78 #N/A 17.12 6.19 4.75 #N/A 17.07 6.15 4.65 #N/A 17.03 6.07 4.64 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A 17.38 6.13 4.7 #N/A
2002 May 14
Bugfix for idealx smbldap-tools
Hi. When I tried to setup my LDAP I used the smbldap-tools from idealx. I discovered some errors which made the tools unusable for me. Here's a fix for the bugs I discovered: a) I decided to use a suffix in the LDAP which contains spaces, ie. I used something like "o=My Org,c=DE". Because the suffix wasn't quoted in the various calls in the tools, this didn't work. b) It